Janszen z 412 hp brochure
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Extracted text from janszen z 412 hp brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
The myriad of companies-
manufacturing: hi I]: firhrlify xpnakr/rx
.wr'ms to he limit 5.3, and ((10,!
mnmauy, including oursclrm,
cehcnlcntly claiming that their product
i.\' the only accurate rcprorluccr.
It mun be confusing tryin to decide
which .5 eakrr syxtem mil glue
the big um I er of acourary in
relation to prict. We would not
he so pretentious as to say that Jansxn
Electmxtatic ix the only "ultimatt~
reproclucer, There are other companies
milking cl retrastatics that (Immu-
consicler'atmn. There are econ some
dynamic systems that came close
to the electrostatic: But, we believe
that it is- aenerally accepted among
knmulrdgeahh' people and technical
experts, that by the laws of oh 1;
it is not pom-ihle for any spea 1 other
than the e . IUA'lulit; to achieve the
ultimate ,Loal accurate reproduction.
Janice/n uax the original electrostatic
manufacturer in the United States.
and holds 1hr mainr base patents on
rdtt'th'lu/imm Jausu'u lulu rh'm'l»
(med and manufactured r'll-Utroxtatic
loudspeakers {or over 20 years.
canvlderabiy anger than anyone else
in the industry.
\Vt' it'll that our elettraflaiicy
offer to the serinns lirtener. a level
of sophistication. manufacturing,v
ttehnolflfly. (Ital pmforumucr thai ix
Itmociatetl will: the Montreal
cxcr'llenct' of a speaker system that
away xiritre for. but fi'll accomplish.
Fidelity mm Efficiency
All Janszen Electrostatic systems are
classified in the generally accepted
term low cficirmcy". T10 reason for
aw czhcicncy and the considerable
advantages of it are often times
misunderstood and wrought with
There is only one reason for making
(my speaker system (electrostatic or
dynamic) lou: efficiency: enhanced low
frequency reTonse. This is true in
all Janxzen E ectrm'tafic systems, since
the sensitivity (7] the electrwiutiv
arm can be set at whatever level
we r mire.
'ithout gmngintn a long and technical
dissertation. .mfiice it to say that in a
[Jinan . .alrincl, lmt; frequency
res-pom! is unrlisputably in direct
relation to efficiency. The higher the
clhnicntnj, if. the la. amplifier
power the woofer takes, the poorer
the low frequency response. F or
clarification. low frequency response
extends. by drfinitx'on, to the point
when the woofer in a given sized
enclosure achieves resonance and falls
oil rapidly thereafter.
We must admit that there is one
advantage to high efliciency systems,
rolumo. If loudness is a] more
importance to the listener than accurafl
hase response, then a high efficiency
dem'gn should be chosen. For inmmcc,
if a small amplifier is used, my 15
watts or less. and a lot of no umr is
desired. we would probably be forced
to recommend a high efiicienct
xyuem, since it would serve t it
function well. However, if optima lun's
response is desired and ' the am lificr
is at h as! 20 walla par c annel, the
listener has no other choice than to
choose a low efficiency system.
Additionally, if .wdhcienl am )lifim
paurrrr ix nnailahlr', the low . Clancy
.vysrcm mn, at least, equal the
loudness capability of most high
efficiency systems.
The hard. cold factx are that the direct
sacrifice for rfiicicncy ix low frequency
response, PERIOD. This is a
cmnpmmise that we at launch are
unwilling to make. Unfartunatelt ,
acme listeners are initially more
impremd with certain high cfiicienoy
systems because of their brute force
sensatimlalism. However. we, feel the
serious lixtent'r will see thrmlah this
misuse of acoustic? and ultimately
choose one of ours or one of several
other good low efficiency systems.
Design Philosophy
The design criteria behind every
lamnm Electrostatic sneaker system
is identical. We do not build ksscr
uahty speakers at lower prices. Thr-
(itferencex between the three modelx
described in this bulletin arc subtle,
and are related to the cabinet. low
frequency cut- point, ower
handling capabi flies on . in the case of
the 2-412 HP. midrange characteristics.
The basic sonic characteristicx of all
three models are virtually the same
and should be considered only on
the basis of maximum sound premire
lll el required in a given size mom,
and allra-lmc-trequmuj pewter
handling capabilities.