Hohner symphonie d98 owner manual
This is the 10 pages manual for hohner symphonie d98 owner manual.
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Extracted text from hohner symphonie d98 owner manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
annluuded fl'uln www Manual ib com lnunuu
You are now lhe proud owner ola
Congramlalluns on laklng an lmpob
lanl slep lomrd an exclllng, expane
dmg world olmuslcal pleasure and
5!!an l
lnlroducnon a
Developmenl of the HOHNER Symphonre Dlgllal Organs a
Speculeauon , HOHN'ER Symphonle D98 4
Organ layoul a
Prehmmary maners 7
Keyboards Pedalboaxd ano Organ range 3
Flame posture 9
Swell pedal 2
Pedal board leehmoue 9
Symnhsnle D 93 Sounds (Flutes smngs and Presels) IO
smphnnle D as Eheels (swam Reverb Percusamn, Vlbiamy Flure Amazon 13
Ensemble Genera) Presel lo Lower Memory,
Swell Pedal Eheela. Hohnerchord, Mono L Mono ll
and Panamenm]
Raglsuahon 15
Rnylhm um| (Rhflhml Tempo, Volume, Key S|dzLans13n) ls
Aulo aowrnpammenl (Anangeur, Groups l + ll Key Sled Chord Recogmlimn 11
Arneoglo. slnole Flngen Memory)
Parlonnanee ml: the Axlangeux ls
Hmls on General Care 19
'eulch engine
a . n We hope Lhal you wdl
nnd a lol oIJoy and relaxanon wnh
your new SYMPHONIE D as
The SYMPHONIE: D 53 offers a
superb array ulconxmslmg sounds
and areas made oossunle by umis
zlng «he very laxesx lecnnolooy ln
lael, al your Ilngemps ls a whole
new wand DI cleauve sell expres-
sion Wllh renewed emnymem
whenever you su down lo play'
Fol lhe more experlenced player
the SYMPHONIE D 93 ml he pam»
eularly EDDIEClated because olus
loglcal layoux. excepllonal lone
quallry m all names and not leasl or
all lhe marvellously wrde range or
sounds avauahle al such a reaso-
nable once.
The SYMPHONIE D 93 may ol
course, represanl your very lusl
home uxgan purchase soeelal
allennon has been gwen m us
design In ensure mar rhe
SYMPHONIE D 93 can he played
moldy. nul mnsrymsly , lhls LS
made posslble by me mcluswn ol
all me very lalest easy'play [ealur
res Slmllarlyr aare has been laken
|D mclude m nus manual some haslc
lnIDrmalIDn lha| we blow WLU he
relevanl ro any luau-lime buyer
Howeyen lhls manual s mlended
only as an im|¥a|gu|de to the
SYMPHONE D98 You: organ dea~
ler will be happy m recommend a
sullabie course of Oman human 0
meel your own requuemenls
In lhe meanhnle. we Wish yuu manV
happy hours ahead
Development OF the
Eleclronles has heena word rn eon-
lure wnn slnce lhe hegmmng ol rhe
presenl Century k eame to mean
he (echnique ol using lowVvallage
cunenl menus. soldered logemer
and made oLII ol leslstoxs sander»
sers eleelronre valves and lalel
lranslslora Coloured wuss mined
«he VaIIDus elemenla al lhe clrcun
logexher, and a| lhal lune a meal
varlery olvalves and olher eleclro
nlc elemenls were needed lo pm-
duee sounds electronically The
specuum olsound ablalned lhrough
lne lone generalor Is named afier
(he use posslhle em yolhle on
l Sme Wave (addnwe unnelple)
2 Square Wave rovemne .rleh
specxrum sublracuve PImCYPQJl and
a Saleooxh [ravenous -nch spee
lmm,suolracuye prlnclplel A nor
mal elecuonlc organ cl ladall
euulhped wuh yarled ellesls would
assume glam pmponions lf bull!
wllh rhe lechnlque onhal lune The
valyes and olherelemenls neeese
aary lo produce sound wauld
exceed me capacny nl a luqoemaul
luny Arounn 1950 lo place onhe
mass nl cables came lhe aonduclor
nlale wlln me pnnled cucuu board
bul H was only aflenhe dlsoavery of
lhe lranslslor and subsequenlly lhe
\nleglmed clrcuil that a mass DI
yarlnus electronic runonons could
he chvenienLIy grouped logelher
Aller slx years ol mearcn and
developmenn we succeeded wnh
and D as m nrlnomq am a worldlusl
m sound producllon. namely dlgllal
lnnal sy'nLhesis his made poeslble
by he Mlcxavmocessoz wnn n
beng me [0mm Generallon or
eleclmmcs . aflez the elecuonlc
valve, me lranslslor and rhe mle'
graled cucuu
ll s only smce lhe hegmmng snne
Slxnes 131 we have heard the word
mlcm-eleclmmcs. Ihal L5 0 BY
slnee n was poslble lo house all
file 6131112an Ufa Cucufl A Erfilsmls.
reslswrs and condensezs r rmclos
oopically in only a lew square muh-
meues olslhcnn oryslal The varlous
elements and connections bemeen
|hem are merelore made in he
same manuraclurlng process These
mleqraled cucldls are lhe result
rherelore ol the meal dellcale
All lhe ellecls and posslbllllxa ol
D as N and D as were un|ll now
only ayauahle on larger- and
eonespondlnoly dearer , organs
The new lechnloue now develoned
by ourselm means you have More
lo Play and less lo Pay'