Nakamichi MX 100 Owners Manual
This is the 5 pages manual for Nakamichi MX 100 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Nakamichi MX 100 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
The Nakamichi BlackBox Series provides
the "missing link" that is oiten the
difference between nearsatisfaction am
total enioyment in advanced audio
systems.The MX-lofl Microphone Mixer
is a high-quality microphone preamplifier
with three inputs: left, right, and blend
(center). The MX-lDD may be used to
expand the mic capabilities oi tape decks
with mic/line mixing (2.9.1 increasing to
six the number of mic inputs on the
Nakamichi 1000, 700, and 500 decks),
or to make live recordings on decks
that do not have mic inputs (99., the
Nakamichi 600 Cassette Console). In
additionl the MX-iot) can be connected
directly to a power amplifier tor public
address applications.
l'tht Volume Control
Blond Voluml Control
Lift Vblum. Control
D.C. OutputJ
I.___ 4
IRlnht Mic Input
>-8bnd Mic Input
Llft Mic Input
The MX-iOO requires :10 volts oi direct
current provided by the Nakamichi
P9100 Power Supply_
Turn the power off for the entire audio
system. Connect the PS-lDO Power
Supply according to the instructions in
the PS-lDO Owner's Manual. Make sure
that the power switch at the P340!) is
in the oif position. With the supplied
DIN-taleN connector, connect the D.C.
Output of the PS-iDO to the D.C. Input
oi the MX-iOO. If you already have
BiaokBox components connected to the
P5400. you may connect the unused
D.C. Output of the last component in
the chain to the D.C. Input of the