Kenwood KR 65 Owners Manual

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Kenwood KR 65 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood KR 65 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

SYSTEM CONNECTIONS FM INDOOR ANTENNA 300!1 feeder FM OU TDOOR ANTENNA 75H coaxtal cable I I Note: --- ------ --- -__ _ ) I Do not make connect1ons to 30011 and f J 7 5!! antenna term inals Simultaneously I -- ---"' I f I I AM OUTDOOR ANTENNA I I ---------- ----- ---------- - 1 I Ground wtre Output TURNTABLE SPEAKERS TAPE DECK B (Pl ayback only) TAPE DECK A If only one set of speakers is to be connected. make connections to the termtnals marked SPEAKERS [6] Connec t the speake rs to the llJ and [ill terminal s in accor - dan ce with the location selected for each speaker . To ensure cor rect speaker phasing. obse rve polartty marks ; connect ter- min als ma rked ( +) on the recetver to similar ly marked speaker terminals Do the same for receiver and speaker ter - minal s ma rked with a minus sign. Revers al of speaker leads will result in loss of bass tones and poor stereo separ ation . If a second set of speakers ts to be used make connec - tions at the set of terminals. marked[]] . It is recommended that the tips of the speake r leads be sol dered. or the strands of individual lea ds be twisted toge ther to eliminate any possibility of short -circuits forming in the spea ker connecting network . Not e: ------ -- - - --- - - --- - - - Wh en connect ing speakers to the unit s ship ped to the U.S A and Canada. be s ure that each spea ker must be rated at 8 to 16-ohm . Unit s Shipp ed to the countri es othe r than the U.S A and Cana da. 4 to 16-ohm speaker mus t be connected. KR-65 (K} ToAC OUTLET 2 - + - + - + LEFT RIGH T LEFT RIGHT SP.EAKER SYS TE M B SPEAKER SYS TE M A Remove insula tion from lead ttp Tw 1st wire tightly and solder Loosen the Insert the Tigh ten the screw. w1re . screw. Sp eake r Lead Conne cti on ... ,

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TAPE DECKS If only one tape deck is to be connected to the system n 1s rec ommended that it be connected to the jacks marked TAPE A Tap e deck input and output cables are normally ter - minated w ith phono plugs. Playback Plug the left and right outpu t cables of the tape deck Into the (I] and [§] TAPE A PLAY jacks . Record Plug the left and right input cables of the tape deck int o the (I] and ([]TAPE A REC Jacks. Second Tape Deck Plug the outpu t cables from the second tape deck into the TAPE B PLAY/AUX jacks . The tap e deck connected to these jacks cannot be ob- tained record ing . TAPE B PLAY /AUX Th e TAPE B PLAY/AUX jac ks are used to connec t other h1gh -level signal sources. such as extra tape dec ks. tune rs. TV or VTR sound outputs. mic preamps. etc . TURNTABLE Your ste reo turntable has two audio cab les that are ter - minated with phono plugs. Plug the left and right channe l plugs into the [] and ([] PHONO input jacks as shown If the turntable has a ground wir e. con nect it to this unit's GND termi nal to avoid hum . GROUND For max imum safety and minimum interference con- nect the GND term inal to a good earth ground if practicable . A good eart h groun d is a cold water pipe or a metal stake dnven 1nto mo ist earth . FM ANTENNAS FM Outdoor Antennas Consult with you r deale r or service man about the best method of selec ting and e recti ng an outdoor FM antenna . The choice of lead -in (fee der) wire is also imp ortant. The flat ribbon -shaped twin lead performs well elec trically. is cheaper and is somewhat easier to handl e in routing through windows and around rooms. Coaxial cable is more expensive. does a much better job of minimizing interference. is less prone to the effects of weather and close -by metal objects. and is nearly as good a signal conductor as the ribbon type wire . The latter is part icula rly true of foam -type coaxial cables . Coaxial cab le is somewhat more diff icult to install at the po int where the cable enters the building . If coaxial cable is selected. make sure the antenna is designed to drive that type of cable . In many cases a matching trans former (balu n) must be used to connect the antenna ter mmals to the coaxial cable . - To m1n1m1ze auto·1gn1t10n More than 2 meters no1se. loca te the a ntenna 6 6 f eet) above as far fro m heav y traffiC as met alliC roof POSS ible. ' t _ Mo re than 4 - Keep the feeder or coa x1al 11 mete rs 1 13 cable as sho rt as possible. - feet) above the D o not bund le or roll up ground excess cable J - The antenna shou ld be at least two met ers {6.6 fee t) --- from remforce d concrete walls. or metal structures . FM Outdoor Antenna Installation 3 FM Indoor Antenna Conn ect the T-shaped indoor antenna (supp lied ) to the 300 H FM ANTENNA terminals as show n in the system connectio n diagram . Spread the two arms that form the top of the 'T ' hor izontally and ho ld t hem against co nvenient wal l surfaces. Try several loca tions for best resu lts on your favorite sta tion s Tape the antenna in place where the best co mpr om ise is found between listening results and appearance . AM ANTENNAS AM Lo op A ntenna Tun e in your favor ite AM stat ion and posit ton the loop antenna for best recep tion . Try other stat ions and find the positio n that gives best overa ll reception . When this uni t is moun ted in a rack or placed on a she lf with insuffic ient space behind. remove the loop antenna and hang it from a wall in the direct ion which gives best recepti on. If the length of the lead wire is too ·short . add a lead wire of an appropnate length . Detacha ble Remove from the unit and hang 11 from a wall. Vary the direcuon of the loop antenna . AM Loop Antenna Setting AM Outdoor Antenna In steel bu ildings or at a grea t distance from the transmitte r. it may be necessary to install an outside longwire ante nna . The end of this wire should be stripped of insu la- tion and connected to the AM terminal. At this time . keep the loop antenna connected . AC OUTLETS The AC out lets o n the rea r panel of the uni t may be used to supply power to other componen ts such as a turn table . tape deck. etc. Neve r con nect here any equ ipment whose power consumption exceeds the capacity of each outlet. 1. SW ITCH ED out let - This is 100 watts maximum in capacity and is cont rolled by the POWER swi tch on the front panel. 2. UN SWITCHED outlet - Th is is 200 watts maximum in capac ity and power is ava ilab le a t all times. ..