Kenwood KX 440 Service Manual
This is the 28 pages manual for Kenwood KX 440 Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood KX 440 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR ................................................. 4
BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................... 6
LEVEL DIAGRAM .................................................................... 7
PC BOARD .............................................................................. 16
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ........................................................... 17
SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... I7
PARTS LIST .............................................................................. 18
Photo is KX~440 (r4
Nou: , y
Component and circuitry are! wbiecr to} modification to inaurs an
operation under differing Inca} conditionm This manual I: based on. ma
5. (K) standard, and provides inhrmation on regions! circun modification
mmponefl! vanations Through us: of ganglion
PX (Far East).,...,I...,........,.,,. .
PX (Europe!
* _ Europe £1 Scandinavil (XX-440. 4406) .
Europe & Scandinavia (X-400
Other Area
Audio dub
7» There Is m cm for Droducmg urn! of H (vpa.
Page 13
Adjustment TBPO _ 1" 'fPu Conditions and methods Standard and remarks
items used Instrument Stgnal
1. Playback MTTI 16U .AC voltmeter - Rec ruv ems Eo ootav SELECIOI 5 (195 +20 dB
Laval (MTTZIG) ' OSCIIIOSCODE or; on NORMAL uonMAt or? LINE -1.0 dB
Play a 315 Hz, OdB stgnal and measure the [CH level difference:
playback level 2 dB max.)
. 8flll/2W) _ Play a 315 Hz. OdB srgnalv thh PB VR set to -24st:3 08
2. 35:33:13.7 XVITJT-IZKSSLI' resastor the MAX DOSHIOW COME 3 5'0" load lCH level dtllerence
-AC voltmeter reststor to the HEADPHONE output Measure 3 dB max-I
the output voltage across the re5tstor wtth
AC voltmeter
3. Playback S/N MTT-I 16U -AC voltmeter _ Play a 315 Hz. OdB stgnal under the standard 42 d5 mtn
lMTT-ZIG) playback condttton and measure the output lCHleveIdtilerence
level. Then. set the tape deck to pause mode 515 max.)
and measure the output level. Obtarn the ratto
between the two output levels
4 .
Also, measure the LINE output through a 6 dB mm»
h h d (CH level dtllerence.
welg trng ctrcult usmg t 8 above oroce ure. 5 dB max)
_ Under the standard playback condttton. play 559 the figure at Ielt
4. Playback Ns/19121153 AC Whmerer each frequency on MTT-I IGU and measure the
Frequency [ ' level at the LINE OUT terrmrtal - 6 (dB)
Response \ ,
4 /
a z
r X r a
: J I l
it was 31:5 IR roxtm 5
5. Minimum as: PLAY ants so DOLEV ssLscron
"9'" Lu or; or; NORMAL NORMAL or:
I _ _ Audlo 5| Hal 1 kHz RECORD LEVEL ,. V . . MAX -20aas :3st
AC voltmeter Under the Standard playback condttton. apply a
.OSCMOSCQDe l kHz stgnal to LINE IN Adjust the audto
stgnal generator so that a stgnal of 0:185
(standard output level) Is ooratneo at LINE
OUT Read the value of the Input level at thts
MIC ._ - Audro srgnal 1 kHz 'NPUT SELECTOR SW M: -72 st :3 Gas
generator Set other swttches as shown above, Apply a 1
-AC voltmeter kHz stgnal to the MIC tack Adtust the audio
- Oscdloscope srgnal generator 50 that a srgnal of (7st
(standard output levell IS obtameo at LINE
OUT Measure the Input level at this common.
3. Overall UD-XLl - Audlo stgnal 40 Hz REC PLAY BIAS so 00va sstecron Antenna»: [)0le wt: or:
Frequency A051 1 generator 100 Hz (-4: 1.. E
Response ' AC voltmeter I kHz ° ° "5 j: M
6'3 kHz Set the DOLBY SW to OFF Other swttches "E. I...
IOkHz should be set as shown above Record and a...
13 kHz play each of the speCIlIeo srgnals and check 00"! oat-"I: Du
16 kHz that the frequency response meets the ...L- r 1-».
specrhcattons ..
