Jvc KSRT 510 R Service Manual

This is the 70 pages manual for Jvc KSRT 510 R Service Manual.
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Jvc KSRT 510 R Service Manual

Extracted text from Jvc KSRT 510 R Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1






1 _ Safety Precautions ............................ pagez
2_ Instructions ............................................ 2
3. Location of Main Parts ............................ 26
4, Removal of Main Parts ............................ 28
5. Main Adjustment .................................... 32
6 Wiring Connections ................................ 37

7. Analytic Drawing and Parts List"

Area Suffix
B ........................................ U.K.
E -- Continental Europe
................... Germany
....................... |ta|y

Eastern Europe,
Austria and Switzland

8. Block Diagram .................

9. Main IC Block Diagram .......................... 43
10. Standard Schematic Diaglam ------------------ 46
11. Location of P. C. Board Parts ------------------ 50
12. Electrical Parts .................................... 52
13, Packing ............................................. 56

April 1996

Page 2

1. Safety Precautions


Burrs formed during molding may be left over on some parts of the chassis.
Therefore, pay attention to such burrs in the case of preforming repairof this

2. Instructions


Thank you for purchasing a JVC product. Please
read all instructions carelully belore operation,
to ensure your complete understanding and to
obtain a longer service life from the unit.


Vielen Dank itir den Kaul dieses JVC Gerats Bitle
lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgtallig
durch, ehe Sie das Gerat in Betrieb nehmen, um
einen Iangen und stdrungsireien Belneb zu


Nous vous remerctons pcurtachatdun apparert
J VG Vault/e2 lire avec soin routes [as instructions
avant de Iaire Iancrr'onner t'apparert, pour étre
so! davorr bier! tout compris et pour oblenr'r une
durée duti/isatian plus tongue de Itapparetl,




0 Cleaning The Head

Heads are important as they pick up sound.

When they become dirty. the lollowing

symptoms become noticeable:

o The sound quality is reduced.

0 The sound level is decreased.

0 The sound can be heard intermittently
(Sound dro occurs.)

These are NO mallunctions. However, before

these symptoms appear, clean the heads alter

every 10 hours at use using a wet-type head

cleaning tape, avallable lrom an audio store.

For more details, refer to the Instructions of

the Head Cleaning Tape.

I Reinigung das Tonkoples
Die das Bandsignal ablesenden Tonkdple sind
besonders wichtig.
Eei Verschmutzung der Tonkbpfe treten die
folgenden Beeintrachtigungen aui:
I Vermlnderte Tonquallttit.
o Vermlnderter Tonpegel.
0Unregelm58ige Tonschwankungen


Es handelt sich NlCHT um Fehliunktionen! Zur
Vermeidung dergenannten Beeintrachtigungen
solllen die Kopte ca, alle 10 Betriebsstunden
mit einem rm Audio-Fachhandel erhattlichen
Reimgungsband (Nassband) gesaubert
werden Weitere Angaben siehe die
Gebrauchsanweisung der Reinigungscassette.

- Head cleaning tape
. Koptrermgungscassette
- Cassette de neltoyage de tetes

2 (No. 49291)

I Nettoyage de la tete

Les tétes son! importantes, eltes captenr le sun.

Ouand atlas devrennenrsales, Ies symptémes

suit/ans dew'enrrent percepbbles:

I La qualité du son est rédulte.

I Le nlveau sonore dlminue.

0 Le son peut étre entehdu de recon
intermittente. (Des coupures de son se

Ce ne sent PAS des mauvais fonctrannements.
Tourefois, avant que ces symptdmes
apparatssenr, netroyer Ies teres routes les 10
heures dutr'lr'salron en utilisanrune cassette de
nertoyage de tétes de type humide, disponib/e
dans un magasin de produits audio. Pour plus
de details, se reporter aux instructions de la
cassette de nettoyage de rates.