Kenwood DPC 472 Owners Manual
This is the 13 pages manual for Kenwood DPC 472 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood DPC 472 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
A L'auuon: man thls semen clrelully «a ensure we operation,
AC adaptors are designed for operation as lollows.
A!) 120 Van/y
...... M: 2441 V anly
, ,, , ,, A0230 Vunly
A0 1m 120/ 210 ma V switchable
Euro,» and Lu.
nth-r count! 5
For the U.S.A.
The caulpmcnt may gcrlcralc or use Iadvohcqucncv energy Change: or modlflcntlonsrolhls cquvpmcm
may cause nermlullnlerlerence unless the modrllcatlons areexpressly aDploved W the lnsxrucnon manual
The user could lose me aumonry lo operale lms equlomem ll an unaumonzed change or rnodlllcanon l5
Tnls eqmprnem has been resred and found to comply wnh the VHS for 3 CLASS B alglral devlce pursuam
u) Parr ls ul me FCC nures rues-e nnurs are ueslgneu ro provvde reasonanle prorecnon agalnsr narmrur
mlenerence m a resldenllal mslallallon Thls equlumem may cause narmml ,menerence lo Vadlo
Communlcaklons, lf ll 5 no! mslalleo and used ln accordance wnh me msnucnons However, mere 5 no
gllalanlaplhzl mmlmnm Wm nm nrmlr m a (\Ammllzr rnctallauon H lhl; equlpmem does causo harmlul
lnlerlerence Io raalo or (eleVlSIOfl recepmn, whlch can be delermmed by lurmng (he equlpmem 0" and
on, the user 5 encouraged to rrv m correcl the lmerlerence by one or more of me lollowrng measures
- Heorlenr or relocate me recewlng amenna
7 lncrease (he separanun oerween me eoummenr anrl recewer
7 Connect me equleEm ln'O an ouller on a Cllcull drlferem from Mar ro wnlch \he receiver ls
- Consult [he dealer or an experlenced ladlD/TV technlcvan for help
Tnls Class B dlglral apparatus meels all [equlfemems ol me Canadlan lnrerferencerCausmg Eqmpmenr
Tho marking of products using lasers (Except for some areasL
Tms label ls manned in me bottom panel and we mm m: rnmnnnflm
useslaserbeamslhalhavebeenclassl'ledasClassl ltmeanslhattheunlt
l5 utlllzmg laser beams lnar are or a weaker class There l5 no danger ol
hazardous rsmallon oulslde me unll
Page 9
D,A.S C. (Dininl Anti Shock Circuill
Whl! sums to b. I u on trouble may sometimes
0 a simple
Iko Bllora eatlinglor
service, eheelt the Items hown in the renewing table aglirl. tlf you nqunt scmerng due tn the
mason: shown In me ta la, rue semce may we crlnrgeu In some use
DPC-472/DPC-471/DPC-371 only
It prevanm slipping by slaving the CD'S digital datl in memmy, and hen Mlying back from the
Mechanism a! DASC.
Storage at
drgrta data
Dg5 memv Reproduced sound
- In case or yrerencn accve z cerlalh degree the memory data may be exhausted and the guard horn
sound sklp may become temporalrlv rnellectrye
Setting the
Each press changes between the lollowtng, 9m
so 0 D.Ats.c. 0N
' V n Wlth the DPC7472, dlgltal data of 11 Seconds ls v :'
stored rn rnemnry 3 3 v
Wlth the DPC7471 ol UPC-371 drgltal data of 3
G seconds rs stored rn rnenrory
9 D.A.Srce OFF lRalaasad)
wrrerr the ureyer rs useu rrr a preue tree or VlLlldtlel
rt Is recommended to release the D A s c to ex-
[end the play trrne by reducrrlg the battery power
Goes ofl
- The reproduced sound rs lrlterlupteddurlhg sr7yrtchrng
the battery WW5! uuuwmis more qulchty when I- D.fl.a.6t ls Ila-Ur It I erure yew
minded to set (h. D.A.$.C. OFF wit-n the play-l is used in a put): he: 0| vubrltlon.
No nplrflion occurs
when operation Itsv; all
' The HOLD swllch ofthe math uhlt l5
set to ON
' The batterles are exhausted
- The dlSC rs placed upsrce down
- Condensatlon has occulled mslde
the WM
- TheAC adaptelclcalbaltelyadamer
rs dlsconnecled
- Set the swhch to OFF
- Replace both at the two alkaline
catterres, ol recrlalge the recharge»
able batteries
- Place the dlsc wrth the labeled slde
. Leave the unrt tcr about l hour be
fore reuse
- Ccnnect rt properly
No sound is hard lrum
tlr- lnuupt. .
. The headphunes are connected rn-
a The volume Is set to the mlrlimum
posnion on the marrr unrt
- lhsert the plug securely rnto the
W IONEG tank
O Adjust the volume on the math unlt
Sound ships, or is inter-
I The D A S C ls set to OFF",
- A strong vrbralton that exceeds the
capacrty or the u A 3 L has occurrea
- The dlsc rs drrty
- The lens :5 dlrtv
- Tho headphone plug ls drny
- The batterles are low
I Set the D A S C to ON", (UPC-472!
471/371 onlyl
- Place the unrl rrr a place not Subject
to vtcratlon
- Clean rt
- Clean ll
- Clean rt
' Replace Dr recharge the halterles
Noise interferes.
o The headphone pluu rs drrlv
- The betterres are low
' The headphones are connected m-
' Clean ll
- Replace or recharge the catterres
~|rlserr the plug securely Ihlo the
Rechargeable bmetios
cannot be recharged.
. CommerClallyral/allable recharge
able banenes are used
I Use the exclusrve rechargeable bats
Ieries (NBVSB or NB-77)
Tllle eyelerrr ueeee rrrrcrueurrrputer >u lt lltay rrrellurreuurr uue w :Almllcl ruse er rulerlererree nr suelr
a case, unnlug the power cord and remove the batterres then plug the power cord agalrr and lrrsert the
batterles agarn