Jbl 2446 h brochure
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Extracted text from jbl 2446 h brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Professional Series
Key Features:
)100 watts continuous program
at 500 Hz
>150 watts continuous program at
1 kHz and higher
V Coherent Wave phasing plug design
for increased highnfrequency output
>100 mm (4 in) pure titanium dia7
phragm with radialirib topology
and patented threeidimensional
diamond pattern suspension
} 100 mm (4 in) edgewound
aluminum voice coil
D 4) mm (2 in) throat exit diameter
The model 2446H/J is a professional
quality highnfrequency compression
driver that incorporates JBLs newly
developed Coherent \Cave phasing
plug as well as a pure titanium dian
phragm with radial ribs and patented
threendimensional diamond pattern
The Coherent \Wave phasing plug
assembly consists of four diencast
annular aperture structures of con,
stant path length to provide miphase
combining of diaphragm output at the
drivers exit. This optimized configun
ration allows coherent summation of
acoustical power up to much higher
frequencies than afforded by earlier
The diaphragm design includes
jBLs exclusive threendimensional
diamond pattern surroundl which
reduces membrane stresses in the
diaphragm support structure and
extends diaphragm life. The depth of
the diamond pattern is closely con,
trolled during the manufacturing
process to provide predictable fre7
quencies for the 2nd and 3rd normal
resonance modes and for the basic
suspension resonance mode. The
diaphragm also incorporates a series
of embossed radial reinforcing ribs
that increase diaphragm stiffness. This
diaphragm, when combined with
the Coherent \Wave phasing plug,
increases the 2446H/Js output in
the 5 kHz to 21) kHz range.
11 s Pittin 144,324,312 initign pittnn priming
Ihroat Diameter:
49 mm «2 in)
244611 8 ohms
2446] 16 ohms
0 ohms (11). 12 ohms (1) @ klla
Nominal Impedance:
Minimum Impedance:
Dc Re 4.5 ohms (11), 85 ohms (J) t 10% @ 25
Power 100 \i' continuous program above 300 112
150 \X' continuous program above 1 kHz
Sensitivity: 111 dB SPL, 1 \i @ 1 m Unraxis on horn2
118 dB SPL, 1 m\{' on planCrwavc tube3
Nominal Efficiency: 30% (500 117 to 2.5 kllz)
Frequtncy Range: 500 112 to 20 kllz
Recommended Crossover: 500 112 or higher, 12 dB/oetave minimum
Diaphragm: 0.05 mm (0.002 in) pure titanium
Voice Coil D1ameter: 100 mm (4 in)
Voice Co1l Material: Edvewound aluminum ribbon
Flux Density: 1.9 T (19000 gauss)
Bl Factor: 12." (11) N/A
18 (1) N/A
Positne voltage to black terminal gives diaphragm monon toward the phasmg plug
Dimensions: 255 mm (91/. in) tiininctti
151 mm (51mm) depth
Mountinv: Four 9/4720 threaded holes, 90° apart on 101.6 mm (4 in) diameter
Net \C'eight: 13.8 kg (30% lb)
:rmntmnmii plrigriim it titiintti in 5 a1; gain», thin tnnnmimn pint mint inn it n tiiiittnnmt C\prtss1m\ 01 mt-
tmmtintti t '4me m hintiit» minim tpttth nti mimt pinginm nmttnii (onnnuous pink mitt pmvti imp .nt» tuna
mm pint mint» mpni hiring .i 6 dB um iitni. mm .1 luglirpihs rim-t m it mt tpttititii lrmtr limiting tttqntnti 1m n10
1mm tiuriinrin
istntimin mtntinta mm 1 \v Input at 1 m tinnintt on .m. tmm mt» immm nt n hum mm 1: Q at r»; intrigued In m- 2 111,
ntmit hunti
.\t tpttititti 1:1 ntiigm/ttt .n dmds (gum/Minus, «Lnsilnln is mtitnitii mm mt- timt-t titnpitti N) .i ttmnnnttd mitt»
Tlu 1131. t timin mung ILPILNLHH mt» m. u .i 25 mm 11 In) rtrm . t1 rubt Ming .t 1 m\\ input \1gnnl 1012 v um) 10
ninm, twtpi 1mm 5110 11/ m 25 01/ The \Clhmilll mm ti 1 \\ input mum in in tin gum
1111. tmmnniiii magi-t in nttnitn nuttd n) pinion. inmmitmtm NL nhnLnill», piiitintmm methods, ind tittign
itnntmtm in» mmniiittti mm tmtmg pmtintn immit notitt it .i mnmit tvpnmmi 01 iiw phiinmpm [or mil
immin. nm tnittnt 71111. protluu mi, mm in mint- ntpttt hon) 1h mimnhtti titttnpmm 1m 111 nimm Lqunl or mtttti
th (nigmiil dwgn \pLLiHLuHUHa Imluss iimtmm \mttti
Page 2
D 2446H/J Compression Driver
High temperature Voice coil former materials and adhes
sives enable the 2446H/J to handle extremely high power
levels over extended periods of time The voice coils
themselves are identical to previous JBL models, so that
impedance and network matching will be the same. After
manufacture, the frequency response of each driver is
tested for conformity to JBLS rigid performance standards
The model 2446H/J is ruggedly constructed to withstand
the rigors of both fixed and transportable commercial
applications All cast parts and machined tolerances are
held to the same levels traditionally associated with JBL
designs. The JBL manufacturing process also permits the
use of rim centered rather than pin mounted diaphragms,
for instant interchangeability and ease of field service.
