Marshall 8004 8008 Handbook

This is the 6 pages manual for Marshall 8004 8008 Handbook.
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Marshall 8004 8008 Handbook

Extracted text from Marshall 8004 8008 Handbook (Ocr-read)

Page 2

From the Chairman.

I would like to thank you personally for selecting one of
our Valvestatc amplifiers.

For many years. the name Marshall has led the field in
guitar amplifi tion. This has been achieved by a combina-
tion of many things. but particularly our ability to listen to
musicians and produce the sounds that they want. plus a
constant drive for quality and reliability unrivalled in the

amplification world,

In order to retain our number one position my design team work tirelessly to
achieve innovation in guitar amp technology. "Valvestate" is their latest creation
and with this radical development they have succeeded in producing something
really new for the guitarist.

I suggest that you read this handbook carefully in order to fully understand the
sounds and functions contained within your new Valvestatc amplifier.

All our equipment is built to withstand the test of time and the new Valvestatc
models are no exception. You can rest assured that on the subject ofquality
Marshall never compromise!

] would like to wish you every success with your new amplifier and ask you.
above all. to enjoy your Marshall.



A. ALWAYS lit a good ((u'dlll mains plug F. l\ VER use any amplifier in damp or net
contormtng to the latcst Br. . , tandards
(UK Only).

G. ALWAYS ensure that the impedance of

I}. ALWAYS ITC the plug in accordance the speaker or speakers connected does riot
with the colour code attached to the mains fall below the amplifiers minimum
lead (UK only). impedance rating.

C. DO NOT attempt to remove the amplifier H. NEVER connect tlte negative side of the
chassis. There are no user serviceable parts VALVESTATE loudspeaker output to
inside, earth (ground). cg: by connecting a DI box

_ _ across the loudspeaker terminals. THIS

I). ALWAYS have this equtptnent scrvrced or MAY SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR

repaired by competent. qualified personnel. VALVESTATE AMPLIFIER. unless an

canh lit't switch is used to separate it from

E. N .VER unde' an ircumstances. 0 rate .
F | y k PL other ground connected equlpmcnt.

the amplifier vt itltout an earth (ground).