Jbl Studio Series 2000 Catalog
This is the 2 pages manual for Jbl Studio Series 2000 Catalog.
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Extracted text from Jbl Studio Series 2000 Catalog (Ocr-read)
Page 1
(J' -' r4 ,-' ,4
JELJLJQ mafia;
526, S36, S38, 5310, S312, S412P, S Center
S310 .
S Center
" Professional performance in convenient sizes Reinforced PolyPlas'M driver cones for low
- Pure Titanium dome tweeters mass and high inner damping
r Rigid, nonmagnetic cast aluminum bass driver frames ' Precision HeatscapeW motor structure for effective
Elliptical Oblate Spheroldalm (EDS) waveguide heat dissipation
Page 2
MI. Incorporated. Nonl'uidge. California. USA! HO: 2, Route de Yours, 7250f] Ellitelu du lair. FRANCE - 09m - SSSTUDIO
l5) Series
526. 536, S38, 5310, 5312, SMZF, 5 Center
Only JBL r.m rlruw ill] (a nth 30 year legacy of prnles
stonal slULll. [ML-titer anti turttclt sound system tctlt
nologle; .0 trmte a line mnqc of proiussional quality
homt- lm rdspualers worthy of the name Studio Serles
Lntm Anti clear volume levels. pinpornt rrmrqtnq and
the (ll/IldliliES of a live event are effortlessly repro
norm by advanced JBL transducers directly descend-
m from lBl Pro sound products found in the world's
Titanium twrwtrrt provttle smooth, rvrn nupr-mnn of
high lrcqutriucs tinu [NCUSC stereo lllirilllflti uvrr a
wrde ilSICllllltl lira-.1
Heatscapem Motor Assembly
Bass drivers it'aluw SFL: magnetic shorting rings and
lorcea air COUlIlK] Via a vented polcpiecc to conduct
heat away from ii In twat-resistant Kapton vorte calls (or
Wm I),,\g,l,\ vmufl limitless dynnrrm \ and itrflllsllt sound pressure levels. Black Beech
Exclusive Healv .rliL technology protects bass drivers Ash.
E05 anlgllidl Titanium Mentors from potentially tltirnaqurq thermal buildup. instead of
H31 a trademark ptlrt titanium name tweeters With the min stunned lrames iouno in comparably priced
Ilt'rlrivnillniil magnets and rubber surrounds combine products. )ltll1l0 Series bass drivers are built on thick
inw "UV, and high rigidity for extreme speed and frame: of rast aluminum. Strong. non-magnetic frames
minimal rltu. rum in the critical high frequency range ensure accurate, controlled cone motion for powerful.
Mounted in Ellrprlr at Onlatc Spncromal'u' wavequrom rlcun deep bass
developed lor lllt prl'ilrvssinnnl lfil? wrlr", lBl nun
Specifications 51 $36 $38 5310
Frequency Response l-3dBl: 48 i ll 20 kl i2 60H: - 20 kHz 45 Hz - 20 kHz 40 Hz - 20 kHz
Sensitivity (283V/ l mi 87 dB 90 dB 89 (18 9| dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms 8 Ohms 8 Ohms 8 Ohms
Max: RecommertledAn'ip. Penn/er: I 50 Walls 150 Watts 5 Warm 200 Watts
Crossover Frequencies: 2 kHz 650 Hz, 3 kHz 800 Hz, 32 kHz 850 Hz. 3.5 kHz
Low Frequency Driver: 6 PolyPlas'M" cone 6 PolyPlas""' cone 8' PoiyiiasW cone I0 PolyPlas cone
Midrange Driver: - 4' W [polymercoated cellulose fiber) cone. rubber sunound.
- shielded; Linear Field Proximity (LFPl bezel
High Frequency Driver: l Furetiunium dome. with rubber surround, siielded' Elirpticd Oblate Spheroidal" [E05] waveguide
Dimensions leWxD): 432x254x254mm 260x37 lxl 27mm 292x445x327n1n 876x330x305mm
Weight: IO kg 5 kg i2] kg 22.7 kg
Spaclflcatlons 5312 S4! 2P S Center
Frequency Response: 35 Hz - 20 kHz 32 Hz - 20 kHz 75 Hz - 20 kHz
Sensitivity (2.83V/ml: 92 dB 91 dB 9] dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms 8 Ohms 8 Ohms
Max ltcommendedkrp, PM: 250 Watts 250 Watts )5!) Was
Crossover Frequencies: 750 Hz, 3 kHz 200 Hz. 850 Hz, 3.5 kHz 800 Hz, 3.2 kHz
Low Frequency Driver: IZ Phlyflas' cone IZ" PoryPlas' cone powered 51/4" PolyPlas"' cone
by a ZOO-watt power amplifier
Midbass Driver: - 6' PolyPlas -
Midrange Driver: 4' PoMlas {polymer-coated cellulose fiberl (one, rubber surround, Shielded: Linear Field ProximityM (LFPJ bezel
High Frequency Driver: 1' Puretitanium dome. with rubber surround, shielded; Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal lEOS) waveguide
Dimensions leWxDl: l04 lx406x327 mrn l I I8x406x340 mrn 200x52 |x229 mm
Weight: 3i kg 39.1 kg 68 kg
these manmurn levels, " PoiymeKoaed ccikriose fiber,
NimodelslexceptSBéandSCmeriareavjlabiernBeech HackflshorNarualChenyllrishes. Pleasecheckavaimihybeforeoruec
JBL continually strives to update and improve existing product, as well as create new ones. The specifications
and constructions details in this and related JBL publications are therefore subject to change without prior notice.
H A Harman International Company