Kenwood CV 751 HU Service Manual
This is the 31 pages manual for Kenwood CV 751 HU Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood CV 751 HU Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
CEV751(K)COVER1,1P( 99.11.1 11:34 AM \°*:}1
© 1999-8/B51-5566-00 (K/K) 1992
Indicator From glass
(B12-0311-O4) (810-2350-14) Front glass Panel
Knob (810-2351-14) (A60-1686-01)
_ -
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Phone jack Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob
r\ (E11-0280-05) (K29-6665-02) (K29-6666-12) (K29-7591-02) (K29-6685-02) (K29-6660-04) 7
k / \
Optical receiving module Miniature phone lack
Metallic cabinet Lock terminal board Phono jack (W02-1181-05) (E11-0293-05)
(A01'3702'01) (E70'0052'05) 11563009305) Phonojack Phono lack Power cord bushing
(E63-0094-05) (E63- 0-199- -05) (J42-0083-05)
ANTENNA r a m mm, m ©
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Rectangular receptacle Phono jack Phono jack Phono jack(6P)x2 Phono jack AC outlet
(Ess-oms-os) (E63-1084-05) (E63-0138-15) (E63-0139-15) (E63-1084-05) AC power cord ' (E03-)
* Refer to parts list on page 33.
Caution : No connection of ground line if disassemble the unit. .
Please connect the ground line on rear panel, PCBs, Chassis and some QM.
others. Ifi
Page 2
C7V751(K)COVER1,1P( 99.11.111:34AM \°-/2
CONTENTS / ACCESSORIES .................................. 2
ADJUSTMENT ..............
PC BOARD ................................................................ 9
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .......................................... 15
EXPLODED VIEW .............. 32
PARTS LIST ........................ 33
PARTS DESCRIPTIONS .. .............. 39
SPECIFICATIONS ...................................... Back cover
FM indoor antenna (1)
9 .
7 7AM loop antenna (1) (T90-0833-05) 77777 I Remote control assy
Loop antenna stand (1)
Batteries (ROS/AA) (e)
GRC-7OO (1)
7 7 , . Battery coTer(A09-1139-08)
1. Remove the 1 screw ((1)), Then pull the slider ((2) till last
2. While raise the slider of left side, remove the slider from
the bosses ((336))
Page 4
C7V751(K) COVER1,1P( 99.11.111:34AM \°-/4 /\
4. Microprocessor: CXP740010-107Q(X08,IC16)
4-1 Port description of microprocessor
Pin No. Pin Name l/O Description H ACTIVE L
1 AMUTE 0 Audio muting control. Mute:ON Mute:OFF
2 POWER 0 Power ON/OFF relay control. Power:ON Power:OFF
3 POWER 0 Power amplifier relay control. Power:ON Power:OFF
4 F RLY 0 Front speaker relay control. Relay:ON Relay:OFF
5 C RLY 0 Relay control of center.surround and SW woofer. Relay:ON Relay:OFF
6 S RLY 0 Rear speaker relay control. Mute:ON Mute:OFF
7 +3dB O +3dB attenuation control for super woofer. ATT:ON ATT:OFF
8 20dB O +20dB attenuation control for volume control. 20dB gain
9 PROTECTION | Detection terminal of protection signal. PRT:ON
10 8 DATA I/O Serial communication data signal.
11 S BUSY I/O Serial communication busy signal.
12 T MUTE O Muting control of audio signal for tuner. Mute:ON Mute:OFF
13 PLL CLK O Clock output of PLL IC for tuner.
14 PLL DATA 0 Data output of PLL IC for tuner.
15 PLL CE 0 Chip enable of PLL IC for tuner.
16 PLL DO | Data input from PLL IC.
17 SD | Syntony signal input of tuner.
18 STEREO | Stereo signal input.
19~22 T SW1~4 | Discrimination of the tuner destination.
23 M OPEN 0 Control terminal of motor driver.(Motor CW 4 Door open)
24 M CLOSE 0 Control terminal of motor driver.(Motor CCW a Door close)
25 OPEN SW l Detection port of door open/close switch. Open
C) 26 CLOSE SW | Detection port of door open/close switch. Close
27 DIG. H 0 Port for digital input.
28 RWR | Reading of interactive remote control data.
HzEnd of reading data.
29 ENE l Permission of transmission . Permission
30 REG 0 Request of transmission. No Request
31 ~38 R DATA1~8 0 Data output to remote control microprocessor.
39 CE | Chip enable.
40 RST | Reset signal input.
41 V88 - Ground.
42 XTAL - 16MHZ main oscillator.
43 EXTAL l 16MHZ main oscillator.
44 SEL STBZ O Unused.
45 SEL STBI O Strobe output to selector IC.
46 SELCLK O Clock output to selector IC.
47 SEL DT 0 Data output to selector IC.
48~50 VlDE01 ~3 0 Control port for video selector.
51 DSP RST2 0 Reset signal output to DSP.
52 AVSS - Ground.
53 AVREF - Connected to V00.
54 AVDD - Power supply(+5.0V).
55 VOL CLK O Clock output to electric volume(|028).
56 VOL DATA 0 Data output to electric volume(lC28).
57 VOL LATCH O Latch output to electric volume(|028).
58 CODEC RST 0 Reset port to A/D,D/A converter.
59 - - Unused.
60 RDS SLEVEL | Signal level input from RDS decoder.
61 DOOR KEY | Detection port of door key(816) .
62 POW KEY l Detection port of power key(83).
63 OESL 0 Switching the output enable.
4 64 AUDIO | Detection port of audio.
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