Heathkit HD 1416 Manual
This is the 42 pages manual for Heathkit HD 1416 Manual.
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Extracted text from Heathkit HD 1416 Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 7
No. Component No. Each
#6 Hardware
(0/ 4 5-32 x 1/4 screw 250-56 .05
(I 7 6-32 nut 252-3 .05
( \I/ 6 #6 lockwasher 254-1 .05
(VI/ 1 #6 solder lug 259-1 .05
Other Hardware
1% 2 #4 x 3/3 self-tapping 250-186 105
I \/ 2 Control nut 252-7 .05
I \4/ 2 Control flat washer 253-10 .05
( VI 2 Control lockwasher 254-4 ,05
I I 1 8132 x 1/4 setscrew 250-43 .05
4/ 1 Black wire 344-90 .05
(9/ 1 Red wire 34492 .05
(\/ 1 2N5249A 417213 03 1.30
( 1/ 2 MPSAZO 417-301 01,02 .25
Page 14
r1732 NUT
r2732 NUI ®
Refer to Pictorial 4 for the following steps.
(J Flefer to Detail 4A and install a binding post base at A on the lettered side
of the front panel. Use two binding post bushings, a #6 lockwasher, a #6
solder lug, and two 6-32 nuts. Position the flat side of the binding post
base as shown. Tighten the first nut securely before you install the solder
lug and second nut on the binding post. Make sure the binding post base is
seated in the binding post bushing.
(NJ Refer to Detail 4B and mount a phone jack at C Use a control lockwasher,
a control flat washer, and a control nut. Position the phone jack contacts
as shown in Pictorial 4 before you tighten the control nut.
(\l Refer to Detail 4C and mount the 25 km control at D. Use a control Dem" 4A
lockwasher, a control flat washer, and a control nut. Position the three
lugs as shown in Pictorial 4 before you tighten the control nut.
Page 41
Please provide complete information when you request re»
placements troni either the tamory or Heath Electronic Cen-
ters. Be certain to include the HEATH pannurnberexecrly as it
appears in the parts list.
Replacement parts are maintained specilically to repair Heath
products. Parts sales lor other reasons will he declined.
Print all oi the intcrmation requested on the parts order term
lumished with this product and mail It to Heath. For telephone
orders (parts only] dial are 9G2-3571t it you are unable to
locate an order term, write us a letter or card including'
I Heath part number.
I Model numbsr
- Date ol purchase.
I Location purchased or invoice number.
I Nature oi the detect
I Your payment or authorization tor COD shipment ol parts
not covered by warranty.
Matt letters to: Heath Company
Benton Harbor
MI 49022
Attri: Parts Replacement
Retain original parts until you receive replacements.
Pl!!! Ihlt would be returned to me rectory will be "IN
on your packing slip.
For your convenience. "over the counter" replacement parts
are available from the Heath Electronic Centers listed in your
catalog. Be sure to bring in the original part and purchase
invoice when you request a warranty replacement from a
Heath Electronic Center.
Need help with your kit? Sell-Service? A Construction? -
Operation" ~ call or write tor assistance. you'll iinti ourTecl1<
nicai Consultants eager to help with lust about any technical
problem except "customizing lor unique applications
The attentiveness at our consultation service depends on the
lulonnatlon you lumish fissure to tell us:
I The Model number and Series number horn the blue and
white label.
I The date at purchase.
I An exact description or the ditflculty.
I Everything you have done in attempting to correct the prob-
Also include switch positions. connections to other units.
operating procedures. voltage readings. and any other infor-
mation you think might be helplul.
Pie-u do not send parts tor testing, unless this is soectti-
catty requestedrby our Consultants.
Hints: Telephone tratiic is lightest at midweek - please be
sure your Manual and notes are on hand when you call.
Heathliil Electronic Center lacllities are also available tor telr
phone or "walk-in" personal assistance.
Service lecllities are available. it they are needed. to repair
your completed kit (Kits that have been modtiled. soldered
with pasta flux or acid core solder. cannot be accepted ior
II It ll convenient, personally deliver your kit to a Hecthkli
Electronic Center. For warranty parts replacement. lup-
pty a copy or the Invoice or "tel slip.
ll you preier to ship your kit to the lacipry. attach a letter
containing the lollcwing inlormation directly to the unit:
I Your name andaddress.
' Dale oi purchase and Invoice number.
0 Quotes at all correspondence relevant to the service at the
0 A hriei description oi the diiiicutty.
I Authorization to return your kit COD lor the service and
shipping charges. (This will reduce the possibility cl delay.)
Check the equipment to see that all screws and parts are
secured. (Do not include any wooden cabinets or color televi-
sion picture tubes. as these are easily damaged in shipment.
Do not include the kit Manual.) Place the equipment in a strong
canon with at least THREE lNCHEs oireszlleni packing mate
rial (shredded paper. excelsior. etc.) on all sides. Use eddi-
lio'n'éi packing material where there are protrusions (control
sticker large knobs etc). it the unit weighs over 151bs.. place
this carton in another one with 314 ct packing material bet»
wash the two.
Seal the canon with reinforced gurnrned tape. tie it with a
strong cord. and mark-it "Fragile" an at least two sides. Fie-
member. the carrier will not accept liability tor shipping dam-
age it the unit is insufficiently packed. Ship try prepaid express.
United Parcel Service. or insured Parcel Post to:
Heath Company
Service Department
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022