Marantz 5025 Service Manual
This is the 50 pages manual for Marantz 5025 Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Marantz 5025 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
model 5025
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Section Title
1. PW. BOAR DS ....................... . ..... . ......................................... if:
2. TEST EQUIPMENT REDOIRED FDR SERVICING .................................................. 1
3. OlSASSEMBLY .......................................................... . . . . 2
3.1 Removing the Cassette Case Esnutcheon . . . . ''''''''' 2 I
3_z Removing the Main P.W. Board .......... 2
3.3 Removing the Mechanical Chassis ........... z
4. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES ....................................................... 3
4.1 Mechanical Adjustments ..................... 3
4.2 Electrical Adjustment: and Measurements . . . a
5. VOLTAGE CONVERSION FOR EUROPEAN MODEL ................................................ 21
6. DIAGRAMS ....... . . . .......... 22
5.1 Level Diillm'" - - - ........................ 12
6.2 Block Diagram .................... . . . . 23
6.3 Connection Diagram ...... . . . 25
5.4 Schematic Diagram .............................................. . Z7
5.5 pm.Amp, Power Supply, Doihy Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - PIDD .................. . 29
5,5 LED Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - P600 .................................. . 33
5.7 Terminals Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - P700 ....................... , 33
6.8 Fuse Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations ~ P400- EUHDPE ...................... . . . 34
6.!) Volume 8r Park Board Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - P500 ...................... I . . 34
ago Memorv Board Schematic Diagram and Compcncm Locations - P800 ..................................... 35 L
7. MAJOR COMPONENT LOCATIONS ............... . .
1.1 Cabinet - Front View ......................
1.2 Chassis - Tnp View ........................
7.3 Cabinet - Rear View ................................................................ .
g_ EXPLDDED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST ...................................................... 38
3.1 [Pm-on] Ton Cover and Main Chassis. . ................
8.2 [PIE-99] Front Paneiand Chassis ..................................
3,3 [Fifi-99] Associated Mechanism for Cassette Tape Operation . . . . ................
3.4 [POMS] Rear Penal ..........................................
8.5 [P054111] Buttons for Tape Mechanism Operation ..............
3.5 [rue-99] Hand Chassis ............................
8.7 [PM-99] Flywheel.
8.8 [PBS-99] Switch Lontion for the Tape Mechanism Operation ..........
3.9 [PDQ-99] Pam Assembled on the Top Chassis ...................
3.19 [1:10.95] Pans Assembled on the Reverse Chassis . ...............
8,11 [MOI-99] P.W. Boards and General Parts . . . ..............
8.12 [HOLDS] Packing Materials ............................................................. 53
9. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................. 54