Kenwood VR 414 Service Manual

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Kenwood VR 414 Service Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood VR 414 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

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KRFVSOSOD(K) COVER1,1P( 00.2.17 4:56 PM \°~/ 2

KRF-V4530DN5030D/V6030DNR-405 406




CONTORLS ..........................

ADJUSTMENT ......................


PC BOARD ..................
PARTS LIST .................

FM indoor antenna (1) AM loop antenna (1) *AC plug adaptor (1)
(T90-0836-05) (T90-0852-05) (E03-O115-05)

For VR-406 and KRF-V6030D
Remote control unit (1) Batteries (RS/AA) (2)
(A70-1330-05): RC-R0609

C-R0610(E type

Battery cover (A09-1 178-08)

*Use to adapt the plug on the power
cord to the shape of the wall outlet.
(Accessory only for regions where
use is necessary.)

For VR-405, VR-414. KRF-V503OD. and KRF-V4530D
Remote control unit (1) Batteries (RS/AA) (2)

(A70-1328-05): RC-R0509

(A70-1329-05): RC-R0510(E,T type)

Battery cover (A09-1 178-08)

Copy from

The manual covers the VRr407. VHrAOB. VRrAUS. VPHlA. KRFr
v7uaoD, KRFrVGOSOD, KHFrVSOSOD. and KRFrVASSOD. Items such
as Iurlctloi'ls. number ol tanks, and remote control details dilier some
what between these models. To conhrm the lunctions available on the
model you have purchased, reier to the taole below.

Remote Terminal
Model name

Conlml Speakeroui vtDaniacks Front input
VR-407 Rc-Raaas 2systems Equipped Equipped
KRE-vmoo (A. at
VR-406 Rc-Roaae 2systems Notedulpped Notedulpped
RRE-vsnauo at. at
VR-aaslm Rc-Rosae lsystem Notedulpped Noteduipped

Memory back up lunction

Please note that the lollowmg items wlII oe deleted lrom the units
memory it the power cord is dtsconnected horn the Ac outlet tor
approximately a days

- Power mode. - MDrtAPE settings.

- input selector settings. - ocwzcrt input setting.
' Device preset. ' Ltsten mode Selling.

- Picture output. - Speaker settings

- Speaker ON/OFF - input mode setting.

- Volume level. . Midnight mode setting.
- BASS. TREBLE lNPUT level. - Broadcast pand.

- Subwooler ON/OFF. - Frequency setting

- Dimmer level . Preset stations.

- Monitor ONIOFF. - Tuning mode

This manual is divided into lour sections. Preparations, Operations.
Other. and Remote Control

Flemote Control (Separate booklet) (VR-407/VR-4l76/KHF-
V7DMD/KHF- moon only)

includes the Ouick Start Guide." which shows you how to operate other
components using the remote control. as well as a detailed explanation
ct all remote control operations. Once you have registered your camper
nents with the proper setup codes, you'll be able to operate ooth this
receiver and your other AV components (TV. yon. DVD player. LD plar
yer, on player. etc i using the remote control supplied with this receiver.

VIDEO 2/MONITUH jacks (for VR-406/405/4 14/KFlF-

The receivers VIDEO 2/MONIT0R jacks can be used in two diilerent
ways. Make the appropriate setting tor the component connected to
the rack when the receiver is turned on.

Use as a VlDEO 2 jack
You can connect a video deck or the like to these racks and pertorm
video playback and recording. The initial lactory setting l5 VIDEO 2"

Use as a MONITOR jack

You can connect a cassette deck orthe like to these yacks and make
use ol the decks monitoring lunction during recording Alternately.
you can connect a graphic equalizer to these lacks to apply comperlr
sation to the music signal

To usethe VIDEO 2/M0NITOR tasks as MONITOR lacks, hold down
the MONITOR key oi the main uriti tor more two seconds so that the
indication shown oelow appears

Resetting the Microcomputer

It the microcomputer may maltunctlon (unli cannot be operated.
or shows an erroneous display) it the power cord is unplugged
while the power ls ON. or due to some other external iactor. it this
happens. execute the lollowlng procedure to reset the micro-
computer and return the unit to its normal operating condition.

- Please note that resetting the microcomputerWiil clear the contents
oi the memory and returns the unit to the state it was in when it ten
the lactory.

For USA. and Canada

Unplug the power cord lrom the wall outlet, then plug it
back in while holding down the POWER key.

For other countries
With the power cord plugged in, turn the POWER key

OFF. Then, while holding down the ON/STANDBV key,
press POWER.

Model vs PCB

MODEL Ass PUWERSUPPLV poweeme meme orsptar
KRFrVASAnD EA . x07r3l42r7i Xoaramllrli XlAr7I22r72
KRFrvsuaoD El . xomtterr Xoaranlnrli XlAr7I22r72
KRFrvsnaoD T5 . xn7r3l40r5i xoeaoldtr XlAr7I22r72
KRFrvsuaaD v5 xoaraoonrzo xomttzst xaarfmlnrli XlAr7I20r22

KRFrVSGSDDrS E3 . xn7r3l4277l xoaraolnrli XlAr7I22r72
KRFrvsuaoDrs l5 xonraonorzo xomlAnrzi Xoaramnrli XlAr7l2nr22
KRFrvsnaoDes M5 xooraoaurzo xo7ral4n72i xoeaolczi xlAr712tlr22
( \ KRFrvsnaoDes x5 . x07r3l407l Xaaeanlurlt xtutzmz
E \ / KRFrvsnaoDE s2 . xo7ral4277l XDBramDrH xrurzm
(O) 0 0 ' VRJDS K5 . Xn7r3l40rln XOBranlnrlD XlAr7l20rll
a a vents e5 . xovauoio Xodranlnrlu xlnlznrll
vem K4 . xn7ral4uril xoeaolclu merged
1| VRJN PA . xoralerii xoaraolarln XlAr7I20rll

met/spam: ES xnmtayz Xflaramorli) XlAr7l22r7l

- Al the same time the setting is switched to MONITOR," the audio
input source swrtches to tuner and the video lnpul source swrtches
to VIDEO 1.

. To sWitch the setting back to VIDED 2." once again hold down the
MONITOR key toriwo seconds or more.

KRFrVGOSflDrS is xoorauanrzo Xn7r3l30r22 xoaraolartu XlAr7l20r2l
KRFrVSflSGDrS Ms XflarfiflODrzfl xomtmzz Xflaranlnrfl XlAr7l20r21
KRFrVSflSflDrS XS . xomtawz XOBrSDlDrlD XlAr7l20r7l

KRFrVSBSflDE E7 . X07r3l32r72 XOBrfimlHfl XlAr7l22r7l
VRJDS K5 . XD7r3130rll Xoaranlnrln XlAr7120rlfl
VRJDS p5 . Xfl7r3130rll xoaraolartu XlAr7l20rlfl

up iii