Knoll systems prm 150 owners manual

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knoll systems prm 150 owners manual

Extracted text from knoll systems prm 150 owners manual (Ocr-read)

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Coaxial surge suppression is often over looked. A convenient F connector is provided both for cable TV and the satellite dish. This allows full surge protection through a low loss pass through connection. Telephone line surge protection is provided to bring an added measure of safety to your home. An RJ connector is provided for both in and out connections. DELAYED 3 STAGE POWER TURN-ON/OFF- Powering up large systems, especially those with separate power amplifiers can be a problem. The source components should be switched on first and second, followed by the power amplifiers. The PRM150 and PRM200 have two outlets on all the time. When the power up command has been received (by the trigger or the power button on the front panel) two more outlets turn on, two seconds later the last 2 (of eight total) outlets turn on. This eliminates the annoying (and potentially dangerous) speaker pop that occurs when the amplifier is turned on before the source components. The power off cycle reverses the order for proper system shutdown. The PRM150 and PRM200 can be dealer adjusted with four-second delays instead of two-second delays. DIGITAL ISOLATED OUTLETS- All outlets use a state of the art emi filter system that isolate digital components (with noisy high speed microprocessors), such as DVD and laser disc players, from delicate analogue equipment like preamplifiers and power amplifiers. The result is cleaner, more three-dimensional sound and less harshness in digital audio. VERSATILE POWER ON/OFF OPTIONS- With the PRM150 and the PRM200, the system can be turned on with a touch of the front panel power button. In larger, home-automated systems, a simple 4-24V DC signal will also turn on all switched outlets. A low cost 9-12 VDC power supply allows full system control through any switched AC outlet, such as a remote controlled preamplifier or receiver. Turn on one component (with a switched AC outlet) and an entire system can be activated simply, and safely.

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Installation: The PRM200 power source connection must be adequate for use at 20 amps. We recommend a properly grounded 30-amp circuit, wired with 10-gauge wiring, if continuous operation near 20 amps is anticipated. A dedicated (nothing else connected) 20-amp circuit is the minimum acceptable to comply with NEC requirements. Consult a qualified electrician if in doubt. Please note the PRM200 cord plug requires a different style outlet than a conventional style 15-amp outlet. 1 2 0 V A C I n p u t P R M 1 5 0 M A X 1 5 A M P S P R M 2 0 0 M A X 2 0 A M P S 1 2 0 V A C D E L A Y M A X DEL AYMEDDEL AYMINUNSW I T C H E D THESE TW O O U T L E T S ARE ON AL L T H E T I M E . VCR, CLOCK S A N D STANDBY E Q U I P M E N T ARE CONN E C T E D H E R E THESE TWO OUTLETS TURN ON IMMEDIA TELY A T POWER UP AND ARE THE LAST TO TURN OFF AT POWER DOWN. AUDIO PROCESSORS, CD AND VIDEO ARE CONNECTED HERE T HESE TWO OUTLETS T URN ON 2 SECONDS A FTER POWER UP AND T URN OFF 2 SECONDS A FTER POWER DOWN. A MPS AND DVDS ARE C ONNEC TED HERE T H E S E T W O O U T L E T S T U R N O N 4 S E C O N D S A F T E R PO W E R U P A N D T U R N O F F I M M E D IA T E L Y A F T E R P O W E R D O W N . A M P S A N D S U B S A R E C O N N E CT E D H E R E 3-24vdcTRI G G E R O N VIA3.5mm M O N O J A C K C A B L ETVINPUT C O N NECTC ABLE B E F O REANYTVS O R V CRSETC.S ATDISHINPUT CONNECTTO S ATDISH S ATDISHOUTPUT CONNECTTOS AT DISHRECEIVER C A B L E T V O U T P U T C O N N E C T T O T V S V C R S , S P L I T T E R S E T C . I N H O M E . T ELEPHONEINPUT AND OUTPUT.CONNECT EITHERJ ACKTOTHE T ELEPHONELINEBEFOREANYTELEPHONEORMODEM I NTHEHOME,THENCONNECT T HEOTHERJ ACKTOHOME EQUIPMENT.ONLYTHE CENTERP AIRIS ACTIVE The PRM150 requires a dedicated properly grounded 15-amp circuit to operate at capacity. We suggest that a dedicated 15-amp breaker be installed at the breaker box for use with the PRM150. It is best if the PRM150 or PRM200 is located with other equipment so that extension cords are not required. Heat is not a consideration when placing the power conditioner. Plug all the AC power cords from all components directly into the back of the power conditioner. This offers full line conditioning and filtering for your entire system. Keep in mind that Knoll power conditioners can only do so much in the cases of lightning strikes and large surges. If your area is prone to lightning strikes and large surges we strongly suggest you have a whole house lightning arrestor installed. Ask you power provider for more information. The un-switched outlets are for components that require full time power such as VCRs or TVs. If you wish to turn on your system via an existing component with remote control access (such as a receiver with a switched ac outlet on the back), plug your receiver into the un-switched outlet on the power conditioner (and read the section below on rear panel trigger).