Harman kardon a 200
This is the 4 pages manual for harman kardon a 200.
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Extracted text from harman kardon a 200 (Ocr-read)
Page 1
0% 9%
Alter munching the Guidz. inspcct it (Are-
ruuy rm my sign! of a... 1-. tunait. 'mr
unit was bigoted to Innr impacting and um
ml um. uh-11y and. If nay damn: is
visible, unify the rnnuwrntion cum 1:
chuck rh; car-mm or the meme carefullv.
Von llwuld find:
l mu, fluid A4»
I Inumzim Buckle!
1 Ian-mu Card
I: is scrunch mad an: xix urn-m curd In
cwpknd Ind nailed vithwl delay. to arm:
ymr right; undsr {he wlffanly. It you thank]
requiu rep-iv service Dr infumnf'xm an the In:
a! the Dalia. we will b; ml: to ldtntify your
uni: imdhuly. a Fume quickly.
Thu [trunk-dun Ear-nil: int-tick, bull!
into (E: Guida, ecu-prize: all the autumn: re-
quired fur ths Huts! In Ache-Free local AK
retention. In luxurian mm rmd fru- Delm-
uolinn are. In outdour tum: my be re-
quir-d. m: mum cumin-z or - .515 um.
I: long a. in run-mahly audit-1, luau-i any
10-! hr]: metal thiacts. hour living a! ale!»
"in: unhinerv- Camus one end :o the m
landfill. of the ma t:nnin:l strip on the
an of tha ch
7 ml
A mart langtn ui ordinary wire. muted to
an and umd nun] prev: ndeqmze b.
no install-(ions. A loop as .m. lpprmi-
unruly 36 inches lung. connected balvzcn 'RA
and 'G" and um mm. m can. .211 prove
useful in incur-ling 1h: "letting af swriouu
aimlll. In mm urn-mm requiring n :1.
tern-1 PM antenna, conmuin should be nd
have 'Ki And 'RM'. A sinllt dink will be
ultu]. Ilhcn Dtlkimx to be neeived Ar: lacuna
In apposite diracriona fra- ear)- ozllotr. H. um-
directXm-l divala lhuuld be uuzd if the sn~
(inns Ire locncd in disuerlud dlrcctlom. .I.
folded dipole Inrlmn will! reflector Kill wru-
vidc maxim: ziflciency Ind my inflame the
lumber of distant PM BKIIAMS ywr A-ll. can
Plug (In waver cord Into nnv outlet furnish-
Eng 1" '01", an nu lam-u curl-ant. he
an: ":1an is rcluiwly uni-porn, Ind .1
can! Ml-een Ill! Ind 11!. 1: pure. hmlIzr.
u... m. um so «:1: Ac pmr. For -ny in-
auuuiona, auch u nu. :h: mm! Modal
Clue hours", it will b: um cmunianc. fra-
... upcrnimnl will: as View. to am the pum-
cord cf EM Glide into :11: canvauience outlets
nmidgd m Hun n-plificr alt-uh. '0': uncl-
uu man In harm! on or eff I11 uh: Ilplflier
pa." "itch.
520 MAIN SIREE'I, W'ESTBURVE l. |.., N. Y,
Page 2
cum... m; Aumon; circuix drh unm- a.
Fuller-Scalay Dil(rini:nntm'. Autumti: Fre-
qmney Conlml - 1.er Nail: Fran: Mud mandolin:
of Tris-dc Grounded Amplific-r 3nd Triad: like".
he swung-"min; um. AVC and Ferrilu
Sen-Minn.- M E nicrmolt! for In db nuizc.
im 3 lizrwult: (w 20 at: Quintin:- m:
Ian-Arum ll) nicruvnlutmcczr; Tcmuul semi.
cirity 20 llerwulu.
laundry: in ma KC bandwidth: no db dawn.
