Marantz SR 9600 Brochure
This is the 4 pages manual for Marantz SR 9600 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Marantz SR 9600 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Boxer Ampl ifier Desig n with Active Intelligent Cooli ng tilizes y n el FC Th is h ighly effic ient amp lifier desi gn u a tu nne l type heatsi nk wi th a n extremel qui et variab le s peed fan that do esnt eve turn on until seriou s he at oc curs. Thi s assu res the owne r of au diophile lev silence. The ampl ifier uses an OF C c oppe r rail for the powe r suppl y side of the ou tpu t transist ors as we ll as spe cially sourc ed O cab les for th e power s upply an d th e speaker outpu ts. Dual 32 bit DSP Th e SR9600 is on e o f the first products in the wo rld to use the n ew Cirrus Logic CS4950 2 DSP. Th is ch ip has un preceden ted p rocessin g power an d utiliz es two 32-b it co res fo r th e ability to co mp lete over 260 million instructions per second . Th is enab les the extrem ely co mplex p ost-proces sing of the audio signal to be a cakewal k for th e SR9600. 192 kHz, 24 Bit A/D fo r 7.1 Channel Input For au diophi les seeking to u se the anal og mu lti-channe l inpu t bu t w ho wi sh to use the bass ma nage me nt a nd/or time alignme nt, fear not. Th e SR9600 h as high bandwidth A/D co nverters fo r tho se in puts as well. Th is enab les a glo bal setup to wo k fo r all sources, analog or digital. Improved V olume Cont rol Mo st o f the elect ronic vo lume circ uits in the p ast have b een calib rate d in 1dB in cremen ts. Th e SR9600 is calib rated in 0.5dB st eps for more p recis e co ntro l over th e vo lum e leve l. HDAM-SA2 Th e o rigin al HDA M® mo dule (High Defin ition Amp lifier Modu le) was de velope d in the mi d nineties to replace the IC op-a mps that were used to bu ffer the voltage portions of output s tages . Th ese legen dary circ uits have h elped shape the Maran tz So und an d have b een used in many highly regarded p roducts sin ce. In this latest versio n, designe d for hi gh band width au dio sou rces, the signal path s are as short as possible, for reduction of external noise an d reduce d m ountin g area. Th e SR9600 uses 16 of these devices at th e jun cture b etween the p reamp lifier and power amplifier stages. 2
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IEEE-139 4 IEEE- 139 4 (o therwise kn own as F ireWire™ o r i.Lin k™) is a high sp eed (up to 400 mb ps) serial data bus th at is design ed to mo ve digital informati on. It ha s se veral flavors, de pendi ng on whi ch type of data i s be ing u sed. For exam ple, in the video worl d, 1 394 is used to m ove high de finition tr ans port stre ams , which are the MP EG-2 compre ssed bit stre am s that you could watc h, decoded on your HD mo nitor at home. It is al so a stan dard conn ectio n for digital camco rders. In the audio wo rld wh ere th e SR9600 lives, IE EE - 1394 is used to deliv er en cryp ted multi-ch annel audio fro m so urce p roducts like DVD-A an d SA CD to the receiv er. Th e advan tage i s both in fidelity as well as co nvenien ce, b ecaus e o nly o ne wire can be conne cted instead of the mu ltiple conne ctions tha t hav e to be made fo r m ulti-ch annel an alo g. An other advan tage is that s ince the information enters the recei ver in digital fo rmat, it can be proc esse d for bas s ma nage me nt a nd ti me alignme nt like ev ery othe r si gnal . Thi s enables the ow ner to ha ve setup done once and e very sign al will b e processed in a similar fash ion. To furth er add to the fidelity, flo w rate co ntrol is used alo ng with a sp ecial e xtremely high bit rate conversion f rom DS D (f or SACD sou rces). Flow Rate Control Th is circuit allo ws the recei ver to control the signal trans fer s peed. It us es the rece ivers extrem ely h igh precis ion clo ck to regen erate th e origin al digital sign al, elimin atin g an y jitter that migh t occur. Th is results in a fourfold decrease in distortion in t he au dible frequencies! 32 Bit DSD – PCM Co nversion Thi s Maran tz de signe d au dio c ircui t al low bit stre am from SACD t o high bit rate PCM f or post processing. Thi s allows M RAC, s super high q uality conv ersion of the DS D bass man ageme nt, ti me alignme nt or any other post proc essing to oc cur in the digital domain . It is b ypassed in the DSD DIRECT mo de. Th is allo ws fully un comp ressed di gital video to not only pass RAC with EQ om Aco ustic Calib ratio n) was started in the curren t SR7500/ 8500. It makes really easy th e o ften co nfusin g e through th e receiver, b ut since th ere are two inp uts, yo u can switch sources as well. Th e HD MI™ in terface h as a m axim um bandwi dth of 5 gbps for DVI q uality video, au dio, and c ontrol sign als. Th e SR9600 uses th e 1.1 specif icatio n that carries two and multi-ch ann el audio fro m sources lik e Do lby Di gital, DTS, and DVD-A in additio n to un comp ressed video up to 1080p . Th is interface is rap idly b eco ming the standard fo r interconne cting all au dio, v ideo an d c ontr ol de vices. M Th e MRAC (Maran tz Ro and tim e con sumin g p roces s of settin g up yo ur recei ver/s peakers /ro om. Th rough us ing a special calib rated m icro phone an d th e lo gic nested in the receiver, MRA C is a new stan dard fo r both accuracy an d ease of use. For th e SR9600, we h ave improved on MRAC to include up to 9 bands of EQ for each and every channel to sm ooth r oom r esponse in bo th stereo and multi-channel applications . Th is level of adj ustme nt wa s pre viously unhe ard of in any thing e lse other tha n extremely spe cialized acoustical calib ratio n devics, b ut it is no w stan dard equip ment in the SR9600. 3