Musical fidelity xdac mk8 owners manual
This is the 13 pages manual for musical fidelity xdac mk8 owners manual.
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Extracted text from musical fidelity xdac mk8 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
X-DAC V8 CONTENT S Issue 1: 19 th October 2006 PA GE 3 Sa fety in for mation - Safety info rm ation 4 General advi ce - - Installa tio n pr ecau tions User info rm ation 5 Ite m di sposa l information - EU dispo sal inform atio n 6 Insta llation - - - - - - - Introducti on Installa tio n Audio co nnec tion Inputs Output s Power Clean ing 7 Facil ities and co nnections - Illustra tions - front and rea r pane ls 8 Remot e con tro l - Opera tion and illus tration 9 Basic op era tion - - - - - Switch on Dig ital inpu ts 1,2 an d 3 USB input Analog ue ou tput s Digital outp ut 10 DAC pr obl ems ? - Ba sic DAC fa ult finding 11 DAC specifications 12 Manual history Page 2 of 13
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X-DAC V8 SAFETY I N FO RMATIO N Issue 1: 19 th October 2006 IM PO RT AN T ! (U .K . only) This u nit is s uppl ied in th e U.K . wi th m ains le ad fitted with a m oulded 13 am p plug . If, for any re ason, you need to cu t off th e plug , ple ase r emove the fu se hol der a nd dis pose of th e plug saf ely, out of rea ch of ch ildren . It m ust not be plugged into a m ains out let. The wir es in t he m ains lead suppl ied wit h th is appl ian ce are co lour ed i n ac cord anc e with the fo llow ing code : Green a nd y ellow.............. Earth Blue....... ............. ............N eutra l Brown............ ............. ........ Liv e WARNI NG - Thi s app lianc e M UST be earthe d As the colo urs of the w ires of th e m ains l ead of thi s ap pli ance m ay not co rre spond with the colou red m arking s iden tifying the te rm inals in y our p lug, proceed as f ollow s: The w ire wh ich is co lou red green- and -yellow m ust be conne cte d to the t erm inal in the p lug which i s m arked with the let ter E or co lour ed g reen or green- and- yellow, or by the ea rth symbol : The wir e whi ch i s co lou red brown m ust be conne cted t o the term inal whi ch is m arked with t he l etter L or col oured red. The wir e whi ch i s co lou red blue m ust b e conn ected to the term ina l w hich i s m arked w ith the letter N or co lou red bl ack . If connect ing to a BS136 3 plug , a 13 am p fus e m ust b e used. WARNI NG: ANY MO DIF ICATIO NS TO THI S PRODUCT NOT EXP RESSLY A PPROVED BY M USI CAL FIDELI TY W HO IS THE PARTY RESP ONSIB LE FO R STANDARDS CO M PLIANCE CO ULD VO ID TH E USER' S AUTHO RI TY TO OP ERATE TH IS EQ UIPM ENT. Page 3 of 13