Janszen z 900 brochure
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Extracted text from janszen z 900 brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
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speaker system
Perhaps the world's most definitive speaker system,
the 24300 affords cleaner, more natural sound repro-
duction over a wider frequency range than any
speaker system yet developed , . , regardless of
price or size.
From this admittedly strung statement, you can
appreciate that the Z-900 is truly a perfectionists
speaker ystem. Its comparatively small physical
size belies aural capabilities than can be appreciated
in rooms of all sizes when used in conjunction with
todays finest electronic equipment.
Because its multiple speaker elementsisix in
all~are driven so far below their maximum capa-
bilities, the 2-900 is virtually devoid of all forms
of distortion at any listening level. The result is
a spectacular extension of the delicately trans-
parent clarity, precise definition. and tremendous
frequency range that have long been hallmarks
of the renowned JansZen Electrostatic and our
companion model 350 dynamics.
"Sound Without Fury"
Page 2
Two model 350D cone woofers integrally sealed in a
fiberglass-filled enclosure together with four JansZen
130 Electrostatic radiators, power supply, and high-
pass filter.
Frequency Ila-co: 20 Hz to beyond 30,000 Hz
Manet Stnctlre: 10,000 gauss over a 5/ 16" gap length
Crossover llatwlrli: LRc higlwaas filter for electrostatic only. Me-
chanical roll~oll on woofers. Very broad crossover
region. 800-2000 lit, for pariect blending of woof-
ers to tweeter.
lupus-ca: 8 ohms.
Ilia-mum] lllspmlon: Memes.
mm Cord Input: 100130 volts, 5060 cycles Ac, 3-watts drain.
(Operates an internal, solid slate power supply
that furnishes bias power to the electrostatic
Comploos loudspeaker system yuarsntud for two (2) full years.
llodel Flllsl Afliugllill Ilst
(Slightly his or in the west)
2-900 0W Oiled Walnut $39195
weights and dimensions
overall nlsmlm
llet Helm Shula; Helm (ll 1 II I ll)
80 lbs. 110 lbs.
_ y 28 x 31%" x 15%"
36.3 lillos 45.6 kilos
The 2-900 uses twice the number of woo/61's
and twice the number of mid-high rungs speaker
components of any other JansZen system. But,
by themselves these components are only par-
tially responsible [or the amazing authenticity
achieved by the 2-900 with any program
source. This realism is the direct result of
many years of experimentation with crossover
regions, electrostatic driving power, cone downg-
ina, enclosure construction, plus countless su -
tier factors-all aimed at achievcing a. perfect
blend between all speaker components.
The clean. uncolored treble of the 2-900 is
reproduced by four JansZen Series 180 Elec-
trostatic mid-high range radiators which are
matched to within :1 db. Each electrostatic
radiator contains 176 push-pull sheathed con-
ductors. Mounted in opposing arrays, these
conductors provide uniform forces to laterally
move the eight. sensitive diaphragms with the
same amplitude and in the same phase over
their entire surfaces. Like ideal acoustic is-
tons, the diaphragms behave as if they ad
neither atifiness nor mass-in short, as if they
were not there at all. In the console cabinet,
these four electrostatic elements are arrayed so
they project high frequencies properly over a
broad axis.
$00 dynamic lanslon 13o electrostatic radiator
(2 In used in the 1430) (A an used in the 1-900)
Low frequencies are reproduced by two of
our Model 350D dynamic woofers-the only
cone woofers specifically-designed to match
the low distortion, transparent characteristics
of the JansZen Electrostatic. In the 2-900,
this remarkable woofer design has been fur-
ther refined to provide optimum, peak-free
response when sealed in the console cabinet.
The light-mass cone of the woofer is eficctively
weighted at the apex to give smooth roll-off
above 2,000 cycles without the intrusion of
transienbdegrading crossovers. A flexible rim
of foam-treated cloth attaches the cone to the
cast aluminum frame and allows )6" piston-
like cone excursions without breakup or doub<
ling at any fr uency. This unique cone is so
perfectly contra led by a 10,000 gauss magnet
structure that it will handle musical powers
up to 100 watts.
J ' incorporating designs by Arthur A. Janszen
ans en made exclusively by NESHAMINY ELECTRONIC CORP, Furlong, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 18976
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