Harman kardon citation brochure
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Extracted text from harman kardon citation brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 1
MIor the stke cI music and ow demanding love 00 it. '
Page 2
Slew Hagan-fl filament w-s nude when Ihe fink
Clmdfln lmli-uinenlx were nix-opined. Since iii» dine
Cimion liu indeed uhievad reooguuon u "1h: ullinlnu
in high fidelity design," The 'Cilillion Sound' hm been
minimal by audio lulhmih'u everywhm. (See our
Winn HnnmnAKnrdon decided In manninclun high
fidelity kiu filer: Wu one obied : build [be my in.
11in: requiml im enyntering pmicd gimp of unique
nlnnr ind 611mm. it uliu involved impoaing no lirnlnr-
uaui of price nr my other marketing mmidmiionl upon
the enginncring sump. memnnnm wutheuniyR-ndud.
Today cunnon Li tsubiished u the am sound It»
producing aquipnienl in air world, And now, lhe origiml
Citafion line in been cull-lam] in pmvidc o wider com
on the mainline! who will with lot nothing ks iii-n the
Tho Citation Prompliflan
All 0! the nzw Citation inmumonu refled hrlllinnl
angina-in; ledlniqucs inimd uniy in rlio aim prom.
slonul cquipmgnL The Cliuuan pimnpliiinrs in flexible,
usy nu anemia and pivvlde n0 coiomdon of [heir own In
any law-m mulelill
Buih Cilaiinn pmmpiiiifls (I nnd IV) comm gunfi-
lily pl n gimp a! cirruir block. in-nml main" and
'panive" networks. Active naworks irwonwmle Ihz vuc-
unm nib: rind iumlxh amplification; prism moth
unruia oi minim Illd condemals .nd pmvide preciir
equalization. The circull Hacks Ill miuliy awn-lad
in uni: pmmpiifim, The mm mm rrr bum!
in one or two single unplificuiion unlu, il-l am In on-
timely wide ("quay lung: nnd ml. one of «we nei-
Wk: u sumnded with . iorrlbrclr loop. win mun. in
[wait 0] diatom»- no law at to prom mmumrlble. ll
inhibit: phase shik lhmugillml the entire Audible range
ind pray-rm flanges in perform-not due in lube using.
The punive mks are mnnructed with precision owni-
pun-nu And on dun-m lor nu'nunuin pilue shifi
Noihing ilu been umlmkcd in the design of Lb!
Ci liun I Ind IV preamplifier: All preamplifier iii-menu
on DC healed ind low only: resin" m- used in urine-ll
phm in induce [harm-I nail-(ion and hum. Contmis Int
mulled in logical mp: 00 {ldlihte operation. Knobs
m ipm'licdly duiyied for ease of run No mprmniu
has been mile in the design at maintaini- of dihu
1h. lulu 6' ion Kin rnpnulll [or in. are nu»
inn/u! culmination a) year: a] rumrch nnA
mumm- lo MIN." "It rim-mu in high
ys design.
S'rzwm chuus DIRECM or lsclxmmc,
urn-on m mum nnnnnx mmou. . c.
Th. Citauon Polio: Amplifier-
Audio criminal: In ileqwullly asked: Why :1:de
cquiplnenl which an npruillue sound well beyond an
audible range? Audio angina: luv: diswvumd thin the
chnmduifliu 0 an rnrp rr ln [he mnalldihie rung:
mm influznm the quality of mud in Ihe audible
lirquuney range. This cm be dimiwercd in mfiml iiiifll-
in; new when in. mun rnnninl {w ml. amplifier
up be muolledi The lniormolinn Innind in those mm
ii dimdiy xvi-led in the uiiilmie claim: 0 the amplifier.
Cibnflm. lor example. will produce irequeneirs I! low
I: 5 cydu virtually will-mu phue shin. 'i'hii main in
- xighl and clearly defined law fmucncy respome. ii Ill
ampiifiers high immcy mpom is Iinuwd in slightly
nbovc ihe Ilmlu of nlidihility. il inny hnvu n lmldnncy
rmd xiridell! mpflulucflmi mid poor alumni-non of
imlmmellls in [hm higher uvennm. 0n the other had.
rile Giulio" iunplmnr 4n nlldV) which love . freqnmcy
Mm heyimd 100,000 cycle! without my wide-um nf
ringing or instability oiicr deal and hump-rent lone
quality in Ihc highs! nudibic Imam}
The kid! [he degree oi icedbndi-Illd Rh: consequent
lower dimnirln-ln In unplifier. the more apparent ill
lmpnwemcnl in mild qnniily 0nd (in: ml" du- reduc-
tion in 11mm i-dguo. In lhc Cimion unplilien sped-l
techniques have been dmiaped In increase rin demo: of
feedback an in: most logical min-d ivrlawuing dlilorrion
without naifldng nubilliy, Thir vault: in II dinom'ou
Rdncdon inclotol Ml! ION/L
To rnninurin ill: nihiliiy of nrnplilien cmying n Ii1w
inquenw «nos behw 2 cyclgp, the power supply rnun
meet vary ipednl minim-minis in [ms of regulniim and
law mum linpednnw. Thur mquimnonu were met in
[he Clio-ion u ind v by nung a iilioon metifizr voltage
doublet Lireuil. This circuil nun udvmllflgmouly of the
law imam] lmpednnue oi the lilim notifier: but who of
pnwiding [he may mginhtiull and rum unpedonm.
Special output minimum Wm daiylcd no coke ud-
vmlle of the bmlul humi duality. By minimizing the
luknge indudnnm Ind distribmed cupid!!! uf rlie [trim-
airy linlm zlic mom: {1:un oi ennui-animus luv.
been nixed in the 270 KC range. The M" Mm
utilizing the highm gull: mic maltrhll, lawns are
eflocx oi mu distortion due to magnetizing cumin! In n
mp'on well below the limit oi humu- hearing.
Tin: me ul than wed-i wipul Moms-s in com
junction with video puke amplifier irdlniquos pain"
Iiininlml oi- ileqnency ruponueovcnwoomm Ibavc
.nri inflow the nnnmi rung: ni hum-n honing,
Tha Wham We! Ill napkin. min-1w 0!
than)»: mm,hhimflawucvdnv¢um