Musical fidelity e 11 brochure
This is the 2 pages manual for musical fidelity e 11 brochure.
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Extracted text from musical fidelity e 11 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
When music matters most
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E11 Integrated Amplifier
Combines the benefits of Class A (smooth
sound at average listening levels) with
the advantages of Class B (eflicient use
of power supply)
Allows flexible use of the E1] in
multi-room or surround sound situations
Class A/B output stage
Active preamp output included
Two pairs of high current bi-polar
power transistors per channel
The E11 easily drives most speakers and
can provide large peak currents giving
very low distortion under dynamic
Structured internally as separate pre
and power amps but packaged in an
integrated chassis
Allows optimum design free from
intermodulation and other distortions that
can occur when these circuits are
combined but with the advantage of
perfect interconnection between them
Sophisticated PCB layout featuring
extended star-earthing system
Minimises amplitude and phase distortion
at high frequencies and high currents
Fully discrete preamp and poweramp
No I.C.s are used, all circuitry is
designed specifically for its purpose.
Constucting the circuits from ground
level up allows Musical Fidelity
engineers complete freedom to optimise
the E11 design for the very best sound
quality possible
Allows ofiitape monitoring with three
head tape decks, plus insertion of sound
Tape monitor circuit