Musical fidelity supercharger 750 k owners manual
This is the 11 pages manual for musical fidelity supercharger 750 k owners manual.
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Extracted text from musical fidelity supercharger 750 k owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Supercharger 750K CONTENTS Issue 3 PAGE Section 3 Sa fety inf orma tion - Mains pl ug (U.K. only) Modi ficat ion war ning 4 General ad vice - - Installatio n precau tio ns User in form ation 5 Item disposal inform ation - EU di sposal inform ati on 6 Inst allation - Introd uction Installatio n Audio conn ectio n Cleaning 7 Connecti ons - Illu stration s - fron t an d rear pan els 8 Ampl ifier ope rati on - Operation and features 9 Amplifier problems? - Basic Am plifie r fau lt fi nding 10 Amplifier specifica tions - Typical specifi cations, access ories An d di mensi ons 11 Ma nu al history Page 2 of 11
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Supercharger 750K SAFETY INFORMATION Issue 3 IMPORTANT ! (U.K. onl y) Th is unit is sup plied in the U.K. with m ains lead fitted with a moulded 13 am p plug. If, for an y reason , you need to cu t off the plug, please re move the fuse hol der and dis pos e of the plug safely, out of reach of chil dren. It mus t not be plu gged into a main s outl et. Th e wires in the m ains lead sup plied with th is app lian ce are co loured in acco rdance with the fo llowing co de: Gree n a nd yellow ..............Ea rth Blue... .................. ...........Neut ral Brown... .............. ................Li ve WARNI NG - This ap plianc e MUST be e arthed As the co lou rs of th e wires of the m ains lead of th is ap pliance m ay n ot co rrespon d with th e coloured m arki ngs identifying the term inals in your plug, proceed as follows: Th e w ire wh ich is co lour ed green- and- yello w m ust b e co nn ected to the term inal in th e p lug wh ich is mark ed with the letter E or col oure d gree n or gree n-a nd-yellow, or by the ea rth sy mbol : Th e wire wh ich is co lou red brown m ust b e co nn ected to the term inal wh ich is m arked wi th th e letter L or co loured red. Th e wire wh ich is co lou red blu e m ust b e con nected to th e term inal wh ich is m arked with th e letter N or colou red black. If c onnect ing t o a B S1363 pl ug , a 13 am p f use m ust be used. WA RNI NG : AN Y MO DIF ICATI ONS TO THIS PRODUCT NOT E XPRES SLY APP ROVED BY MUSICAL FIDELITY WHO IS THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR STAN DARDS CO MPLI ANCE C OUL D VOI D THE USER'S AUT HORIT Y TO OPERATE T HIS EQUIPMENT. Page 3 of 11