Grundig ST 2000 Owners Manual

This is the 22 pages manual for Grundig ST 2000 Owners Manual.
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Grundig ST 2000 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Grundig ST 2000 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

Zur Booming

lhr wertvolles Gerét dad sloher dle glelohe
sorgliltlge Behandlung beansprud'len, dla
Sie such Ihren Mfibeln angedelhen lessen:
GroBe Hilze odor Feuchtlgkel! vermelden.
GehAuse nur mlt waldlem, staubblndendem
Lappen relnigon. Kelne soharlen Pollar-
oder Helnlgungsmlttel verwendenl

Die Deuteme Bundesposl madt! daraul
aulmerksam, daB dle .Allgemelne Ton- und
Fernseh-Rundlunkgenehmlgung" nur zum
Errlmten und Batreiben von Ton- bzwr
Femeeh-Rundfunkempllngem bereohllgt. Es
dunen damn nur Sendungen do: Rund-
lunks emplanqarl warden. Andero Sendun-
gen dlgegen nlmt.


Thls valuable tuner obviously deserves lhe
same careful treatment you glve your lumi-
ture. It should therefore not be subiected
to excesslvo heat or dampness. The cabl-
net should only be cloaned wlth a soft cloth
which ploks up dust and no strong pallshes
or oleanlnn wanes should be used.

The German Federal Postal Authorities
draw your attentlon to the lac: that 'Gener-
al Sound and TV»Rudlo Llcence emlllee
you only to install and to operate sound,
TV and rndla recelvers. Only radla tranr
mlselonn and no other klnd ol lransmle-
alone may be ,recelved by means of these

Avll Important!

Votre preclaux gpparell a certalnement
drolt aux memes solns que lo rests de
votre moblller: dlnleur excesslve et huml-
one sent a évlter. Les lentes d'aérallon he
dolvent en nucun cas étre obstrueas. Net-
tayer l'ebénlsterle a l'ulde d'un ohltlon
doux antlpousslere. a l'exclusion de loul
nulre prodult de polluege.


Le service do: pastes at telecommunica-
tlons Illernand lei! remarquer que l« auto-
rlsallon generate concamant In redlodlffu-
alon o! la telévlslon - donne seulemenl la
drolt d'utllleer do: recepteura de redlodlf-
fusion at de momma aux uulas fin: de
recevolr des emlseluns do radio.


Per la sue buonu conserveziane, nature
I'apparecchio con le slesse cure due el
henna per gll altrl moblll della case. To-
narlo lonlano de lonll dl eccossivo Galore
9 dl umldlta e pullrlo solameme con un
panno morbldo ovllarrdo prodottl corroslvi.

tendon: (vale solo per la Repuhblloa
Federals Tedeeca).

Le Posle Federal! Tedesdle ricordano one
Is tessa sulle rudloaudlzlonl da il dlrltto
allascolto del soll programml umclall.


Dll weardevolle apparsat may zekar op
delellde zorgvuldlge behandellng ann-
spraak maken zoals um bllvoorheeld met
uw meubels het geval ls: grole hltte ol
vodltlgheld vermljden. De ltast alleen met
eon zachle atoldoek sdroonmaken. Geen
scheme pollloer- of sohoonmaukmiddelen


Su valloso apnrato liene deredlo. sln du-
do, a lo: mlsrnas cuidados que el resto de
su moblllarlo: el celor exceslvo y la hume-
dad deben evltarse. Le llmpieza del mueble
so hard can ayuda do un pallo suave, eb-
sorbenle del polvo y no deberén utlllzarse
pullmentoe o productos de Ilmpleza tuer-