Jbl Studio Monitors 1980 Catalog
This is the 6 pages manual for Jbl Studio Monitors 1980 Catalog.
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Extracted text from Jbl Studio Monitors 1980 Catalog (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Design Theory
JBL studio monitors reflect the very
latest developments in acoustic engi-
neering, They provide the accuracy,
durability. and versatility reqUired in pro-
fessional installations - with substantial
extra capacity available to deal With the
Because all artistic judgments of ref
cordings are made subjectively through
studio monitor loudspeakers. the quality
of the monitors is oi vital importance to
the recording process. Data and experi»
ence acquired through a long and inti-
mate involvement with the recording
industry have prowded JBL with a
thorough knowledge of the require-
ments for a quality studio monitor. Every
JBL model is designed to these criteria.
Wide Bandwidth, JBL monitors have
the widest possible bandmdth. while
retaining suflicient sensitivity to be prac-
tical in use, Good low frequency
response is necessary for the engineer
to accurately gauge the bass content
of the music; extended high frequency
response ensures accurate reproduc-
tion ot the harmonics that give each
instrument its distinctive timbre
Flat Frequency Response, The fre-
quency response of a JBL monitor is
flat as well as wide. The engineer can
add equalization to adapt the monitor
to a particular environment (or personal
' taste); however. equalization should not
be considered as a substitute for loude
speaker quality.
High Power Handling Capability To
accurately reproduce the dynamic
range of music. and to withstand the
strenuous demands ot the studio envi-
ronment. JBL monitors are built to
accommodate massive power input
Because reserve amplifier headroom is
also important, JBL monitors combine
high sensitivity with this power handling
High SPL Capability JBL studio
monitors achieve high sound pressure
leveis with low distortion. to ensure that
. valid analytical evaluations of musical
material may be made. The SPL capa-
bilities of all JBL monitors are sufficient
for their intended applications.
Wide Dispersion Angie, Uniform
response through a wide, specified dis»
persion angle must be maintained lithis
angle is too narrow or the response is
not uniform. the studio engineer may
have his working area greatly restricted:
in addition, imaging may be unstable,
and proper physical location of the
monitors will be difficult to achieve