McIntosh MR 66 MA 6 Owners Manual
This is the 2 pages manual for McIntosh MR 66 MA 6 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from McIntosh MR 66 MA 6 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
The MA6 can be conveniently mounted to a shelf or cabinet. Four wood screws are sup- INSTALLATION MA6 MULTIPLEX DECODER Figure 1. MA6 Multiplex Adapter Connected to the MR66 Back Panel Showing Multiplex Adapter End View. CONNECTING The MA6 multiplex adapter power cable is the gray cable attached to the multiplex adapter chassis. On the end of this cable is a five-prong plug. Align the prongs of the plug with the power receptacle marked FM MULTI- PLEX POWER on the back panel of the MR66 stereo tuner and plug the connector in. Three 24 inch gray cables are supplied with the MA6. Use these cables to complete the connection of the MA6 to the MR66 Stereo Tuner. Connect the cables as follows: 1) Connect a cable between the receptacle marked INPUT on the MA6 chassis to the receptacle marked FM MULTIPLEX OUT- PUT on the back panel of the MR66. 2) Connect a cable between the receptacle marked OUTPUT 1 on the MA6 chassis to the receptacle marked MULTIPLEX IN- PUTS 1 on the back panel of the MR66. 3) Connect a cable between the receptacle marked OUTPUT 2 on the MA6 chassis to the receptacle marked MULTIPLEX INPUT 2 on the back panel of the MR66. IMPORTANT The numbers 1 and 2 on the back panel of the MR66 designate the left and right chan- nels, respectively. ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS For the satisfactory operation of a multiplex tuner, more signal is needed than for mono- phonic reception. Monophonic installations that were satisfactory on an indoor antenna may require the use of an outdoor antenna for equivalent results. Satisfactory stereo requires about 10 times as much signal from the an- tenna. LABORATORY INC. 2.5M-AA134-113 2 Chambers Street BINGHAMTON, N. Y. END VIEW END VIEW plied with the MA6 to secure it.