-30 3 Next, set the DOLBY SW to ON and check the ,_ _ ,
o s Irequencv response of each srgnal a w u- -
7 Distortion UD-XLI 'AUle Slgnal lkHz aEc ruv BIAS EQ DOLBY SELEcvott wtthln 2%
generator -IOst on 0" NE
A0511 '.AC voltmeter
Dtstortton Under the standard recordtnq and playback
"93" condtttonsl apply the specrfted Signal to LINE
IN. Record aha play the sugnal and measure
the dtstortton of the playback stgnal ustng 3 ms-
tortlon meter Measure distortton on each tape
thh the BIAS and EC swrtches set to ap-
propnate oosrttons
Page 14
Adluwm'" 7' 7 '99 Condition: and methods Standard and remarks
Item: and monument signal
8. Overall S/N UD-XLI - Audto Signal 1 kHz Rec vuv ms so DOLBY SELECIOR NORMAL }
generator _ 10 (135 a a a5; LINE
AC-51 1 - AC voltmeter N N common DOW
' OSCINOSCODG Set the BIAS and E0 swutches according to the 0" °"
type of tape used. FLAY magnum 4743mm
Under the standard recordlng and playback wstamn damn 52 m
CondItIOnS. apply the specrfted Slgnal to LINE ' '
IN and record Next shut off the stgnal and set ._-
the tape deck In recordtng mode. Measure the l
playback levels WIth sngnal and wrthout stgnal. CrO;
Obtam the ratlo between the two playback
levels DDLBV
Next. connect a werghtmg crrcutt between LINE CONDIHON
OlUTb arktcl At: corltmeter and measure the F °"
paY 3C 819 1 I 6 Same manner.
Also, set the DOLBY SW to ON and measure rn Fm. 42am»... dam"
(he same mannef WEIGHTEO 631m" SEIMM
9. Erase ratio UD-XLI - Audra srgnal 1 kHz REC ruv BlAS En oouv satscron 60 dB mm /_
_ gznfolattgeter -4st on on NORMAL nonmr. , or: m: (
' I kHszand Under the standard recordtng and playback
pass 9' condmonsv apply the speaker: signal to LINE
IN Record the signal and then rewrnd the tape
slightly. Next. record the tape wrthoul aoplyrng
srgnal fiewrnd the tape and measure the ratio
at the playback level With srgnal to the level
WIthout Slgnal. usmg a 1 kHz band-pass filter
lot Channel UD-XLI - Audro signal 1 kHz I: luv ants in not. sstsctow 3r) 19 mm
Separatmn generator -10 :18:
. I kHz band-
passfllrer Under the standard recordrng and playoack
conditions. apply the specrlted swghal to one
channel only Record the Signal on the chan-
nel In thus case. no Signal :5 recorded on the
other channel Rewtnd and play the tape,
Measure the retro oi the playoack level With srg- I
nal to the level wtthout srgnal. usmg a I kHz
bandpass inter.
11- 33 UD'XU AUGIO slgnal 00 H1 nsc FL ms so ontav SELECTOR 3' :
between generator - IO st 1
Tracks -AC voltmeter on an NORMAL NORMAL or; UNE .
Eggsfié? Under the standard recordth and playback _ t
condmons. aoDly the soecmeu Stgnal to LINE (
IN Record the srgnal Next. reverse the
cassette and play the tape Measure the
crosstalk usmg a mo Hz Danegass filter
12, Bias Leak - -AC voltmeter - aec PLAY BIAS so Dom sttscton -60 das max
on on NORMAt NORMAL on _ m
Under the standard recording and playback
CDHOIIIOnS. operate the lace mechantsm
wtthout Ioadmg tape Measure the output
13. REC MUTE UD-XLI -Audt° 5|gnal IkHz, Under the standard recording and playback 48 dB mm
afloat generator -10st condltlons. apply the specmeo srgnal to LINE
'AC voltmeter IN Record the srgnalt Measure output levels
wlth REC MUTE ON and OFF