Architectural Specifications:
The compression driver shall consist of a ferrite magnet structure
\Vith all magnetic assembly parts machined from east or extruded
billet stock. The phasing plug shall be assembled of concentric horns
of equal path length to eliminate case cancellations, and it shall be
coupled to a tapered throat. The diaphragm shall be 0.05 mm (0.002
in) pure titanium pneuniari'eally drawn to shape and embossed with
radial reinforcing ribs to increase stiffness. High frequency response
shall be controlled through the use of a threesdimensional suspension
structure. The voice coil shall be edgewound aluminum ribbon of not
less than 100 mm (4 in) diameter, operating in a magnetic field of not
less than 1.9 tesla (19,000 gauss).
Performance specifications for a typical production unit shall he as
follows: Measured sensitivity with a 1 mW input on a 25 mm (1 in)
terminated tube, aveiaged from 500 Hz to 2.5 kHz, shall be at least 118
dB SPL. Measured sensitivity with a 1 \\" input at a 1 m distance on axis
from the mouth of a horn with a Q of 6.3 averaged in the 2 kHz octave
band shall be at least 111 dB SPL. As an indication of electromechanical
conversion efficiency, the B1 factor shall be at least 18 newtons per
ampere. Frequency response, measured on a terminated tube, shall
be flat within it 1 dB from 500 Hz to 3.3 kHz, with (i dB/octave rollsoff
above that point. Nominal impedance shall be 8 [16] ohms and power
capacity shall he at least 100 watts normal speech or music program
The compression driver shall be the jBL Model 244611[]]. Other
drivers will be considered for equivalency provided that submitted
data from a recognized independent test laboratory verify that the
above performance specifications are met.
i é'i
Im.B on I n
(275nm _
49 22:
u-is/isi ' ' i841)
4 HOLES (1/32) -' l
Response on JBL 2380A FlatsFront BisRadiallHorn
sPL as (re 20 uFa)
Frequency in H!
Frequency response of the 2446] coupled to a _]BL 2380A FlateFront
BisRadial Horn, measured onsaxis at a distance of 1 meter with a
lswatt (4.0 V rms) input in a reflectionsfree environment, with
impedance vs. frequency curve. A horn with a pure exponential flare,
such as typical radial horn designs, will exhibit greater highefrequency
output onsaxis at the expense of lose angmlar coverage.
Response on Plane Wave Terminated Tube
m mm
a i.
g m g
54 .
e E
in e
120 §
. - , l
100 MD 10000 20000
Frequency ln H1
Frequency response and impedance modulus of Model 2446]
coupled to as 49 mm (2 in) tube, with sensitivity referred to a 25 mm
(1 in) tube. This is the power response of the transducer, and is the
frequency response that will be obtained on a true fullsrange constant
direeri'viry horn design, such as jBLs 2360 series of constant coverage
BisRadial horns.
JBL Professional
8500 Balboa Boulevard, PiOi Box 2200
Northridge, California 91329 U.S.l\i $4491?
H \ iirmAn international (.(lmpiinl io/w,