Mcintosh c 39 brochure

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mcintosh c 39 brochure

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C39 AUDIO/VIDEO CONTROLCENTER Remote Control ForTwo Areas The Model C39Audio/Video Control center hasbuilt-in capability tocon- trol two separate areas.TheListen cir- cuit corresponds tothe Main areaA, and theRecord circuitremote areaB. Dolby ProLogic™ Built-In The Dolby ProLogic™ Surround Sound decoder circuitsareincluded in the C39, together withthevarious required outputs.TheC39 willmake an excellent masterAudioNideo con- trol center foraHome Theater system. Interfaces WithTheCR10 The C39 includes aconnector to allow itto interface withtheCR10 Remote Control System.TheC39 becomes theMain areaandtheCR10 allows fouradditional remoteareasto be added. SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE LIMITS FREQUENCY RESPONSE +0, -05dB from20Hz to20,000Hz RATED OUTPUT 25V atMain andSwitched 1and 2 Outputs OUTPUT IMPEDANCE Main, 600ohms MAXIMUM VOLTAGEOUTPUT 8V atMain andSwitched 1and 2 Outputs, from20Hz to20,000Hz TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION 0.002 % from 20Hz to20,OOOHz at rated output SENSITIVITY Phono: 2.5mVfor2.5V rated output, (O.5V IHF) High Level: 250mV for2.5V rated output, (50mVIHF) Six Audio AndSixAudiolVideo Program SourceSelections PHONO/AUX, CD1,C02, TUNER, TAPE1 andTAPE2, (Audioonly), Satellite, TV,LV(Laser Vision), VCR1, VCR2 andVIDEO/AUX, (Audio/Video), are available forboth Listen and Record functions. New Features Front panel AudioNideo Camcorder inputs areincluded. Theseinputs are hidden behindasmall frontpanel with amotor driven cover.Other features includeDolbyProLogic™ Delay andCalibration controls,aswell as 13serial dataports foraccessories. Balanced Outputconnectors arepro- vided forthe Main Outputs. Control connectors fortwo CDplayers, Tuner and SCR switcher arealso included. Familiar AndPopular Mcintosh Features The popular Mcintosh designed SIGNAL TONOISE RATIO Phono: 90dBbelow 10mVinput, (84dB IHF) High Level: 105dB below ratedout- put, (95dB IHF) MAXIMUM INPUTSIGNAL Phono: 90mV High Level: 10V INPUT IMPEDANCE Phono: 47Kohms and65pF capacitance High Level: 22Kohms VOLTAGE GAIN Phono toTape: 40dB Phono toMain: 60dB High Levelto.Tape: OdB High LeveltoMain: 20dB TONE CONTROLS Bass andTreble variable, 12dBboost to 12dB cut features includetheActive Variable Loudness Control,BassandTreble controls, areamuting, signalprocessor loop andswitched outputsforaddi- tional power amplifiers. Optional HC-1Home Controller The optional Mcintosh ModelHC-1 Home Controller canbeadded to allow control ofother devices inthe home suchaslights oraTV screen motor. Remote Accessories An optional ModelWK-1wall mounted keypadcanbeused inany area tocontrol thesystem. Uptofour IR sensors orkeypads canbewired on each remote circuit. All Glass FrontPanel The "Classic Mcintosh" allglass front panel hasallnomenclature il- luminated, includingthepush buttons. AC POWER OUTLETS One switched forarea Apower amplifier, oneswitched forarea B amplifier andone unswitched POWER REQUIREMENTS 120 volts, 50/60Hz, 25watts MECHANICAL INFORMATION SIZE Front panel measures 17 1/2 inches (445cm) wide,by7 1/8 inches (18.1cm) high. Depth behind mounting panel including clearance forconnectors is 15 1/2 inches (39.4cm). Knobclearance required infront ofthe mounting panel is1 3/8 inches (35cm) FINISH The front panel isglass with Gold/Teal nomenclature illumination. The chassis isblack. MciNTOSH LABORATORY INC. 2 CHAMBERS ST.,BINGHAMTON, NY13903·2699 607·723·3512