Hohner cembalet n schematic

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hohner cembalet n schematic

Extracted text from hohner cembalet n schematic (Ocr-read)

Page 1

anzeidten: Dax Vibrato setzt aus.
Ursadme: Wenn es nidit dos Versagen eines Beuteiles

in der Blinkschaltung ist, 2.8. eines Elkass

HOHNER-Cembalet N

hereto future:

46125 ulnar

8 30 C 500

AC I25


dann lzann man mit ziemlicher Sidierheit on-
nehmen, dot} das Birndten delelrt ist.

Abhille: Auswedtseln des Birnchens tav, 100 mA.
Ein Ersatzbirnchen liegt im Plastilzbeutel bei.
new m
107 mm M 125




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Provided by: CIavinet.Com
General Servicing Instructions

This electronic musical instrument with certain mechanical
features, has at normal size piano keys with a 5 octave
range (C-c""). Attractively designed in wood, the legs
screw oil tor easy tronsportability. The lid serves as a
music stand when opened.

Volume Control

Degrees of volume are controlled by the lootswell which
covers a wide range lrom pianissimo to lorte. By adiusting
the tone regulator on the amplifier, the required tonal
balance can be achieved. The vibrato switch on the right
hand side of the instrument provides additional enrich-

Tone Reproduction

A suitable amplifier has to be used in coniunction with the
Hohner Cembalet N and we recommend for this purpose
the specially constructed amplifier C? which can be sus-
pended underneath the Cembalet N, or alternatively a
Hohner Orgaphon amplifier can be used. The Hohner Orga-
Phon 75M will 0'30 Wit admirably, moreover the Com-

balet N may be used in coniunction with a good radio set.
The Orgaphon 25 MH as well as the amplifier C? can be
set lor record playing, whereby the Cembalet N may be
played simultaneously to give melodic accompaniment
to a rhythm record or rhythm ocompaniment to recorded

Erecting the instrument

Avoid letting the lid toll open badxwards when unpacking
the Cembalet N. As a safeguard it is~best to lad: the lid
but to leave it unlocked for transport. To attach the legs.
turn the instrument upside down.

Alter inserting the legs and tightening up the milled screw.
attach the brass rod supplied (Fig. 2). ,
The diode plug for the loot swell has to be inserted in the
socket provided (7, Fig. 4). The output sodtefs oi the Cem-
balet N are on the bad: frame, suitably merited.

Two brackets are supplied with the amplifier CP and have
to be fixed with the milled screws supplied to the underside
6 the instrument.

Place the instrument on its legs and place the amplifier CP
0" '0 the guides beneath the Cembolel N.