Jvc CD 4 50 Owners Manual

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Jvc CD 4 50 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Jvc CD 4 50 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

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Separation adjustment

Separation adjustment is performed to accommodate
the CD4 cartridge and stylus being used. When you have
done it once, do not move the separation controls and
switches until you replace the cartridge or stylus.
Cartridge replacement

Install the cartridge so that the head shell and the
cartridge. body are parallel to the record surface. (Fig. 4)
Optimum PHONO input level .

The allowable input range for this demodulator is from
1mV to 10mV (at 1kHz for rated output). Particularly,
the use of a 2-channel cartridge having an output of
more than 10mV may cause distorted sound. However, if
your pre-amplifier's equalizer can accept that input level,
you can use such a cartridge by setting the FUNCTION
switch to the DIRECT position.

Playing 2-channel records

Most 2tchannel records on the market can be played
back properly with the FUNCTION switch at "00-4"
(using either a 2-channel or CD-4 cartridge).

However, some 2-channel records may contain unwanted
high frequency signals, which produce abnormal noise
when played back at the CD4 position. Play Such re-
cords with the FUNCTION switch set to "DIRECT" or


If ti turntable speed deviates a great. deal from the
stantzwd, beats may be heard. If this happens, adjust
the turntable rpm correctly.

TV interference

Nhen a 00-4 record is played while the TV receiver is on,
interference noise will be heard, in CD-4 reproduction.
Turn the TV receiver off when you play CD-4 records.
If both are to be on, keep an ample space (50cm - 1m)
between the TV and the CD-4 record player.






Record storage

In the same-way as with 2channel records, dust and

dirt on CD-4 records will degrade the sound quality.

Clean the records before and after playing with a preener

or cloth cleaner. Do not use a cleaning Spray or Other

cleaners containing solvents. Also avoid washing the
records in water (as this may increase noise).

Cleaning the stylus

Dust and dirt adhering to the Stylus tip will cause

channel separation to deteriorate. Always keep the

stylus clean using a stylus cleaner or a brush.

Signal cords

The signal cords from the record player should transmit

the super-sonic frequencies to the CD4-50 without any

attenuation. Use low-capacitance signal cords for
4-channel use.


a) Some AC outlets are provided with a ground terminal.

Connect the GNU terminal of the CD4-50 to this ter-

minal using a vinyl insulated wire. Be careful not to

accidentally insert the wire into the AC outlet socket.

If no ground terminal is available at the AC outlet.

Strip about 50 -- 70cm of a 10- to 20-core vinyl

insulated wire, wind it onto a water pipe and fix it

firmly with eleCtricaI tape.

c) Water pipes made of plastic cannot be used for
grounding. If metal pipes are not available, bury the
stripped end of the wire into the earth to a depth
of about 50cm.

Caution! Do not connect the ground wire to gas pip-35.

In case of excessive hum

The polarity of the power cords of the record player,

C0450 and amplifier has an effect on hum. If the

humming noise is excessive, re-plug the respective power

cords in the opposite direction.
