Kenwood KE 294 Owners Manual
This is the 8 pages manual for Kenwood KE 294 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood KE 294 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Your shame or 1an product mdlcamS rnar you are a devotee
(o sxceHencs m sound reproducuon.
We apprecrare your parronage and lake prrde m me rung uaor-
non or ouarity campanenls that our company represents
50 (hat you can get me mosr out or your unir, we suggesl thal
you (aka the trms to read through lhls manual Damn: you hook
upand operate your sysram, ans wru acquaint you wrrn apar-
atrng isamrss and systemrconnecnon consrdaranons so mar
your riarenrng pressure er be enhanced nan from ma start.
You wiH norms that m 3H aspams or pranning, engrneering,
stynng, operannp convenience and adapraonny wa nave soughr
to anucipare your needs and desrras.
Kaap mi: m-nu-I h-ndy for Mun raforunca.
For your records
Record the senal number, round on me back of mo unity rn
rne spaces desrgnaroo on the warrantv card, and m «no space
preuroea aerow nerer to me moaer am: serral numbers
wheneveryou car upon your deazer cor inlurmaxian orservrce
on (m5 prod-4:1
Modez¥ Sonar Numuer
Unpack me urn careruny and make sure that an accessories
are not asrce so may er nor too Inst
Examme the unn ror any possibflrry or snrpping damage u your
unn rs damaged or rana to operate, nomy your dearer rrnrnea»
arory, n your uml was snipped w you urreony, nouly the snrp-
pmg company wnnour oeray. Only rne consrgnee une person
or companv reoerurno rna unnr can We a crown agarnsr the car»
ner (or snrporng damage
We recommend that you rerain rne orroinar carton ano oaok-
mg mare-rare ror use swourd you Uansport or amp the unn in
(he fumre.
['4 Before appryrno power .
/ .
1.; Sarety precaunons.
Sysrem connections
cannon: Read me pages mama J:- oarurully to ensure sans operation.
' Audio cord V
Operanng rnsrruonons ,
Sound equalrzanon
In case of difficuityn
2 KEZSA (En)