Kenwood VR 414 Owners Manual

This is the 31 pages manual for Kenwood VR 414 Owners Manual.
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Kenwood VR 414 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood VR 414 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 30

Liming - For 30090 protactrcn for the 300413an dur "q
.1 nght'rrrrg mnrrrr, or when rt rs lell mmuended and unused
tor long pertods of trme. unpluQ rt from the wall outlet aha
drsconnact the antenna or cabin system Thrs wrl prevent
damage to the appllsnce me to Ilgntmng era power-hm

"Abnomnl nmell - ll an abnormal smell 0' Smoke Ir.
118196296, rmmedlnmlyturrrthnpower-10?? and mplug
the mtrcerum the wallo..tlet C onlact your deale' or
nearest serwca center

lsloomugo Inquiring urvin - lhe apolvsnce should
he semi-ea Dy uualllled serwce personnel when
A. The power supply cord Dr I": plug has new
I. Objects have fallen, or |rq..rd hm: hmm aplllerl mm
the applmmze
c. The appltanca has been exposed to ram or water
I). Thor applramze does not upper to operate normally
by torlowmg he mstrucmn manual Mlust only me
controls that arr: cnvomd hy the Instructor: manual as an
rrnprooer satustment 04 other controls may result m damage
and wrll often reoulm cxmnsrvn wnrk by n qualrlmd
tedrrrruan Iorestore IN! aoohance to lIS normal Wench.
E, Tre appqar'ce has been dropped. or the enclosure
F. Theapplranoeexhrbrtsamrlradchavvqarnperlormams

15.3."cher - The use! should not attempt to sarvrce
the appllancn bcyundthatdextrbedmlhernsrrucrrun
manual, All other seryrcrng should be relerred to
auaM-ed sorvrco personnel

"Outdoor unturn- gvoundlng ~ ll an outsrdo antenna
rs connected lo the appllnnce be sure the antenna
system rs gruunaeo soas to orowde some protectron
agamst voltage surges and burlt up static charges
Arrrcle are at the Natronal Electrtcal Code ANSU
NFPA 70, Droyroes InforMatron wrth respect to proper
gruurdmg ol the mast and supportrng slruciure.
groundrng of the lead-In wrre to an autanna drscharoe
umt. srwol groundmg conductors. Iocahon at antenna
avschsrge unvrv connectron to groundnng electrodes
and requuaments lot the groundrng electrode Sen

{IWHK Lt mrm Law-rpm :8 Ha mum
trrctruzu Coat

azmnt .rr
Mr; 3m LM r-J m

. . mutt-GIT
- Mr m'tm m.
' ,_-mn 2mm raw.
autumn mm:
*3, It" I I. 1
5 Mr IM I'|'I"~>'N l'rfi


1.. Powu "no: 7 An nulsrdn antenna system should not be
located m the wcrnuty of ovet'read power lrnnf- nr oltmr
Gleam: by" nr power crrcurtx. or mere II CF U~ Into Such
met Irnes or crrmts When unstallrng an outsrde antenna
system extreme care should be taken to keep "0'"
mucher such bower lrnes or crtcurts as contact wrth the
mom be latal

Ac outletl - Do not connect other abdrn oqmpmnnr
WV." a gown :zotrs.rrrttrlrun larger the" PM sc-ecrhed
lo the AC outlet on the rear panel Never connert
othe' electrical applmncn-i such 5-; an rrurr 0' master
It; I'. In pruverr! Ive cr EIECTVIC SHOCK

20 Overloading - Do not overload wall outlets. extensm
cords, nr Integral conmrcnw receptacles us. tlus new
result an 3 wk of lure or electnc shack

Zl. Alignment - Do not use attachments not recammemeo
try the and-ems manuacturev as they may Mum hazards

21. Moons-When replacementpmsare recurred.
be sure the sarvrca technrcran has rrslrd rnplacervwrl parts
soacrlred by the manutacturer or have the same
characlansrrcs as the orrgrnal parts Unauthorrzed
substrtutrons may result at lure, electnc shock or other

23. mm - Upon Whom 04 any 50mm or ropes-Is
lo rm awlmna, ask the serwce rechmcrm to pedorm
salary checlts to delarmrne that the appltanoe Is In proper
oporotrnq condrhon

1 Iran 3 rs nut matured mm or groundld a Dohtzod ewumwl E
2 Item I? and 18 are not unwed except for um; proud-u mu i
Intoml rumours
3 Item l7 (moles wrlh UL m the l; S A
858 (£64 13 l)?