Nad 1985 Catalog
This is the 8 pages manual for Nad 1985 Catalog.
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Extracted text from Nad 1985 Catalog (Ocr-read)
Page 2
NAD 1130
NAD 2155
NAD amplifiers are famous through
out the world for their clean, uncom-
plicated design, logical operation
and high-headroom circurtry They
are capable of dramatically outper-
forming other products that may
seem, at first glance, to have
similar specifications.
preamplifier circuit includes:
D A discrete-transistor phono
preamp so quiet that the only
noise you ever hear is that of your
cartridge or record.
El Steep infrasonic filtering to elimi-
nate bass distortion due to turntable
rumble, arm resonance, disc warp,
or acoustic feedback.
D An overloadeproof CD input
whose dynamic range is 10 dB
greater than the Compact Disc.
D Bass EQ that extends the effece
tive deep-bass response of most
loudspeakers an extra half-octave.
The NAD 1130 is the ideal preamp
for discriminating audiophiles on a
budget. Besrdes the features listed
above, the 1130 includes a high-gain
headphone output that provides full-
range sound with most headphones.
The NAD 1155 adds the extra flexie
bility of separate recording and lis-
tening selectors (to record one sig-
nal while listening to another) and
has connections for two tape ref
corders. its MM phono stage is an
FET-input circuit with selectable
capacitance, very pre0ise RIAA
EQ, and exceptional freedom from
interference and noise. The MC
pre-preamp is ultraquiet. with as-
tonishing transparency and detail.
power amplifier circuit has:
D +3 dB to 6 dB of IHF dynamic
headroom, delivering double the
rated output power (or more) during
musical transients.
C] High output current capacity
to drive the complex and reactive
impedances (as low as 2 ohms) that
occur in real speakers.
D An impedance selector to
match the amplifier to your loud-
speaker system.
D Soft Clippingw to minimize audible
distortion even when the amplifier is
overdriven beyond its power limit,
The NAD 2155 is NADs ver-
satile "building block" power ame
plifier. Conservatively rated at 55
W/channel with 3 dB of dynamic
headroom (over 100 W/ch for
peaks), the 2155 includes all of
the features above and a bridging
switch that combines its two chan-
nels Into a mono amplifier rated at
150W continuous, 250W dynamic.