Kenwood 850 AV Owners Manual
This is the 56 pages manual for Kenwood 850 AV Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Kenwood 850 AV Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 25
' RANDOM indicator
PLAY indlcator 3'
ED'IT indlcator
in dlqator "
PAusg indicathr-
ALL indicator
. CHANGE (total dlsc tracks) indipnor
" Mui'n
1-! -
SINGLE. 4 5 '
TUTAL _ ALI- , , s 7 E} a 10
[-1 F!- 1.7 n 11 12 13 14 15
Cl _C/ 1s 17 1a. 19 20
@ Q
indicators indicator
bmmns (I -5)
RC! L]
DISC SKIP button OPEN/CLOSE button
STOP button
' nag SKIP OPEN/aw
SKIP buttons PLAYIPAUSE button
Page 36
Before using the cassette deck
Please read the following instruc-
tions mrefully to help prevent
damage to your cassettetapes.
Preventing accidental
recording on [are-recorded
To prevent the accidental recording
of a tape use a small screwdrivervor
other tool to nemove the recording-
artivatlon tabs on the top edge of
the cassette case. ' ,
For B side
lfthere is slack in the tape
lnsert a pencil into the tape reel
hole, and wmd the 90:65: tape into
the cassette oaset , 7 ' _ ,
Staring cassettes
Store tapes away from direct , _
sunlighp magnetic fields (including
those produced by speakers and
television sen), and heaters.
Special tapes
Using [20-minute tapes and/or
endless tapes could damage the
tape mechamsrns. We don't recom-
mend them.
Maintaining your cassette
After using the cassette desk for a ,,
long time the heads (the parts that
1 touch the tape) can become dirty
and magnetized. This an cause ,
poor sound and over long periods
oftime will harm your cassette desk
,We recommend using both a head
cleaning kit and a head demagnetiz-r
mg kit Both are available at the
dealer where you purchased your
system. or your local electronics
Page 38
Fast-winding tapes
On eithertle remoteor the front panel:
I Press the I button.
2 Press either flwe,4< button or the PD button. ' '
3 Press the l_ button to stop fast-wjndlng.
m M W!
Vfilély'ta u
ntrols forml A.
Playing tapes in both cassette
wells (relay play)
Youcan automatically play Tape-B jmmecllately after
Tape-A is done.
I Set the play conditions.
; ) plays béth sides of eathtape repeatedly.
..._x / .
1 plays one snde of eath tape repeatedly,
On either :he remote or the front panel:
2 Press either the 1 button or the D button for the ,, ,
cassette well containing the tips you want to hear, V '
3 To stop relay clay, press the I button.
Page 44
Creating custom tapes from CDs
fit a partlcuar tape lergih. The player automatically edits
the order of the tracks, so no track is cut offat the end
of the tape.
Taping a single CD
Your CD player automazically selects the number of
tracks (in numerical order) to east fill Side- A. The player
selectsthe tracks for Side- B the same way. . g
ON. press the P.MODE,bUtth,,.
2 Press the STOP'button.
:ums ON.
4 Select the CD. you want totape using the DISC .
SELECTOR butters. g s ,
time cycle: from 46 > 54 > 60 > 90 and then back
to 46. The time you selected flashes on the display.
You can adgust the time by pressing the DISCSKIP '
buttons Each time you press the appropriate button.
you increase or decrease the time by l minute. _7
6 Press the EDIT MODE button againilhe EDIT light
flashes, and the display shows the tracks selected for
PLAY light flashes, whilerthe EDIT light remains ON.
7 To startrecordlng, press the CCR5 button on the , 7
For an explanation of CCR5, see page 47..
3 Press the EDIT MODE button once. The. EDIT light , ,
Side-A and then the traclefor Side-B. Finally, the. .. V,
You can tape up t0'32 tracks from one or more CDs to ,
I Make sure the PGM light is OFFtIfrthe PGM light ls , , ,
5 Press the TIME DlSP, button. and enter the recording ,,
time othe tape. Each time you press the button. the ,
cassette deck Recording begins afler about Lminute, ,,
' Ell-Tir-
Taping tracks from multiple CDs
You can'record tracks from more than one CD onto a .
single tape,
| Make sure the FGM light is OFF. If the PGM light is
ON, pressthe PMODE button.
1 Press the stoe button
3 Press the EDIT MODEbutLen twice, TheMULTI M
EDiT light turns ON.
4 Press the TIME DJSP. butter, and enter the recording ,'
time ofrthe tape. Each time you press the button, the
time cycles from 46 > 54 > 60 > 90 and then back
to 46. The fime you. selected flashes on the display.
You can adjust the time by pressing the DISC SKIP
buttons Each time you press >th6 appropriate button,
you Increase ordecrease the time by I minute.
You can also enter the time by using the number a ,
buttons onthe remote In this case. you dont have to _
press the EDITMODE button after enten'ng the time,
Page 51
Cassette deck I
No sound when the PLAY button is pressed
I Check that. the tape isn't blank
I Check that the tape is wound properly in the cassette,
case If not replace the tape. '
I Check that the audio cables are connected properly.
None of the operation buttons work
I Make sure that a tape has been inserted into the well.
I Make sure the mssette well door is comalete'y closed.
I After closing the cassette welldoor or turningon the
power. wait at least 3 seconds before pressing the
thtons. V, e ' ,,
I Make sure that thetape isn't fully wound to the end.
lf it is, change the tape direction citreinsert the tape
facing the, other direction. '
I Check that the tape is wound properly in the cassette ,
case. If not, replace the tape.
Track-finding function doesnt work
I Make sure that the tape has 4~second blank spaces 1 s
between tracks ,
Automatic recording doesnt work
I Make sure that the recording-activation tabs havenot ,
been removed from the tape in tape well B.
I Make sure there is a CD in the CD player.
I Check that the CD iSh't craCked ondirfty. , ', ,. _
I Check that the system control cables are properly
plugged in. 7 V " "
The cassette well door doesnt open when the
E] ECT button is pressed
I Make sure that the player is in the STOP mode. ,
Recordings sound dull or distorted
I The recording level may be too high. Set the record-
ing levelaccording to: the section Setting recording
level and balance on page 40.
I Make sure that Dolby Noise Reduction, isn't activated
when plawng tapes recorded with no Dolby Noise
Reduction. '
I You may need to clean the tape heads See the, ,
section Before using your casmtte deck on page'36..
Pressing the REC/ARM button doesnt start
I Make sure that the recording-activation tabs have not
been removed from the tape.
I Make sure that the cassette well door is completely
I Make sure that the input on the amplifieris set to
something other than TAPE.
I Check that therewrding level isntset to_minimum. "
I Check that the tape isn't fully wound to the end. _
Tape noise (hiss) level is high
I Make sure that the proper Dolby Noise Reduction is
selected for play,
I The tape may have been recorded attoofow a
recording level. If so, record it again at a higher level.
I You may needto demagnetize the tape head. See the
section Before using your cassette deck on,
page 36
Sound is sour, with unstable pitch
I You may need to clean the tape heads. See the
section Before using your cassette deck on page 36L
I Make sure that the tape is wound properly in the '
cassette (35,53.
Tape automatically plays or records when
power is turned ON
I Make sure that the TlMER switch is OFF.
None of the functions operate, or the display
shows wrong information
I Reset your unit's microcomputer by unplugging the
power cordfrom the electrical outlet and plugging it
back in while holdingdown the STOP button;