Luxman C 1010 Brochure

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Luxman C 1010 Brochure

Extracted text from Luxman C 1010 Brochure (Ocr-read)

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The Luxman C-1010 Pre-amplifier is a new
addition to Lux's range of high class separates.

Page 2

The result of hard labor: at LUXMAN in re-
search and development of the "ULTIMATE IN
HIGH FIDE LiTY" is the matching control center
for our main amplifier series M4000 and M4000.

You will surely find all the necessary controls
and features needed in today's ultimate control
center for your stereo sound system.

LUXMAN spent much time in defining what
makes an audio amplifier sound like it does yet
many units by various makers have similar "specs"
on paper but do not necessarily produce a clear or
accurate sound.

Therefore. we bring you not only one of the
best available in the world on paper but is audibly
the hen.

Equaliser section

A Major factor in the quality of performance in
any preamplifier is the equaliser circuit, with it's
direct bearing on disc reproduction. The equaliser
in the 1010 has a different input direct coupled
amplifier configuration.

The apparently large number often transistors
per channel are utilised mainly outside the signal
path in place of pure resistive loads, thereby in-
creasing loop gain without further cascaded stages.
This prevents distortion especially at high fre-
quenois nurrnoil'i- caused by the Miller effect.

A Iurther manage of this circuitry is that it
lf'thOVfi 1 DC stability of the direct coUpled
ewewaatim r'lll simplifies the signal path and
thin contribute. to the excellent low distortion
figure of JI'OT's THD from 20 - 20,000Hz.

The final output stage of the equaliser is a class
'A' inverted Darlington push-pull configuration -
high voltage drive (240V) which permits the use
of low impedance loads. This bears in mind the
possibility of professional use where multiple re~
cording outpUts can impose severe load con

Two equally important results are extremely
high phono overload characteristics and excellent
signal to noise ratio of around 65db.

Intermediate and Tone Control Amps

Both thses amps use a direct coupled configura-
tion similar in principle to that In the equaliser
section. with resultant high linearity at the upper
frequencies plus good stability and excellent sig-
nal to noise ratio.

We know the true measurements of minimum
performance standards of a quality amplifier
must be of a very high level.

However, these figures are not the only require

Despite every effort to make amplifier design a
pure science one ampl among many with
similar absolute specification can still have, rela-
tively, far better sound quality.

The reason: there are more comprehensive
theories of ampltiierdasign which account for
such problems as harmonic intermodulation, and
notch distortion; stability, filters, and equaliza-
tion as they relate to statements of power.

Whatever the scientific theory, LUX conducts
'the most detailed listening test with engineers and
musicians in different fields to ensure that LUX
amplifiers sound best apart Irom what is consid-
ered good in brochures.

To LUX, sound is not only a science but an art.
Listen to the ultimate difference at your nearest
audio shop.

(Output: REC. OUT) on



20H: no less than 0.005%
lDDHz no less than 0.003%
I KHI no I! than 0.003%
IDKHK no I. than 0.0D5%
ZOKHz no less than 0.007%

too Iooo tmvl


The tone controls are Lux NF type with a three
position turnover selector. They can also be com-
pietaly bypassed if desired. Filters are also NF
type using emitter followers, and each selected
cutoff point for treble and bass has us own inde«
pendent filter circuit.

Other features include a Linear Equaliser for
Phono, Input Sensitivity adjustment, Input Im-
pedance adjustment - in fact all that the discern-
ing audiophile might require to obtain Ultimate
Fidelity from his equipment .....


The Linear Equalizer control provides a new
form of tonal compensation specifically intended
for subtly augmenting regular tone controls. With


the control in its mid-position, flat frequency
response is achieved (R.I.A.A. curve). Switched to
either of the two "up-tilt" positions, the entire
response curve is rotated at about a lKHz fixed
axis so as to linearly increase treble response
while simultaneously decreasing bass response.

Conversely, selection of one of the "downAtiIt"
positions rotates the response curve in a clock-
wise direction, providing a gradual decrease of
treble response and simultaneous Increase of bass
response. Degree of slope for either positive or
negative settings has been carefully preset, and
the overall response curve maintains complete
linearity from 50H2 up to lOKHz, unlike the
curvature in response normally associated with
ordinary tone Controls.


Output Volt-g

Transistors (66) Diodes (39L
Max. 13V, Typ. lV

Total Harrnjnic Distortion:

No more than 0.007% (Pre. out 2v, 20 - with. AUX, TUNER)

Frequency Response:

2 -' $0,00on (-05:13)

Input Sensitivity:

2.5mV (phone-1 8t 2, Gain cont; OdB) ISOmV (aux, tuner, monitor)

Input impedance:


S/N Ratio:

Phono-l 30 - 100 variable (K ohms)
Phono? 50 (K ohms)
50 (K ohms),

Phono-1T better thenVBSdB


50 (K ohms)
70 (K ohms)

Phono Overload Voltage:
R.I.A.A. Equalization:

Within 0.2dB

No less than 450mV(1KHz,Fl£S, Gain cont; OdB)

Tone Control:

Improved LUXMAN NF type

Turnover freq. selection;

Low -150Hz, SOOHz, 600Hz

High - 1.5KH1. 3KHz, 6KHz


Low cut: 10Hz, 70H: (-18d8, ~12d3) High cut: 7KHz,12KHz(-12d5)

Additional Featurls:

Audio attenuator, Output signal muting, Linear equalizer, Phono gain

control, Tape dubbing a monitor function, Speaker system selector
(Remote control) Military class potentiometer


485(W) x 245(D)x175(l-ilmm (19-1/8" x 9-5/8" x 8-7/8)


Net 10kgs (22 lbs.) Gross legs (26 lbs.)

See cal M and slap


200 Awlul Wily Syussat, New Vnrk 1179) U S A

nee deaion aubiect to possible change without notice.

Primed m Japan