Kenwood KRF 9070 S Service Manual

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Kenwood KRF 9070 S Service Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood KRF 9070 S Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

KRF7V7090D inttp 05.3.3014:02 «5? 2




Remote control unit (1)

AM loop antenna (1)
See the following table.


Batteries (ROS/AAA) (2)

ii 3 iii

FM indoor antenna (1)
USA. and Canada

Other countries

VR-QDSOI-S K,P met-339040 X09~6960-10 X13-7960~10 x14-7900-1o VR_9050,.5 Kyp 04573.05 RC-R0731
vn-9osoi-s K,P mus-339041 X09-6960A10 x13A7960-11 x14-7900A11 VR-9060l-S K,P 0467105 Ronoazg
vn-907oi-s K.P xos-3390-12 x09A6960-1o X13-7960-12 x14e7900A12 VR-9070l-S K,P 0467505 RCVR0918
KRF-VTOQOD-S x X08-3390-10 xoeeegeoe71 X13A7962~71 x14e7900-71 s c
KHF-v1oeoD/D-s E xoa»3392A71 X09A696271 X13-7962~71 x14A7902A71 KRF'WDSOD' X A7o"1674°5 R RO731E
KRF-V7090DlD-S E A70-1674A05 RC-R0731E






mam; E ocunmw

Resetting the Microcomputer

The microcomputer may malfunction (unit cannot be operated, or
shows an erroneous display) if the power cord is unplugged while
the power is ON, or due to some other external factor. If this
happens, execute the following procedure to reset the
microcomputer and return the unit to its normal operating

Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, then plug it
back in while holding down the 0) (POWER ONISTANDBY)

I Please note that resetting the microcomputer will clear the contents
of the memory and returns the unit to the state it was in when it left
the factory.

Memory back up function

Please note that the following items will be deleted trom the units
memory it the power cord is disconnected from the AC outlet for
approximately 1 day.

I Power mode

I Input selector settings
I Speaker ON/OFF - Sound mode settings
I Volume level I Broadcast band

I BASS, TREBLE, INPUT level I Frequency setting

. TONE ON/OFF . Preset stations

. LOUDNESS ON/OFF - Tuning mode

I Dimmer level I ACTIVE EQ mode

I Listen mode setting - GAME mode setting
. Speaker settings

I Distance setting
I Input mode setting

CN11, FL ch. VR1(FL)
CN10, FR ch. VR2(FR)
CN14, SL ch. VR3(SL) Adjust every
CN13, SR ch. VR4(SR) .
CN12 C ch (FRONT 2ch VR5(CENTER) potentiometer
<1> IDLE CURRENT * - MODE) 10 minutes later
CN15, SBL ch. , VR6(SBL) fl t d
X09(A/4) V9'lme- X09(A/4) 3 er me
Minimum the power on.
CN706, SBR ch. VR702(SBR)
X13(F/6) X13(F/6)

Idling Current Adjustment

All power amplifier stage need idling current adjustment after the installation Of TRAIT transistor.
1. Connect a voltmeter to CNs with the correct polarity as indicated by the PCB silk print.
2. Adjust the preset, VRs to get 8.8mV (Idling current: ZOmA) at the voltmeter reading.

3. Repeat step few times for all channels.

Page 11


(X0976960-10) (N4)

Lzswtfnn CAUTION: For continued
§ 23 §é E» g 33 safety, replace safety critical
1 " E *8sz 35 sz §§ components only with manu-
g g 50339; C' I 7 : E tacturer's recommended
5 "a ' ' parts (refer to parts list). A
3 I I
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WWI manual 0365 ms * IndIcates safety crItIcal com-
mam i a R335 onents. For continued ro-
* 9: K . . . .
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2'33: k 4 . w; R327; 553" I E the risk of electric shock
m me am A I
A 32 31:: AG 8 W cm g Rm § § §§ 743:; §§ (X09i(%__ leakage-current or resis-
A Q nun? A054 om max a Si £37431 '- ] tance measurements shall
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g? 7 E? §¥ E § 0362 555»? 065 3 N 3? § : i A returned to the customer.
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XM-Am- wa/II ' .
Eg> W92 @ WH91 I . vn 9050/9050/9070 (2/5)

KRF7V7090D (2/5)

X09-6960-10 (A/4) (2/2) 20