Jvc RCX 540 Service Manual

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Jvc RCX 540 Service Manual

Extracted text from Jvc RCX 540 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

RC - X540C/J



Area Suffix

.. ~ Canada


1. Safety Precautions ------------------------------------- Page 2 9. Main IC Block Diagram ------------------------------------- 58
2. Safety Precaution about RC - X540 10. Block Diagram --------
3. Instructions ----------- 11. Wiring Connections ~-
4. Location of Main Parts-- 12. Standard Schematic Diagram
5 Removal of Main Parts -------------------------------------- 30 13. Location of P.C. Board Parts --------------------------- 72
6' Main Adjustment ................................................ 39 14_ Electrical Parts USI ........................................... 77
7. Troubleshooting of CD Part---- 15. Illustration of Packing and Parts List ------------------ 85
8.Anaiytic Drawing and Parts List--
No. 1932

June 1995

Page 2

RC - X540 C/J i

1. Safety Precautions

. The design of this product contains special hardware and many circuits and components specially for safety purposes. For continued
protection. no changes should be made to the original design unless authorized in writing by the manufacturer. Replacement parts
must be identical to those used in the original circuits. Service should be performed by qualified personnel only.

2. Alterations of the design or circuitry of the product should not be made. Any design alterations of the product should not be made. Any
design alterations or additions will void the manufactures warranty and will further relieve the manufacture of responsibility for personal
injury or propeny damage resulting therefrom.

3. Many electrical and mechanical parts in the products have special safety - related characteristics. These characteristics are often not
evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated
for higher voltage. wattage. etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified in the Parts List of
Svervice Manual. Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the schematic and by ( AX )on the Parts
List in the Service Manual. The use of a substitute replacement which does not have the same safety characteristics as the
recommended replacement part shown in the Parts List of Service Manual may create shock. fire. or other hazards,

4, The leads in the products are routed and dressed with ties. clamps , tubings. barriers and the like to be separated from live parts. high
temperature parts. moving parts and [or sharp edges for the prevention of electric shock and fire hazard. When service is required, the
original lead routing and dress should be observed. and it should be confirmed that they have been returned to normal. alter

5. Leakage current check (Electrical shock hazard testing)

After reassembling the product. always perform an isolation check on the exposed metal parts of the product (antenna terminals.

knobs. metal cabinet. screw heads. headphone jack. control shafts. etc.) to be sure the product is safe to operate without danger of

electrical shock. Do not use a line isolation transformer during this check.

- Plug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Using a Leakage current tester'. measure the leakage current from each exposed

metal part of the cabinet. particulary any exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis. to a known good earth ground. Any

leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA AC(r.m.s.).

- Alternate check method EZj (Having 1000 ohms/volt,
Plug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Use an AC °' "1°" "mMWJ
voltmeter having. 1.000 ohms per volt or more sensitivity in the 3.....3
following manner. Connect a 1.500 ohms tow resistor paralleled by 015 F ETYPE
a 015 ,u F AC type capacitor between an exposed metal part and a Place this probe

known good earth ground. Measure the AC voltage across the 7" "Ch "W5
1500 n 10 W metal part.
resistor with the AC voltmeter. Move the resistor connection to each

exposed metal part. particularly any exposed metal part having a 6" ""h ground
return path to the chassis. and measure the AC voltage across the resistor. Now. reverse the plug in the AC outlet and repeat each

measurement. Any voltage measured must not exceed 0.75V AC(r.m.s.).This corresponds to 0.5mA AC(r.m.s.).

2 (No. 1932)

Page 43

RC ., X540 C/J

I CD player Section
Item Conditions Adjustment & Confirmation Methods Stand. values Adjust
Tracking offset Test disc @Connect TPSOS (TE) and TPSOl (VREF) Adjust the VR501
adjustment :CTSlOOO respectively to the hot and ground sides of the center of
Oscilloscope oscilloscope. waveform
® Replay the test disc CTSt 000. amplitude to
Note 1 @When TP504 and TP501 have been connected ( the reference
Adjust VR501 so Shorted) during replay, a tracking error signal will voltage value
that the waveform be emitted for about 3 sec. (Since the tracking of servo
becomes vertically error signal will be emitted at all times when the (VREF).
symmetrical to the model with a test mode function is shifted to TEST
reference voltage mode, the adjustment can be performed more
value of servo. easily).
Note 2 @Since the waveform of tracking error signal
The oscilloscope displayed by the oscilloscope goes up and down
input should be DC when VRSOl has been adjusted. adjust VR501 so
- coupled. that the center of the waveform amplitude
Note 3 becomes a reference voltage value of
VREF: Ground servo(VREF),
level on the ®Repeat the steps ©~® until the center of the
oscilloscope waveform amplitude of tracking error signal
becomes the reference voltage value of servo
(This step is not necessary in the case of the
model with test mode function).
Tracking error signal
Adjust the waveform
_ _ becomes vertically
T symmetrical to the
reference voltage
' value of servo.
Fig. 6~B

(N0. 1932) 43