McIntosh MC 240 Brochure
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Extracted text from McIntosh MC 240 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
McintoshEngineering skillhasdeveloped more power, moreperformance, morereliability with lessheat inthe new Mcintosh MC-240 The MC-240 canbeused asastereo amplifier with40watts ofpower oneach chan- nel, amonophonic 80watt amplifier, orasabi-amplifier foruse with electronic cross- over networks. Inputandoutput facilities havebeen provided tomake interconnec- tions extremely simple.Ineach application theexcellent reservecapacity ofthe MC- 240 produces outstanding realisminmusic-clear lucidhighs-full roundbasswith- out boom, andclean distinctive middletonesthataredistortion free.Youcanhear the difference inaMcIntosh. Investment inMcIntosh compliments yourgood judge- ment. Yourinvestment isprotected bythe McIntosh reputation forRELIABILITY - PERFORMANCE -QUALITY. SPECIFICA TIONS Power Supply: 105-130 volts50/60 cps.Power transformer is tapped at117 and 125volts. Power Requirement: 145 watts atno signal output. 270 watts atfull power output. Power Output: Stereo ortwin amplifier -40watts output each channel. Single channel (mono)-80watts output. Frequency Range: -+- 0.1 db20cps to20 KC atfull power output. -+- 1.0 db15cps to60 KC atfull power output. ± 1.5 db10cps to100 KCathalf power output. Harmonic Distortion: less than 0.5 % atfull rated power output at any frequency from20cps to20 KC. Intermodulation Distortion: less than 0.5 % atpeak power output of twice thefull rated power output. Phase Shift: less than -+- 6° from 20cps to20 KC. Noise andHum Level: Better than90dbbelow ratedoutput. Output LoadImp'edances: Stereo ortwin amplifier-4, 8,16 (25 volts), 125 (70.7 volts), and600ohms. Single channel {Monol-2, 4,8(25 volts), 16, 32, 62(70.7 voltsl I and 300ohms. Damping Factor: About 10to1. Input Level: Single channel andtwin amplifier-OA volts for full power output. Stereo amplifier-2.0 voltsforfull power out- put. Input Impedance: 250,000 ohms. Input Controls: Gain controls provided forsingle MONO or TWIN AMPLIFIER inputs. Balance controlprovided forSTEREO chan- nels. Tube Complement: 3 ea. 12AX7 2 ea. 12AU7 2 ea. 12BH7 4 ea. 6l6GC or7027A Fuse: 3.2ASio-blo Preamplifier PowerProvisions: A power receptical isprovided tosupply 25.2 volts CTat1.2 Aand 375Vat 15 MA. Finish: Chromium andblack. Size: 16 Va" x 10 V2" x 7%". Weight: 56pounds net. YOUR FRANCHISED MciNTOSHDEALERPROUDLY RECOMMENDS ANDDISPLAYS MciNTOSH EQUIPMENT mtlntoslt@