Nikko Catalog Listening
This is the 30 pages manual for Nikko Catalog Listening.
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Page 2
Solid and durable
with a full
guarantee for 2
Years - most
components have
solid aluminum
The phiIOSOphy of NIKKO is quite sim- '
ple. Just listen", NIKKOs program is
called - a program worth listening to.
The owner of a NlKKO system will be
able to concentrate on listening and, will
be able to discover a sound world which '. * -
he may claim as his own. He will be able
to develop listening into a fine art.
NIKKO AUDIO is coming back to Europe
with a highly refined and technologically matured pro-
gram of High Fidelity. With preamplifiers, power am-
plifiers, integrated stereo amplifiers, audio-video
amplifiers, receivers, tuners, equalizers, cassette
decks, turntables and CI) players which, each in its
' turn, provide an optimum of
performance as well as Hu-
man Engineering. NlKKO has
been, for 30 years, one of the
leading and most innovative
of Japanese High Fidelity
manufacturers. Again and
again, NIKKO has, with pi-
oneenng invenfions, con-
tributed to the present high standard of High Fidelity
technology. NIKKO craftsmanship is so exacting that
each part is individually tested and re-tested for per-
fection, the net result is, a microprocessor controlled
product able to deliver the finest in the listening art.
And, last but not least, the combination of innova-
tive performance oriented technology and solid, ex-
tremely closely controlled quality has enhanced
NlKKOs worldwide reputation. NIKKO is that sure
of the quality of its products, that a 2 year guaran-
tee is granted for all High Fidelity products bearing
NIKKOs name, a guarantee
covering not only functioning
and working life but, also the
advertised performance.
A maximum of optimal technol-
ogy on the inside a minimum of MONO:-
controllers, switches, buttons '
on the outside: that's NIKKO.
Thus, you may be sure to own
the best listening quality your
money can buy, without your having to pass a course
in High Fidelity Science. Listening is a fine art, your
art, NIKKO provides the facilities. NIKKO. Just listen.
OFF _l_
NIKKO uses only
the most
advanced of
techniques on the
inside i.e. flat
ribbon wiring as
A minimum of
buttons, switches
on the outside
and clearly
defined functions
for better usage,
as exemplified
here by the dual
line selector