Hartke ha 4000 owners manual
This is the 45 pages manual for hartke ha 4000 owners manual.
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Extracted text from hartke ha 4000 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
HA3000 / HAADOO Features 4
Guided Trim 5
HAGOOO From Panel 5
HASDOO Rear Panel 6
HA4DOO From Panel 7
HA4DOO Rear Panel 9
Selling Up and Using Your HA3000 / Hum: 11
Using Equalization and Shape 13
Specilicalians 45
innodueiion 15
Caraclérisiiques IG
Visiie guidee 17
Face avam du HA3000 17
Face aniere du lumen 19
Face avam du HA4ODO 19
Face arriere du HA4000 21
Paramelrage el ulilisaliun de volre HA3000 I HA4000 23
Specilicalions 45
Einieiiung 25
Sysiemnievkmaie 26
Ubersichl 27
Vorderseite des HA3000 27
Rlickseile des HAQODO 28
Vorderseite des HA4ODO 29
Rlickseile des HA4000 31
Einslellung und Eedienung Ihres HA3000 I HA4DOO 33
Technische Dalen 45
Introduccién 35
Caraclerlsicas 36
Visila Guiada 37
Cara delanlera del HA3000 37
Cara lrasera del HA3000 38
Cara delanlera del HA4000 39
Cara lrasera del HA4000 41
Inslalacic'm y utililacién de su HASDOO / HAMJOO 43
Especilicaciones 45
Produced by On The Flight Wavelength lcr Samson Technologies Corp.
Copyrighl 1998, Samson Technologies Corp.
Printed September, 1998
Samson Technologies Corp.
575 Undernill Blvd.
F.O. Box 9031
Syossel, NY 1179179031
Phone: 178007378AMSON (17800737276766)
Fax: 51673643888