Nagra 5 service manual

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nagra 5 service manual

Extracted text from nagra 5 service manual (Ocr-read)

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JUN 2004 ELECTRONIC SERVICE BULLETIN TIE 31-08 KUDELSKI GROUP NAGRAVISION CH-1033-CHESEAUX TEL 021/732-0101 2 FAX 021/732-0100 Move the camera return cable so that it sits downward to the bottom of the machine and as most as possible behind the LF output PCB. Reduce the pin size to maximum 1 mm versus the LF output PCB. Add some solder to remove any sharp edges. If on the upper deck motherboard, the connector J2 is installed, cut all the pins as short as possible or unsolder the connector. Disconnect the speaker connector. By removing 10 nuts and 1 screw, remove the upper deck motherboard by also removing the EDI ribbon cable from the PC104 PCB and the external HDD as well as the HDD power connector. On the deck, remove the left 10 mm spacer this to install afterwards easily the ribbon cable. Installation By using double-sided glue tape, add the insulator (0131 030 009) on the PC104 PCB 2 layers 2 layers