Harman kardon a 10 schematic

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harman kardon a 10 schematic

Extracted text from harman kardon a 10 schematic (Ocr-read)

Page 1

3A., Air,

Modol A-iO .,


Model AIO
Douriptlon List Prim
Eleni-Glynn, Cap. lNTIODUClION
0 "ml/375 volts It is essential you read this instruction book aniully lot-furr- setting up your
30 mldf325 01 high fidelity system. You have invested in a fine instrument into which many ex-
100 mid-"25 "0' £230 ccllcnt engineering dcvckrpments have hem incorporated. and each is important
ContmL Bass LOO for the proper operation of your swtcm. This booklet has lice written in non-
CODmL Tmbk 1!!) tochuical language and if you will take the time to read it tint hetero doing any
Switch. Function 1-50 thing else. you will find it simple to obtain optimum perfomunce from yum
Transformer, Power 18.00 Harman Kardon unit.
Exiim 0mm" 25 unucxmo
Knob WEWhite Line 5 1311:!) J5 After unpacking thtc Allegro. Model A-lO, inspect it carefully for signs of
Knob .. hitc Line. ' ' '15 damage in transitnTliis unit was suhiected to nun-y impcr'tiom and tests prior
instruction Book . 50 to final par-king and it, therefore. should be in perfect condition. if damage is
Mounting Temphtc 25 visible, notify your dealer at once. it the unit was shipped to you. notify the
Control. Volume 5 Switch 140 transportation company immediately
Cage 6.00 Check the contents of the carton carefully and inspect the folds of the
' packing material before discarding it.
_ The package should contain:

n-Kardon high fidelity instrumcnto incorporate advanced production 1 Allegro, \iodel A-lO amplifier.

as well as advanced dmiit features. They reflect the highest statc of 1 Instruction Booklet.

II. audio equipment. We hope your unit provides you with many hours 1 Warranty Curd.

: enjoyment. 1 Mounting Template.

Iustomcr Service Department is maintained to answer your wont-- wnum

'0! High Fidelity and 0 main: recommendation I appropriate it is strongly urged that the warranty card he mmplcted and mailed with-

acccssoriel. Please let-l free it! write witlmut obligation. out delay, to protect your rights under warranty. These. cards are carefully filed

for reference and should you require information on the list. of this high fidelity
unit or repair SPndcc. we will he able to immediately entity your set and re-
spond quickly.

it is necessary to receive factory authorizatinn More returning in set for
warranty repair. We will suggest a warranty station in your area and give you
the proper procedure and authorization for shipping. I

570 MAIN STREET \tc warrant each Allegro, Model :\-10 to he tree from detects in mtcrial
WESTBURY. L|.. N-Y. and workmanship under normal use and sen-ice, and in accordance with the

"55 Harmon-Kama, Inc, 520 Main Strut, Westhary, l. l., N. Y.