Leak Stereofetic Owners Manual

This is the 2 pages manual for Leak Stereofetic Owners Manual.
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Leak Stereofetic Owners Manual

Extracted text from Leak Stereofetic Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1




If ion have bought the STFREOl-lfi'l'lf~ alreJd} installed in the standard LEAK decoratiie 00d
ease the mounting of the tuner is completed

If )tll huie bought the S'l'EREOHZ'l'lC in chassis form it ma} be mounted in a LEAK tuner
LtlllpllllCl' \tood ease or on d panel of an} thickness. through a cut~otit of |();" - 3:;" (37.5 - lll cmsJ.
To mount oti a panel : pass the bod) of the turi:r through the cut-out until the front plate butts against
the panel. then pass the L'~sliaped bracket oter the hack of the tuner und X it h} passing the wing-
sure through tlte hole iii the bracket and itito the threaded hank-hush in the centre of the rear panel
on the tuner. Tighten the isirig-screxs lust enough to preterit the front plate of the tuner front slipping
on the panel.




The Im er transformer primar) is ttound for \oltages of Itii)»| 3t! and 2003.5 (41) to on HA. Check that
the plug supplied is III the correct position for _\our \oltage.

When used \\llll u LEAK amplilier the potter stipplt for the tttner can he obtained by inserting the
SlPlLY POWER plug into the AC. Ol'TLET .socket on the back of the amplitier.

lhe tuner is eurthed to its associated uniplitier \ia the screening of the AlDlO 01' l Pl 'l" leads. and
no additional earth connection should he made to am part of the tuner.

AUDIO Ol'TPl'TS. The two gre) screened leads marked LIiFl' and RlUlll should be plugged
into the L and R TL'VER input sockets on )our stereo amplifier.

The tuner is suitable for reeeption of mono broadcasts and stereo broadcasts using the \torld-wide
standard (BE-Zenith s)slem of transmission. To obtain optimum results from stereo transmissions
the 'AERlAL INPUT 75 OHM' socket should he led with a strong signal. Although a short length
of flex or indoor aeriul ma) gne good results from mono transmissions. to obtain the lowest back-
ground noise oti a stereo transmission u correctl) orientated outdoor aerial sliotild he used

A Mi ohm aerial may he directl} connected to the AERIAL INPL'T 75 ()HM' socket without
audible loss of qualit).


imm- -

l. (astial listening tuning. Distortion ls'ss than _. Hi-ti tuning. Distortion less than .2 at
| :it meizigc modulation lc\Lls. memes modulation le\els.

.1. Stereo casual' tuning. Distortion less than I 4. vii stereo tuning. l)lslutllt>n less ihun .25
at :ncruge modulation lewls, Separation better at aseragc modulation |c\els. Separation better

than Z4dH at IkHL than 35d}? at lkHI.

Page 2



Push in the four buttons marked MONO LOCK

Rotate the tuning knob until the dial pointer is near the required station. The needle of the tuning
indicator should move across the black region of its scale to show that the programme is being received
(Figure l).

The best tuning point is when the tuning indicator needle is as far across towards the red region as possible
(Figure 2). However, for casual listening there is no need to tune so accurately: so long as the tuning
indicator needle is in the black region between the points shown in Figures 1 and 2, the quality of the
signal produced by the tuner will be quite adequate.



Push in the three buttons marked MONO LOCK


Rotate the tuning knob until the dial pointer is near the required station, then tune to the centre of the
received signal by ensuring that the tuning indicator needle moves to its maximum deflection. Now push
in the AFC button.


Push in the two buttons marked MUTE

Tune as for mono except that the tuning indicator needle should move into the red region of its scale if a
stereo signal is being received (Figures 3 and 4).
It should be realised that stereo broadcasts have a higher background noise than mono broadcasts, so some
increase in hiss must be expected except in places close to stereo transmitters.
If the stereo signal has too much background hiss. this noise can be reduced by using the QUASI-STER EO
buttons. The-hiss will be reduced progressively by using button 1, then 2, then I and 2. There will be
no noticeable change in the stereo effect. .
In some fringe areas the background hiss may still be objectionable. under these conditions it can be re-
moved only by pushing the MONO LOCK button and listening to the programme monophonically.
If you only want to listen to stereo broadcasts, or want to set your tuner ready to listen to a stereo concert.
push in the STEREO ONLY button. Only stereo signals will now be allowed through to your loud-
speakers, although the tuning indicator will still show the monophonic broadcasts as well as the stereo ones.

NB. The STEREO ONLY button will be inoperative if the MONO LOCK button is also pressed.


Push in the two buttons marked MONO LOCK

The tuner will now be very noisy between stations as you tune, but you will find that many more stations
can be received than when you had the MUTE button pushed in. Some of these weaker stations will be
very near on the dial to strong stations so be careful to use your tuning indicator and tune to the centre of
the station you want (Figure 2). Otherwise the stronger station might intrude, or even take over from the
weak station, especially if you now push the AFC button to lock on to the station you want.

Sometimes the weak stations are transmitting in Stereo, so it is worthwhile releasing the MONO LOCK

gutton to check. If stereo is being transmitted, the needle should jump across into the red region (see
igure 4).

Please note that it is usually better to tune the STEREOFETIC tuner with the MONO LOCK button

pressed 1n, otherw1se the interstation noise might cause the tuning indicator to give false readings.

H. I. LEAK 85 CO. LTD.




Telephone: 01-749 1641 (10 lines) H. 1. LEAK & co, LTD. :1 member oi the Rank Organisation