Kawai 100f service manual
This is the 5 pages manual for kawai 100f service manual.
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Extracted text from kawai 100f service manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
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2mm»: flux-Avon
Controls & Functions
Located at the lower left corner of the panel, thrs
easyrvtew sirder provrdes outck access whrle
Trme (length) is adjusted by the slrder, whrle
mode settrngs A, B and C provrde drfferent pore
tamento effects
Two rndependent envelope generators grve
separate control of VCF and VGA.
Thrs swrtch lets you choose whether to use the
keyboard or the LFO to control the envelope
generator starttrme.
Thrs osctllator covers an extremely wrde frequenr
cy range' 03 Hz to 50 Hz lts selector switch
provrdes a chorce of three drfferent waveforms:
M , M and n:
Thrs selector covers srx octaves, from 64' :o 2,
and has a specral Low posrtron for easer
operatron tn the low-lrequency range, A Tune
strder ls also incorporated its contrnuous /z-
octave adjustment lets you tune the 100F to any
Use rt to select erther Nor Fstavetorm
VCO frequency rs controlled by the LFO and
ENV There rs also an rndependent control lor
Delay thrato, to provide a varrety of deep,
natural vrbrato effects
Thrs swrtch selects the sound source for me
VCF not only from the VCO but also wtth
posrttons for whrte horse and external srgnal
Thts low pass frlter operates over an extremely
wrde range of t6 Hz to 32 kHz Usrng rt the Peak
Controller can be adjusted to stress one
segment of the overtones. When the slrder 1s set
to to. the VCF oscrllates to create a srne wave
( Am ). wrth frequency controlled by the
Thrs combrnatron of controls and selector can be
used to make the LPG and ENV srgnals work on
the VCF the VCF can also be modulated by the
VCO waveform to create a totally new tone To
obfarn a wow effect usrng the expressron pedalr
set the selector to EXP.P CV ; then, when the
pedal ts depressed a powerful wow effect wtll be
created as the cutoff frequency rrses
The VCA changes the volume accordrng to the
ENV srgnal. by rncreasrng the Garn Control the
volume gradually rncreases If a key rs pressed
at thrs trme, tne tone ts malntarned The selector
works accordng to the srgnal setat ENVll. When
the swttcr. lS set to KYBD the srgnal rs swrtched
on and off accordrng to the preset envelope
an5 control Wlll oass only trequenctes above the
leve? set resultrng rn a hard, sharp tone oualrty,