Musical fidelity vdac owners manual
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Item disp osal info rmat ion for Europ e DISPOSAL The crossed out wheel ed bin label that appears on t he back panel of the tes that the product must not be disposed of as norm al hous ehold was te. To prev ent possible harm to the env ironment please separat e the produc t from other waste to ensure that it can be rec ycled in an env ironmentally safe manner. Please contact your local government office or your ret ailer for available collection facilities. DISPOSITION produc t indica La poube lle sur roulettes barrées X, qui appara ît en logo sur le panneau domestique c arrière du produit, indique que celui-ci ne do it pas être traité comme un déc het ommun. Afin de prot éger l 'environnem ent, ce produi t électronique dev ra être géré s éparém ent et donc recyclé selon les nouv elles norm es Européennes Rohs concernant les déchets d'appareil s électroniques. Prière de c ontacter les services concernés gouvernementaux ou vot re point de vente pour l'élimination et l'enlèvement de déc hets électroniques équipés de composants électroniques. DISPOSAL La etiqueta cruzada hac ia fuera del compartimiento que apa rece en e l e normal de panel trasro del produc to indica que el producto no se debe reciclarse como basura la casa. Para pre venir daños posible al ambiente separe por f avor el produc to de otras basura para asegurars e de que puede s er reciclada de una m anera ambientalmente segura. Entre en contacto por favor a su oficina gu bernam ental local o a su minorista para l as instalaciones disponibles de la colección. RIFIUTI L'etichetta del cassonetto barrat o riportato sul retro dell'appar ecchio non dev e essere smaltito tramite la procedura norm ale di smaltiment questo prod indica che il prodotto o dei rifiuti dom estici. Per evitare ev entuali dann i all'ambiente, separare otto da al tri rifiuti domestici in modo che po ssa venire riciclato in base alle procedure d i rispetto ambientale. Per maggiori dettagli s ulle aree d i raccolta disponibili, contattate l'ufficio govenativo locale od il rivenditore de l prodot to. FACHGE RECHTE ENTSORGUNG: Das auf der Gerät erückseite angebrac hte Label deutet darauf hin, dass k ehricht entsorgt werden darf . Um Schäden undProdukt fach das Produt nicht mit konventionellem Haus k Verschmutzungen an Um welt und M ensch zu vermeiden, muss das gerecht entsorgt und von anderem Abfall getrennt werden. Wenden S ie sich bei Fragen h ierzu an I hren Fac hhändl er oder an eine öf fentliche Informationsstelle. AFVAL Het label op de achterzijde van dit apparaat , een af valbak op wielen met doorgehaald, geef t aan dat dit apparaat niet samen m et gewoon huishoudaf val mag worden weggegoo id. Om mogelijke schade aan onze leefomgeving te voorkomen dient dit apparaat , gescheiden v an gewoon hui shoude lijk afval, te worden af gevoerd z odat het op een m ilieuvriendelijke manier kan worde n gerec ycled. Neem voor bes chikbare inzamelplaatsen contact op met uw gem eentelijke reinigingsdienst of met uw el ektronica leverancier. een k ruis HÄVITTÄMIN EN Yliruksattua jäteastiaa kuvaava tarra tuotteen takalevyssä kertoo, että aa käsitellä normaalina talousjätteenä. Ympäristön suojelemiseksi on tuote pidettävä erillään m uusta jätteestä ja se on k ierrätettävä ekologisesti kestävällä tavalla. Ota yhteyttä laitteen m yyjään tai Pirkanmaan Y mpäristökeskukseen lähimmän kierrätyskeskuksen löytämiseksi. tuotetta ei s AFSKAFNING Logoet med en s kraldespand m ed kryds over på bags iden af apparat et dette produk t ikke må kasseres som norm al husholdningsaffald. For at forebygge m ulig skade på m iljøet, bedes De separere det te produkt fra andet affald, og sikre at det bliver genbrugt på en m iljørigtig måde. Kontakt venligs t de l okale myndigheder e ller d in forhandler for oplysning om nærmeste tilgængelige opsamlingssted for elektronikaffald. indikerer at ∆ΙΑ∆ΙΚΑΣΙΑ ΑΠΟΡΡΙΨΗΣ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΑ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ∆ΙΑΓΕΓΡΑΜΜΕΝΟ ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟ ΚΑ∆Ο ΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΙΣΩ ΟΨΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΗΧΑΝΗΜΑΤΟΣ ∆ΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΙΟΝ ΑΥΤΟ ∆ΕΝ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ∆ΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΘΕΙ ΣΑΝ ΣΥΝΗΘΙΣΜΕΝΟ ΟΙΚΙΑΚΟ ΑΠΟΒΛΗΤΟ. ΠΡΟΣ ΑΠΟΦΥΓΗ ΕΝ∆ΕΧΟΜΕΝΗΣ ΕΠΙΒΑΡΥΝΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ, ΞΕΧΩΡΙΣΤΕ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΙΟΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΑΛΛΑ ΑΠΟΡΡΙΜΑΤΑ ΩΣΤΕ ΝΑ ΕΞΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΘΕΙ Η ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΠΡΕΠΟΝΤΑ ΤΡΟΠΟ. ΑΠΟΡΡΙΜΑΤ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΗΣ ΕΤΕ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΤΟΠΙΚΗ ΥΠΗΡΕ ΣΙΑ ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΣΗΣ Η ΜΕ ΤΟ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΛΕΠΤΟΜΕΡΕΙΕΣ. Units 24 -26 Fulton Road Wembl ey HA9 0T F England (+)44 208 8 900 2 866 http://www.m usicalfide Manual issue 01 Basic problem-solving wi th an a mplifier is similar to troubleshooti ng ot her electrical or electronic equi pment. Always check the mos t obvious possible causes first, suc h as the following ex ampl es: Problem ProbableCaus e Reme dy No po wer Power supply not s witched on. Power plug is not ful ly inserted into rear socket Chec k pow er supply is plugged i n and switched on Plug in securely No s ound Wrong connections betwe en input source and the V- DAC Wrong source selected Chec k digital/USB i nput l eads are securely connec ted. Check INPUT SE LECT switch is correctly set for required source Green LO CK LED will light when an active digital/USB input i s detec ted. No Outp ut Wrong connections betwe en the V-DAC output and th e following compon ent Chec k audi o input l ead c onnections Hum Audi o connector plug not fully pushed in Insert plug securely Dropouts in sound (Digital inputs ) Digital input l ead not properly connec ted Faulty digital input l ead Chec k input l ead i s fully secured Chan ge or replace lead. Pl ease use a good quality straight-through s ignal-and-ground phono to phono lead for coaxial connec tion. No S ound (USB input) Comp uter USB port not w orking or incorrectly setup Chec k USB por t with ano ther USB dev ice. See additional USB i nformation section Dropouts in sound (USB input) Shar ed USB port with another device Comp uter busy with anoth er appl ication Comp uter low on r esources Avoid sharing the U SB port with other devices, if possible. At ti mes an application (program) may intervene, s ometimes invisibly e.g. a v irus scanner . Whe n this happ ens, computer resources are temp orarily used up, a nd playback may suffer. This is not a fault. Try running few er appl ications if possible. If non e of thes e actions affect a cure, please contact the dealer, or an a uthorised Musical Fidelity service age nt. Re member ; never open the case of th e V-DAC, as this will invalidate the g uarantee. Specif icati ons: Up sam pling 24 Bit 192kH z Output imped ance 47Ω Maximu m output 2.2V Total harmonic distor tion 0.00 4% 20H z-20kH z Freque ncy r esponse +0, -0.1dB 20H z-20kH z Crosstalk -104dB 20H z-20kH z Sign al / noise ratio -116d B A-weighte d Total Jitter 170 ps -89dB Pow er requirement 12V DC 500m A Connec tions Digital inputs 1 RCA (coaxial) , 1 TOSLIN K (optic al), 1 USB (type B) Line level outputs 1 pair RCA sockets Power input 1.3mm DC po wer socket Dimensions Length 170m m 6⅔ inclu ding terminals Width 95m m 3¾ Height 40m m 1⅔ inclu ding fe et Weight Unit alone 350 g 12¼ oz Unit packed in carton 1Kg 2 1/5 lbs Accessor ies DC pow er supply 12V 500m A 1 off (suppli ed) Leaf let V-DAC instr uctions 1 off Musical Fi delity reserves th e right to make improvem ents w hich may result in specification or feat ure changes without notice.