III! 5 I0: hwdnidflu 6 it down. FM Maui-inner
put to pen upmum :11 lo;
In nay nan: RH: IL! In All Elli-1650 IE.
"I flrlll: is ac In.
In Ill-«(loin N 3|) dh. AM: 10 db.
1! aural-m m 70 am AM: an :11).
An mu Inn-ID FM: 3 ulna. All: "nil!- in la!
uni s Ferritc loopacic: plus Min inycu'mc:
terminal Ior :xternll lnlennn.
Buntflcnl [can this I human-8: an El. [435
than I5 harmonic far up tn '3 mod on AM.
Irnqvaney hum..- m: m M, in lo M, nan
up. 8. including ""de 1: micro- second de-
m 1 db 2|) to Lana cam.
nu. Lrwl.» 5n d1: halal Im. Isoéulltion.
cum: 1.... Re 15 rain for um modulation,
I wait for J nudnlnim. m I van ("an).
cum: Inna-nu Iligh iupcdlnce
C-ne 1-: (rural 2) Funttion lm.u-m.ru)
and Tuniulmnur! AH: detru.
Conunilngt Gull-E: l Ac mmpucla nu dug-i.
rur, cmlrullsd by paler witch.
run. an Annu- (Toni: 7) 2- A17. 1- am,
mus, 2.55m, 41:. 5.1mm: mum".
Mun-inun- 9-51' lida x 1- 0' high x 9-1/2~
deay (including trifle leopaclek - no: includ-
ing knobs)
Paul can "mm In watts
Smut folfh': 8 lbs.
uni-h.- cums "d ax-rename. brushed copper -
Dilplly plus] for rscucchcan 1nd um: um
bin-k - Edu lighted diaL 3115!: yellow Ind.
hurt-um Ilnl-Iu: (a) Cmmtemlghzgd liming
Central. (1:) AFC Hefelk lumped by dcpranina
mung inch im- cent" alumni tuninu. (c) Hizh
imprdnca phmo inwh
or! nut-n: (I) Fm: up muunsiaa or Guid:
per-ink. without special precautim.
flfllflllL ABIiSSOIIES
(.3 mm: Chg: [Hudul tun-2) mm. in nuk-
in. hnuhed (upper, furnished with mounting
fax-1].": Ind inatrucfiml.
[bl Bus: finiahld ancutclmon alulible an
mi-1 mm.
(c) Bnu fin-Md n3: Ivnlable an spacial
(:11 Vertically alibi-and dial zlau xnjhhls
m. spacial "an.
I: nrnnt and. Gfldr. Ihdgl A-NW not: fun inn 6:-
Each: 1.. mm.) .ua -m.....ns, udzr ml use ".4
.min, m: n. ma... mu. m coadkimu herein-
balm !" ion-ch, far I pzrind cf 90 11.": hm due of
dglilur m (be orlslul Wren-er. and up
..., I. at ,m mum: Lo
m. ImmipurLlKhm pmplld uni or
.u an In: La our uzn man u have
been (has defect Th1 Ilrrxlty d I not incl-uh
In: 1.5 n lei bk u m, urn-n: .nm.
urn m an. "Find or pared a. lull! my Io - in
our jug-m (a aimr in munity or rel'nhlllly no»
lllch his but lubilue to "In". nil-ma, abuse. .31}-
|em u neeiden: nor uhlth bu ma rm um! umber
Iknrlfl, «tn-5. rennet. Neither mu «hi, "r.
mnu Apply to my in-truunr which n... In nun-crud
mknni- chm :- tannin um: (he inslrneflm: rur.
.d-Md by \ .
nu air 7 h mgr-1y 1n 1;... or .11 other up
expruu m ilplil, ma .4 .11 am.- «my.
lhhlljuu m nur um Ind v: mach" mun
a: other perm. :a
m dgtectnl' MIN: voltlle
F i AM Jelultivity
M dived-Ilium»
(in net: riltlu