Genesis digital lens brochure

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genesis digital lens brochure

Extracted text from genesis digital lens brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 2

0967/6375 H DIGITAL LENS

Through a combination of technical advances, unique to the Digital Lens

the full potential of digital audio replay can finally be realized.

I is commonly accepted that by separating the CD Transport from the D/A Converter, the level of performance of
each of those components can be maximized. Additionally, it is understood that the full advantage of the
increase in accuracy is certainly limited, and even ohscurretl, by the problems which are associated with the

usual interfacing of those two components with each other.

The Genesis Digital Lens is placed between the output of a digital source and the input of a D/A Converter or
Digital Recorder. The Digital Lens has the revolutionary capability to eliminate the jitter inherent in all digital
sources, to correct for transport speed anomalies, and to be programmed to increase the perceived resolution of
the digital signal.

Using the Digital Lens in your system, you will realize an increase in the speed of transients, achieve a more
powerful and defined bass, improve the front to back depth, and while the overall sound will become more spa-
cious, individual instruments and voices within that space will simultaneously become more specific in their loca-

Digital Source. The Digital Lens will accept the digital output from any CD Transport, Laser Disc player, DAT
machines and digital satellite broadcasts Digital inputs on the Lens include AES/EBU (XLR), Coax (RC/\l, Coax
(BNC), Toslink and ST (glass).

SPDIF Decoder. The SPDIF format (Sony-Phil]ips-Digital-lnter-Facei is the standard by which all data are transmit,
ted from one component to another. Encoded in a single stream of data are many separate pieces of information

including music, timing data (the elapsed time of each track), and the master clock sig-
nal VVlIl( h, just like a musical metronome, keeps all of the electronics operating togeth-

er. The decoder's function is to separate the many pieces of information from the single
SPUIF data stream.

Memory. The Digital Lens has the same type of memory as

your home computer. The Lens employs half a megabyte SPDIF
of a type of memory referred to as RAM (Random-Access- $2331: Digital Music lnlormation
Memory). Once separated from all the other information Decoder

necessary to run a digital audio system, the music is stored

in the memory of the Lens in pure form. The memory is

necessary for several reasons.

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