Luxman r 1120 brochure
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Extracted text from luxman r 1120 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Author )0: how
The pro amp section employs an equalizer amp
composed of a 3-stage directvcoupled Circuit of
PNP transistors, a 2-stage direct-caupled flat amp
of PNP and NPN transistors, a buffer circuit of
NPN transnstors. and a control amp composed ol
3 2
specually selected low norse transistors are featured.
and a constant voltage Supply crrcutt at the power
supply section ensures stable performance.
SpeCtal circuntry IS provrded to obtain a large
amount of gain at each stage, and the large
amounts of Negative Feedback applied realize
ultra low distortion and wrde bandwrdth,
ln the main amp section, a differential amp
features a low-horse pair of tranSistors of unilorm
character-sues, which suppresses the DC dr-ft
to the minimum level A constant current drive
system rs arranged at the loads of ore-driver stage.
which not only improves the load condition in
the treble range but realizes stable. undistorted
power output.
To prevent accrdental failure, a power limiter
c-rcurt to protect power transistors from excesswe
Current, and a time-delay muting crrcuit to
saleguard speaker system lrom DC drift are
An exclusrve terminal rs provrded Ior operation
of Such speakers as electrostatic ones which have
extreme, low impedance at the ultra bass range
Furthermore, the LED peak indicator I5 prowded
With an on-off wsitch and IIS sensmvnty IS
interchangeable between we and ~ 12dB
PM Sat".-
Our exclusive "Closed Loop Lock Tuning System"
rs Ieatured not only to reduce remarkably the
am0unt of frequency drift at the local osculator,
but to lock the recewmg frequency accurately at
the lransmtssron frequency of an FM $18110".
Mode Selector Swrtdt
Tape Dubbing Swrtch
Tape Samar Swrtch
Tape Monitor Swrtch
FM Mutiny Swatch
Dolby FM Swrtch
Dolby Indicator
FM Stereo lndtutor
Input Selector
Unlike conventional AFC Circuitry, the Ireuuency
lock IS limited to ' 100K Hz to prevent the
recewmg frequency from merging into that ol the
adiacent channel
A superb 1.8uV sensmvrty lS attained thanks to a
quality 4 qang tuning capacrtor at the tront end.
which interacts wrth the dual gate MOS FET to.
ensure qood overload and SDUNOUS characteristics
Excellent band pass response is obtained by
means of linear phase ceramic and block filters.
which are Superb in grOup delay time character.
sum and sharp skirt selecttvrty Good limiting and
low distortion are attained by means 01 a
Quadrature IC and distortion-free discriminator
Tuning Knob
FM Fm. Tuning Motor
Tone Control
Signal Strength Motor
Loudness Switch
Subscmc F iltor
Low Cut Filter
High Cut Filter
Selector Switch
For Peak Indicator Sensrtmry
Stand-by Lamp
1 Power Swrtch
Dial Scale
Headphone Jack
Speaker Selector Swrtch
LED Peak Indicator
Volume/Balance Control
We employed a speCIally selected PLL MPX IC to
obtain stable operation and ultra low distortlc
as well as good separation and S/N ratio
In addrrton, an exclusrve IC Iow~pass Iilter helps
suppress carrier leakage Moreover a constant
voltage supply c-rcurt rs used for stable
performance Dolbyrzed FM can be recewed With
the insertion of an optional Dolby CIYCUII board
A an!"
Pleasant reception of AM broadcasting IS ensured
thanks to modern technology Utlllllng a powerful
AGC crrcu-t, a ceramic filter of high selectivity,
and distortion-free detector, etc
Power Output: 120 watts minimum continuous per 50d8 Ouioting Sensitivity: 14.1d8f (2,810 36.8d8f133uVl
channel both channels driven Into Selectivity at 98MH2, 100pV
8 ohms load, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz :400kHz: 80d8
With no more than 0 03% total 7 7 7 777 7 7 779518 7 7 77799173
7_ 7 . 7 7 harmonic grstorsion 7 Frequency Response at 98MH2,
Rated |.M.: no more than 003% I8 ohms, both 1mV: 50H: - 10kHz +0.2, -0 5dB +0.2, -1.5dB
__ 777 7 7 7 ch7drive7n760l-lz 7kHz ; 4 1) 7 201-12 ~15kHz *02. -71.5dB +0.2. -l45d8
Pregnancy Response: 15H; 7- 70kljz7l7-ld78l 777 77 7 Distortion at ssasr; 100Hz 0 2%
Tnput §onsitivity: 2.6mV (phone-171W, 100m1/ Gunter, 1kHz 0.1% 0.2%
7777 7777 aux, mom I GkHz 0.3% 0.4%
Phono Overload Voltage: 160mv _Capturo Ratio at 65d8f: 1.3d8
7771'! 1kHz) Image Response Ratio: 80:18 77
SiérTaIto Noise Ratio: 72d8 (phenol/2) TFRgsgonso Ratio: BSdB
94dBIphono-112JHFA werghted.lOmVl 5915992935903993 7___7 557d8 7
88(18 (tuner, aux, monitor! Stereo Seapration. 100Hz 45dB
95dB Ituner, aux, monitor, II-IF 1kHz - 48d8
_7._ 7 A weightedl _7 7 7 . GkHz - 7 42d8
Residual Noise: no more than 1 3mV §y7b_c_a7r_r7io_r Product Ratio: -- 59$
Crosstalk at 1|:sz -73d8 Iaux, momtorl SCA Reaction; -~ 60d8
Tone Control: TREBLE 2kHz, lOkHz I113d3| Mutingfiango: WG-12 7 7 *-
4kHz, lOkHz (:8d8l R
eAss 200Hz, room (sBdBl LAM secrloul _.
400H_z,7100Hz (.1 133) 7:71-11: usable sons;tivitk.:t 1000le 400Hz, 30% mod.: 7 gaggwm 7
Filters: Subsonrc '__15Hz_l:12d87o?t.l 93?: LN! t E21. '5 I: «c_ .
Low Cut 70H: Il2d8/oct l I? election at £991.35 EX! -.AWT-=_-. , 7 ,__gB,, ,
_,__ _7_ High Cut 7w: I~12d8loctl 5/" 81.12995! 0'! 40092. 30% mar .- 52d8
Loudness cfiiisi an-30d8): lOOHz nous ' 5610151098th 151"". 355m 5, 0%,m91-g 0 5%
IOkI-lz +7dB Out at Level at 1000kHz, 3mV/m17466HzL3096 mod; 0.15V
o, a. -9312, 49-. -rsas; 4mm: 16mm? ages
Loudness Control, Peak Ind-catars.
Peak Indicators:
Additional Features:
Speaker Swrtch, Headphone Jack, [65058.69 ,. . , _
Tape DubbinLSwrtch, etc, WV" Consumption: 500W (at full power, 8-ohml
[FM SE _7777 7 120V 5.5A (973A rated) 7 7
37'0 lmonol [5mm] D'mm='°"s= 490M) x 415(0) x 180IHlmm
martini, at gating-*Wi " A , , 9.6 " 6732 " 32
400Hz.100%mod.: 10.3dBf new) n.2aartaouw WWW Net 17kg: (37.4 lbsl
Gross 19kg: (41.8 lbs)
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