Nad 7175PE 7250PE Brochure
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Extracted text from Nad 7175PE 7250PE Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
" with POWER ENVELOPE design
Page 2
Introduction: Circuit Features-Amplifier Section
NAD is internationally recognized as the value leader POWER ENVELOPE circuitry. In the NAD 7175PE and
in hi-fi, and these receivers set a new world standard for 7250PE receivers, the available tone-burst power for music is
musically useful dynamic power. Indeed, they redefine the four to six times greater than the rated continuous power for
very idea °l dynamic POWEF- They have nearly 9 same size. test tones. The SO-watt" 7250PE produces over 200 watts per
heat dissipation -and nearly the same cost-as conven- channel of tone-burst power, while the 75-watt" 7175PE can
tional medium-power" receivers. But thanks to POWER produce bursts of 300 watts into 8 ohms and 400 watts per
ENVELOPE design, these new NAD receivers produce hun- channel into a 4-ohrrl impedance,
dreds of watts of clean, solid power for flawless reproduction
Digital-ready design. The line-level inputs of these re-
of the dynamic bursts in music.
ceivers will not be overloaded by high-level signal peaks from
Unlike many receivers Wthh perform at their best only a Compact Disc player or digital tape recorder. The signal-t0-
with loudspeakers that electrically resemble a simple 8-ohm noise ratio, over 100 dB, exceeds that of any analog or digital
resistor, NAD receivers feature a Speaker Impedance selector program source, The |ow
speakers of any impedance-high or low, simple or complex. parent clarity of the finest analog and digital recordings will
The phono preamplifier circuit has unusually low noise be preserved
and thh headroom l0l peaks. The OVEI'lOad'PlOOl lilDUlS Low-noise phono preamplifier. As long as LPs remain a
for digital Compact Disc and video-related audio can ac- principal music source for many listeners, there must be no
commodate 3 dynamic range greater than 103 dB- The compromise in the quality of the phono preamp circuit. NAD's
combination of Bass £0 with infrasonic filtering provides phono preamp circuits feature accurate RlAA equalization,
bass that is powerful WlhOUt the muddiness 0f intermodu- correct interfacing with the complex impedance of the phono
lationdistortion. cartridge, very low noise, and plenty of headroom to ac-
A special FM noise-reduction circuit trades away stereo commodate the highest-level peaks without distortion The
separation in weak signals to obtain a welcome quieting of total dynamic range of the phono preamp is greater than
noise and distortion. At every signal level, the quieting is 5 to 105 dB, ample for all direct
separate tuners. High-current output stage. Electrical power is the product
When you choose an NAD receiver, you are investing of voltage and current. In some receivers the output current is
in quality behind the front panel-in advanced engineering deliberately constricted by current limiters (protection circuits),
design. selected parts, oversize high-current transistors. in order to allow the use of smaller, cheaper output transistors.
exacting quality control, and solid construction tor consistent But NAD engineers have always known, and other manu-
pertormance and long-term reliability. facturers have lately begun to realize. that to provide precise
electromagnetic control of the speaker voice-coil's motion,
the amplifier must be able to supply high peak currents upon
NAD manufactures an entire line ofhome electronics, inc/udlng stereo and demand The NAD 7250PE can produce peak currents greater
Video components. loudspeakers and accessories The 7l75PEls shown than 30 amperes per channel, and the 7175PE can deliver in
below With the 6155 Cassette Deck and 5355 Compact DISC Player excess of 40~ampere peaks.