Grundig Studio 2000 C Owners Manual

This is the 11 pages manual for Grundig Studio 2000 C Owners Manual.
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Grundig Studio 2000 C Owners Manual

Extracted text from Grundig Studio 2000 C Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2


Wechselachse des elngebauten Platten-
spieiers vor SchIIeBen der Abdeckhaube
herausziehen. um ems Beechadigung
der Haube zu vermelden.

In det Ruckselte des Studio 2000 (In Néhe
der Buchsen) konnen Wechselachse ozw,
Stitt fur Einzelspiel und Puck des Flatten-
spielers Untergebmcht warden. Es sind
dort Klemmhalterungen fur diese Teile vor
gegeben (siehe auch Abbl|dung Seite 3).

lhr wertvolles Gerat darf sicher die glelche
sorgiéltige Behandlung beanspruchen. die
Sle auch lhren Mdbeln angedeihen lassen
Grofle Hitze oder Feuchtigkeit vermeiden.

Gehause nur mit weichem. staubbindendem
Lappen reinigen. Ketne scharten Polier-
oder Reinlgungsmittel verwendan.

Achten Ste bitte darauf. dafl lhr Fachhéndler
die belllegende GHUNDIG GAHANTlE-
ordnungsgeméfs austulit.

impoun- Hlnut

The changer spindle of the built-in record
changer must be removed before closing
cover It not. the cover of the Studio might
be damaged.

On the rear oi the Studio. near the
connecting sockets. you will find clamps to
affix the changer spindle. single play spindle
and "Puck" of the record player (see also
illustration on page 3).

Please treat the cabinet of your Studio 2000
just as you would treat your furniture.

Protect it against moisture and heat, Sudden
changes in temperature or moisture could
cause parts of the cabinet to warp so please
keep your set in a weltvantiiated room and
in a position which is not too close to open
fires. radiators or other heaters.

Attention Clean cabinet only with soft
duster. Do not use abrasive polishes or


Enlevev I'exe changeur du tourne-disques
incorporé event do farmer is couvercle pour
évitsr que Ie couvercle salt endommage'i

A larriére du Studio, pres des prises de
raccordement. vous trouverez des pinces
pour y fixer I'axe court. l'axe changeur at [e
«Puck du tourneedisques (voir fig. en

page a).

Votre precieux appareil a certainement droit
aux mémes bons soins que le reste de votre
mobilier. chaleur excessive ou humidité
sent a eviter. Velller a ce que les cartes de
controls at de garantie solent dument
remplles par Ie revenduer,

Attention: Nettoyer Iébénisterie a l'aide
dun chiifon dcux antipoussiére. a l'exclusion
de tout prodult de polissage

indicate-i W

Dopo luso togliere l'asta del cambiadischi
per evitare che il coperchio. mentre lo sl
chiude, urti e si danneggi,

Sul panneilo posteriore dello Studio 2000
(in prossirnita delle prese) possono essere
fissati Iasta, ll perno (per l'ascolto del disco
singolo) ed ll centrino. A tale scope l'ap-
parecchio é provvisio di apposite molle di
fissagio (vedere la tigura a mg 3).
All'apparecchio vanno risewate le stesse
cure che si hanno per gll altri mobili di case:
evitare quindi i| forte riecaldamento e
l'umidita. Pulire i| mobile eoltanto con un
panno morbido. In nessun case devono
eseere usate sostanze abrasive o lucidanti