Kenwood KACX 520 Service Manual
This is the 14 pages manual for Kenwood KACX 520 Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood KACX 520 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
KAGPSSZO(K)CINT1P 02.3.1110:34AM «>31 +
(x09-) IC11 : u-COM
1 W 0 Controls small-amount current. "L" : SW 5V on.
2 . . . _
3 FAN 0 Controls fan rotation. "H" : Fan on.
4 - . - _
5 D VOLTAGE | Detects class-D over-voltage. "L" : Over-voltage detection.
6 V DOWN I Detects momentary power down. "H" : Momentary power-down detection.
7 W | Detects class-D over-current. "L" (Class-D power on) : Over-current detection.
8 m | Detects class-AB over-voltage. "L" : Over-voltage detection.
9 AB CURRENT I Detects class-AB over-current. "H" : Over-current detection.
10 BLUE 0 Controls BLUE of variable illumination. "H" : Illumination on.
11 GREEN 0 Controls GREEN of variable illumination. "H" : Illumination on.
12 RED 0 Controls RED of variable illumination. "H" : Illumination on.
13 TEST - - _
14 m - Resets. "L" : Reset.
15 XIN - - -
16 XOUT - - -
17 V88 - - -
18 VAREF - A/D reference. -
19 ADIN 1 | Detects temperature. "H" : Unusual temperature detection.
20 ADIN 2 | Detects temperature. "H" : Unusual temperature detection.
21 ADIN 3 | Detects temperature. "H" : Unusual temperature detection.
22 ADIN 4 | Detects temperature. "H" : Unusual temperature detection.
23 - ' -
24 BASS 12dB I Stabilizes BMS +12dB. "H" : BMS +12dB stabilization.
25 BASS REMO | Being remote-controlled from BMS head unit. "H" : remote control available.
26 BASS OFF | Releases boost. "H" : Boost off.
27 D POWER 0 Controls class-D amplifier. "H" : Class-D amplifier on.
28,29 - - - -
30 POWER 0 Controls power amplifier. "H" : SW 14.4V on.
31 COM HU | Measures the head unit pulse. -
32 OFFSET CON 0 Controls bass boost frequency offset. "H" : Offset on.
33 BASS CON A 0 Controls bass boost frequency offset. .
34 BASS CON B 0 Controls bass boost frequency offset. -
35,36 - - - -
37 STAND-BY | Cancels step mode by P-CON on. "L" : P.CON on or BACK-UP over-voltage detection.
38,39 ' ' -
40 VDD - VDD. -
41 TACT SW | Switches color. "H" : SW on.
42 m 0 Controls driver stages. "L" : Mute on.
43 m 0 Controls amplifier input mute. "L" : Mute on.
44 - . - _
Page 8
KAC7PSSZO(K) TNTZP 02.3 11 10:35AM \°~/ 3 /\
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5 33 D53 07 I continued protection against risk of lire, replace only with
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