Lafayette LR 400 Owners Manual
This is the 15 pages manual for Lafayette LR 400 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Lafayette LR 400 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
TUNING RANGE ............................
POWER OUTPUT ............. l .............
FUNCTIONS ................................
OUTPUTS ..................................
TUBE COMPLEMENT .......................
powm REQUIREMENTS ...................
POWER CONSUMPTION .....................
DIMENSIONS ...............................
NET WEIGHT ...............................
FM: as- lOBMc
AME 550--1600I(c
30 walls (15 each channel)
FM Mono, FM Stereo and AM reception. Inputs
{or Stereo Phone (magnetic & ceramic) plus stereo
Aux inputsl ,.
Stereo tape recorder outputs; Stereo loudspeaker
outputs (8 or 16 ohms impedance); Stereo head-
phones (4, B or 16 ohms).
1'] tubes, 9 diodes
1 - 6CW4
1 - 63256
3 - GBAG
l - 6AU6
l - EMM
2 -- GAQfl/ECCBS
3 - 12AX7/ECC83
4 - 6BM8/ECL82
2 - Silicon Diodes
7 - Germanium Diodes
105- 120 volts, 50/60 cycles AC
160 watts
Overall, including all protrusions and legs -
17%" W x 13% D x 5% H
27 lbs.
INTIRR comm-rs common-1m m4 xv rum: RADIO enact-mums conrommon o In annxcuo TURNPIKI, sarcasm, 1.. L,
H. v.
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