Harman kardon a 200 owners manual
This is the 4 pages manual for harman kardon a 200 owners manual.
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Extracted text from harman kardon a 200 owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
(9% jab?
After uruxlclillu the Guide. inspect it can:-
fully for my signs of LII-sac in trnnsit. Your
unit Inn» suhieered to any inspectims and (tau,
and then nrefullv picked. If any damage is
vilihle, notify the tnneportatiun cc-mny at
Check the content: of the picture carefully.
You lhould find:
I Tuner. Ml A-IOO
I lnltruct'mn Booklet
I Err-nty Curd
It is utrunaly urged the the Inrnnty curd be
eta-clued and nailed Iithout delay. to protect
your rights under the werrenty. If you should
rmuxre repiir service or information In the nine
of the Guide. we till he. lhl¢ to identify your
unit immediately. Ind respond quickly.
The Hamn-Knrdan cerlnic loopetnck. built
into the Guide. connrise: all the enter-ml re-
quired for tht fine" in noise-free local AM
reception. In locntimu more remand frol metro-
politan truth. In outdoor antenna lay be re-
quired. This should Conant of a Jingle vire.
as long an in mnsmably nrlcticnl. lonted uny
from lnrge metal obuects. pacer lino-,1 or elec-
trical uchlnery. Connect one end to the Ml
tar-incl of the ANTWA terminal stut- on the
rear of [he chleeis.
A short leaxth 0 ord'mtry Irire. cnruaeeted to
the tern-inn] nerked RI vull more edequite in
lui! instill-nous. A luou of wire. Ipprcni-
lately 3 Inchcu long. connected have"! P"
end 'G' And hung inside the cabinet will prove
useful in men-nut: the reiectiot: of swuuouo
slwlll. In those eitu-tiuno requ-ring in ex-
ternal PM Intennn. connection should be rude
bet-een "G and 'W. A single dipole will he
uedul Illcll sullen: to be recent-i ere located
in opposite direction; ful etch other. A non~
directialul dipole should he uled if the an-
(ion; are lac-ted in disneraed dirtrtlona. A
folded dipole antenna with reflector will pro-
vide mxunul efficiency end my increnu the
number of distant PM ant-time your A-IDO can
Plug the power cord into any outlet furnish-
ing 7 volts. 60 cycles house current. The
exact rult-ge is rel-tivcly uni-porn, end my
vary between 105 end 115. Be sure. horrever.
thet you here 50 cycle AC puller. For any m-
fitlllllioni, auch I! with the HWY Model
CIOO Amplifier, it will be more cmvenlent, fre-
nn operation-l point of view. to plug the poser
cord of the Guide into the convenience outlets
provided on the lelllr chews". The tuner
Illl then he turned on or a by the t-plifier
poser twitch.
Page 2
Che-II Bl: Anetron; circuit Iitt Liniter l
Falter-Sneley Dilcrilinntor. Autmti: Fre-
quency Control - lav Noiwe Prune End consisting
of Triode Grounded Amplifier end Triode liner.
AI Seperheterodyne with A.V.C. Ind Ferrite
Sen-ulvlty: 5 licrowoltl for 30 db Quitt-
ing; 3 licruvoltl for 10 db nuietim. AI: loop
wenwitiwity I0 Iicrovoltelmterg Teneinnl unsi-
tivity 10 nicmnlu.
Selectivity! m 100 n: bandwidth: 6 db dawn.
Alt 0 KC Width: db dawn. Bl Discri-inetor
peek to peek nutrition J73 KC.
Frequency llnln: m: Ih-IO. KI. AI 510-1650 E.
n on! n.- t! In an.
lune Rejection: m 30 db. AI: 3. db.
1! ton-anon III: 70 db. AM: 30 db.
Amen-I lnpwr: HI: 3 ob. All Milt-in low
noiee ferrite loop-tick plea high inpedence
terninnl for extern-l Intern-I.
muoyuon: uu thln Ii her-mic on H. lees
than H her-unit for up to I and. on All.
Iraq-rune, Deepen-e: PM: 2 db 3. to 10,000
c.p.l. including standard 75 nicro-etcand de-
Mk I db 10 to 5.000 up...
Nun level: 60 db below I. Mull-tin.
Output huh M 25 volte for IBM nodal-tin,
l volt for J neduletim. Alt I volt ("are").
Output laudenowr High inpndlncn .
Conn-In.- (Total 3) Function (Mull-FIJI!)
end halal-ounce" AFC deftet.
Convenience Dull-l: l AC "apt-ale on CHI-Ii.
rear. controlled by power twitch.
Yule Conrlo-e-Il (Tot-ll 7) Z-IIA'U, l-OII'A.
l-OMO, Limb, l-MU. Selenium Rectifier.
Marni-n.- 9-5/I' wide I 1-H" high 1 9-1/2
deep (including ferrite loopetick - not includ-
ing tnobe).
Pew" eon-pun: 50 ent-
sum" "um: I lbs.
Il-iwh: u-uie end ueutcheon: bruehed copper -
Diepley panel for eecnteheon Ind hello: wette
bleck - Edge lighted diel glue: yellow end
'nnelienel reel-rel: (n) Cainterweighted mm.
Control. (5) All: defeet achieved by depressing
tuning knob for center channel tunings (c) High
impede-ct gin-Io input.
nehl Inn-I (I) Flee Ip mounting of Guide
permissible without epeciel preceution.
(I) *tel Cage (Nodal AC-Z) finilhed in Itch-
in. bra-bed copper, furniehed with mounting
bud-ere end inetreetient.
(b) Irene finlthed eecntchcon avail-Isle on
epeciel order.
(c) In finished cege enileble on special
(11) Vertically tnlibnted dill lIII null-hie
m wpecinl order.
It nrrunt and Geile. Ml A-IW babe free fin de-
fect- in uteri Ind nerhmehip under ear-l uee end
urviu. end in mend-nee with the condition! herein
halo- eer Cent. for - perid e! N den hoe due a!
delivery to the origin! purthuer. Ind III'II to "-
pllu wr npir any prt or prtl returned to II lithln
aid 9. kn. with (mlpemtin would. Ind which wur
enuinetien eh-ll diulue to our "till-cum to heve
been the defective. This arr-wry do" not include
(In labor, nor in it unlit-hie to my i etn-eet which
etell here hee- repircd or altered in 1 -y to II in
per lull-eat to like: it: euhility or reliability nor
which he be- subject to qlett. nil-u, than. we.-
[em or eceident nor whitl Int Md the "rial n-ber
liter-d, offend. er mowed. [Either the [hit wer-
renty ugly to lay lnltr-ut whith hlw been connected
Otherwiwe then in eeeenhnee with the instruction: flu-
elehed in II.
hie werrenty is expreuly in lieu of ill ether wer-
rentin. exert-I Bf inplitd, end el ell other oblige-
ti-ue er liebilitlee on our um. end we neither III-l
nor anther-in any rlpnwe-tetive er ochtr person to
nun-e ler n II] other liability in emtiwn Iith the
tile of the lad-l A4. (hide.
Ti 1 I ___ . *-
l _
l 0
mum-tum W
"m-rmzrmj t
PM detector output ultue
HI I All selectivity
.-ea num- urn-1 not. w u
N diecri-leetor
din ncte tilt ic-